JUST IN: Border Czar Kamala Harris Announces She Will Finally Visit the Border This Week Since June 2021– TRUMP RESPONDS

This is blatant desperation and the American people, especially the ones who've lost loved ones at the hands of illegals, will not forget this come election day. Trump has gone scorched earth on her since this announcement.

From Trump:

"After almost four years, Border Czar Kamala Harris has decided, for political reasons, that it’s time for her to go to our broken Southern Border. What a disgrace that she waited so long, allowing millions of people to enter our Country from prisons, mental institutions, and criminal cells all over the World, not just South America, many of those coming are terrorists, and at a level never seen before! She’s trying to con the public like she did a good job at the Border when, in fact, she has destroyed the very fabric of our Nation allowing 21 Million people in from places unknown….

"When Kamala is seen at the Border on Friday, she will pass Hundreds of Miles of Wall that was built by TRUMP, and it is Wall that WORKS... When she speaks, I hope everybody remembers that she has caused our cities, towns, and Country itself, tremendous damage, and only I can fix it!"

The polls came out yesterday on the border and she is at 35 % approval. My question is who are the dingbats that think Harris and the Democrats are doing a good job on border issues?
Harris is not and never was a Border Czar.

When you start with a lie there’s nowhere left to go
Yeah, yeah, we know all the semantics. She was called that by the blamemainstreet media, so it's not something made up by the opposition. They were all happy to call her that until she messed it up.
This is comically transparent. Total political stunt. Why didn’t she go over the past 4 years.

She is a vapid bubblehead. Perfect Dem.
She's trying to walk the line between applauding the last administration, of which she was an integral part, and proclaiming that she is bringing change for the better, from that same administration.
Then you don’t hear so well.

She was tasked with being a diplomatic envoy to Mexico and Central American governments.

Not even close to a “czar”
Stop with the lies. You will attempt to put Deplorables in concentration camps at some point. You are Communists. Marxists.
Why now, why not in 2021, 2022, 2023, and up to now in 2024?

That is roughly 1300 days. She was too busy…but now she has time? :rolleyes:

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