Biden Proposing 5% Cap on Housing Rents

Nor can they afford to rent a house, or even a small apartment, wherein median rents range from $1500/mo to $3000/mo.

Nor can businesses keep up with sales cut down to bare bones, due to the reduction of disposable income in the community, due to massively increased housing rents. What previously would have been $$$$$$$$$$$ being spent on furniture, cars, sporting goods, clothes, etc is now going to extreme rents.
You’re preaching to the choir here. I know a business owner who is struggling tremendously after the coronavirus lockdowns

And I’ve also seen some Democrats on the US message board brag about the “equity” of their home value going up…. They will admonish or make fun of working class Americans who cannot afford a home right now. It’s a prime example of partisan politics because if they sell their home, they’re going to have to buy a new one at a higher rate.

The current housing situation is a disgrace to the World War II generation and to what America used to be. And I only hope that things improve and the price of homes for both owning and renting come down. Because this is unsustainable.
And when the landlords can no longer afford those buildings because they lose money, is it going to be the government that comes in and takes control? Oh boy, how is that healthcare doing since Obammy took over?
He says he is talking "specific government control" on landlords. When he gets the government control for that group, what group will he target for his NEXT government control. It is a never ending cycle.
You’re preaching to the choir here. I know a business owner who is struggling tremendously after the coronavirus lockdowns

And I’ve also seen some Democrats on the US message board brag about the “equity” of their home value going up…. They will admonish or make fun of working class Americans who cannot afford a home right now. It’s a prime example of partisan politics because if they sell their home, they’re going to have to buy a new one at a higher rate.

The current housing situation is a disgrace to the World War II generation and to what America used to be. And I only hope that things improve and the price of homes for both owning and renting come down. Because this is unsustainable.
Ain't inflation wonderful? Let's artificially raise the minimum wage on entry level jobs again. While we're at it, another attack on the fossil fuel industry should help.
Nationwide Rent Control is an incredibly stupid idea with all kinds of unintended consequences.

Not surprised that Mr. Biden would try to buy the votes of people with this kind of Atrocity.

Although I don't see where the Constitution gives the President the kind of authority to do this.
Amazing how many posters in this thread cannot see that, and instead rally themselves around the landlord culprits. Then they throw words like socialist and commie around.

No socialist or commie has evr been as much of threat and damage to US business as are these idiots, and their real estate price gouging pals.
Agreed. There’s no doubt that there are a number of landlords and business people who are criminals in my opinion. Taking advantage of a situation. They did the same thing with price gouging during the lockdowns. This is a very anti-Christian thing to do. They will pay in the afterlife for sure.

Also to your point Las Vegas, for example, used to be a wonderful place for working class people. But because of the coronavirus lockdowns and all the unnecessary stuff that came with it, I saw the price of rent in nice areas in Henderson , Nevada go from $1000 a month before the lockdowns to a 50% or 100% increase in a very short period of time . It has hit working-class people in the Las Vegas area very hard.

Their wages have not gone up with the cost-of-living increase.
Read a story several months ago, Blackrock in NY has been buying up fixer uppers and renting them to illegals through some type government incentive program.
Boomer estate homes around the country getting bought up quickly by corporations, killing the market for first time home buyers.
We have a number of illegals here in the Buffalo New York area. They’re living in hotels. And when they order food on platforms like DoorDash or from a pizza place, they never tip the delivery drivers. My friend is a pizza delivery guy for a restaurant. He’s delivered tons of orders to illegal immigrants. None of them have tipped. It’s a shame … so at least these illegal immigrants are a bad representation of south and central Americans, who are mostly Christians.

I do not blame illegal immigrants for seeking a better life. Of course the government has dropped the ball when it comes to that situation. It’s the US government fault. They don’t know what to do with the border.
And who keeps raising minimum wages again?

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In 1988 i bought my first house with a 10 3/4% interest rate. Just cant feel sorry for today's precious snowflakes. And it wasnt Florida that caused the housing costs to necessarily skyrocket, but the rich people from Californication and New Pork City, who felt that Democrap policies were too overbearing on them, so came to a tax free state. Blame the Democraps on that also.
That’s a valid point, but the big Key difference is as follows

We have record high prices in this country. And we have seen a dramatic increase in the price of homes and renting sometimes as much as 100% and a very short period of time. It’s the first time of history such thing has happened. And when you couple that with the interest rates on home loans traveling from 2% to over 6% it creates the most challenging situation for potential homebuyers in the USA in a very, very long time if not the most challenging ever.

Obviously, you’re a hard-working American. But there is also another Key point to consider. We’ve lost millions of steel and Auto jobs in the past few decades. So back in the 1960s or 1980s even it was a lot easier to get into the middle class compared to today. Studies have shown this The average 25 year-old today making around $55,000 but 40 years ago they were making around $80,000 adjusted for inflation
Something absolutely DOES have to be done. I am probably one of the harshest critics of Joe Biden and Democrat lunacy in general, but this is one scenario where Biden is on the right track on a very important issue.

Regarding the idea that rent capping stops real estate development, and the smug way many posters casually throw it in here as assumed fact, I have 2 things to say >>

1. in conjunction with a 5% rent cap, Biden is also proposing a massive input of $$$$$$$$$$ for construction of affordable housing. If posters would read the links posted, they would know that.
2. I was born in the largest population city in America (New York) in 1946, which was under rent control for a long time. I watched the city grow up all around me. High rise apartment buildings seemed to pop up everywhere. People used to complain how they blocked the view, and the sunlight.
Instead of just latching on to the common ideas floating around (much of it propaganda from the real estate industry), they may try going to New York City, and talking to older New Yorkers, who KNOW about building constrution, with or without rent control, and they will learn a few things.
At least all of us agree on opposing DEI and BLM lunacy… when I say all of us, I mean the Trump supporters in this thread. If it wasn’t for anti-American ism and pro-BLM attitudes from the Democrats, I would certainly vote for them.

And I agree Joe Biden is doing a great thing here at least wrt the rent issue. Even if people disagree with him, he is bringing up what is surely the most important issue in this country it’s the cost-of-living. And this is the type of leadership that Democrats used to bring to the table 75 years ago. I mean this is what it’s all about here. This is the American dream. The idea of if you work hard enough, you will be able to afford a nice house. Not by the way some apartment no a house. Where you can raise a family and send the kids to college. That also would lead to people producing families and having Christian community values. Well, today we have a bunch of drug addicts in the country with corporations and even politicians supporting drugs., filth, pornography, naked men dancing in the streets, abortion celebrated that’s what we have in American today.

On the other hand back in the day we had a country that was built on community values and great leadership. And that is what separated America from pretty much the rest of the world if you go back to the 1940s or 50s. Well back in those days people all over the world looked at America said wow what an amazing country people can build their own house and have a good life.
You know when the brown turd Obammy thought that the government should take over the College Tuition Loans, did that help the average American? If you allow the government to control the free market, soon that market is going to punish you.

Except that "The Projects" were tried before and ended up as a major disaster for crimes, drugs and the complete destruction of the nuclear family. And if Joe Bribem really cared, he would show solidarity with the poor and put up units in Martha's Vineyard, but he wont.
To be fair, we need some kind of regulations in our society. Now when somebody brings up the serious issue of housing being extremely high in price in America well We need to figure out a solution. If rent caps ain’t the way then something else has to be figured it out like bringing back the steel industry.

Again, it seems like all of us at least the Trump supporters in this thread Don’t agree with the far left wing fanaticism of being pro BLM, anti-white racism and all that stuff.

The point is that we do need regulation and laws in our society. That doesn’t mean the government is controlling everything. But they’re always has to be some level of a government or authority. For example, if we didn’t have that then child sexual abuse would be legal. Imagine that. Because that is the world we live in there are some terrible people in this world who if they had the power, they would sell children or they would basically have slaves if they could.

So that’s the truth if it was allowed there’s no doubt that bad people would gain power in the real estate industry and make things even worse than it is today. So they have to be checked by a higher authority.

Historically I believe that Christian values coupled with American patriotism have led to the USA having a strong middle-class at least that’s what we had in the middle of the 20th century. I believe that today our politicians are not as good as they used to be, and they are more bought off by corporate elites, and a lot of politicians are not talking about the serious issue of high cost-of-living in the country today. Instead They bombard us with foreign wars or race division
The government is nowhere near controlling OR DAMAGING the free market and us businesses, as much as the real estate industry is doing. They have already put thousands of businesses out of business (including some national chains), and those of us that are still in business, we are suffering major sales reductions.

The government can be of assistance to us in this situation.
Yes, 100%. And I am also reminded of the greedy nursing home owners . They have jacked up prices for their elderly residents. They’re driving around in Corvettes and Ferraris while the older population of this country is suffering Including World War II veterans.

I believe this is all happening because of a downfall of Christian values in the USA. We’re seeing all sorts of filth in this country anti-American ism, nonsense and lies about “white supremacy”, legalization of drugs throughout the country, people celebrating abortion. Less people having community values. And so this will of course lead to a rise in greed.

The problem is the government of today in large part is not influenced by pro Americanism or Christian values. They’re doing things like legalizing marijuana all over the place, celebrating abortion, they’re bought off by real estate tycoons or bad business leaders. We also used to have great business leaders in American history people who became very rich, but also built up the community. So we have a lot of work to do in this country.
Price caps provide no incentives for investment in new properties. Why would a landlord invest in new property/residents when their return on investment would be nil?

Utter bullshit. They've had rent control in NY city for many years and there's still new construction.
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That’s a valid point, but the big Key difference is as follows

We have record high prices in this country. And we have seen a dramatic increase in the price of homes and renting sometimes as much as 100% and a very short period of time. It’s the first time of history such thing has happened. And when you couple that with the interest rates on home loans traveling from 2% to over 6% it creates the most challenging situation for potential homebuyers in the USA in a very, very long time if not the most challenging ever.

Obviously, you’re a hard-working American. But there is also another Key point to consider. We’ve lost millions of steel and Auto jobs in the past few decades. So back in the 1960s or 1980s even it was a lot easier to get into the middle class compared to today. Studies have shown this The average 25 year-old today making around $55,000 but 40 years ago they were making around $80,000 adjusted for inflation
We’ve lost millions of steel and Auto jobs in the past few decades. So back in the 1960s or 1980s even it was a lot easier to get into the middle class compared to today.
Whose environmental regulations were the ones that chased those jobs overseas? A friend wants to know.
That is absolutely the FIRST thing to do, Then, the damage needs to be repaired. Mass deportations, outrageous inflation, weed out woke lunacy, and all thus >>

I agree totally. When you bring in 10s of millions of diseased criminal aliens, they need the resources that law abiding citizens need, thus driving up costs for everything, especially healthcare. They get free medical services walking into an ER. Someone has to pick up the tab or else the hospital closes.
To be fair, we need some kind of regulations in our society. Now when somebody brings up the serious issue of housing being extremely high in price in America well We need to figure out a solution. If rent caps ain’t the way then something else has to be figured it out like bringing back the steel industry.

Again, it seems like all of us at least the Trump supporters in this thread Don’t agree with the far left wing fanaticism of being pro BLM, anti-white racism and all that stuff.

The point is that we do need regulation and laws in our society. That doesn’t mean the government is controlling everything. But they’re always has to be some level of a government or authority. For example, if we didn’t have that then child sexual abuse would be legal. Imagine that. Because that is the world we live in there are some terrible people in this world who if they had the power, they would sell children or they would basically have slaves if they could.

So that’s the truth if it was allowed there’s no doubt that bad people would gain power in the real estate industry and make things even worse than it is today. So they have to be checked by a higher authority.

Historically I believe that Christian values coupled with American patriotism have led to the USA having a strong middle-class at least that’s what we had in the middle of the 20th century. I believe that today our politicians are not as good as they used to be, and they are more bought off by corporate elites, and a lot of politicians are not talking about the serious issue of high cost-of-living in the country today. Instead They bombard us with foreign wars or race division
In his 2024 Platform (Chapter 4, # 1), Trump does talk about housing affordability, but the paragraph only addresses home ownership, not renting.
He would be wrong if he said that. Apartment buildings & complexes in every state, are owned by landlords in other states. No industry is more interstate than real estate
It’s a State by Stste issue. In fact it’s an issue the Government shouldn’t be involved in at all. Like almost everything else.
Then you and those others, made very poor life decisions, relying on others to take care of you. I have relied on my skills to create a wealth management that enables me not to be a minimum wage guy anymore, living a very comfortable lifestyle. Take some risks and the rewards can make life easier.

Taking risks involves moving beyond the status quo to take advantage of new opportunities and gain more rewards. This often requires overcoming our personal emotions and sacrificing time, energy, and even money to create a better life. Being a risk taker doesn’t mean you are reckless–when you take calculated risks.

Why Risk-Taking Will Help You Achieve Goals | Brian Tracy
After losing my entire 4 years of college to Affirmative Action discrimination, I painstakingly, learned a trade, and got skilled jobs paying better than minimum wages.

I also played guitar in a rock band, to help me through the bad times.

Later, on zero startup capital, I opened up my own business, and did quite well there. A lot of my savings got wiped out when I moved from California to Florida.

I never relied on others.
It’s a State by Stste issue. In fact it’s an issue the Government shouldn’t be involved in at all. Like almost everything else.
If government doesnt get involved, and soon, the ONLY business in America will be real estate, wth all the other closed down. Odd, how people in this thread are not getting this.They somehow are missing what's happening here.

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