Biden Proposing 5% Cap on Housing Rents

Have you ignored or just been totally ignorant of the increases in prices of EVERYTHING?
Yeah ?... and what about those prices ?You think that's what makes a 1 bedrm apartment go from $600/month to $1600 in 2 years ?

If so, somebody wants to sell you a bridge in Brooklyn.
Yeah ?... and what about those prices ?You think that's what makes a 1 bedrm apartment go from $600/month to $1600 in 2 years ?

If so, somebody wants to sell you a bridge in Brooklyn.
Maybe Mr UNconcerned American wants to buy a bridge in Brooklyn. :laugh:
Fat chance. I wouldn't get within 500 miles of that shithole state. Where was it that you said you were raised? NYC? In a rent-controlled apt? I rest my case.
What"case" is that ? I havent seen you with one, since you entered this thread. :rolleyes:

And it sounds like you are disparaging the many millions of people who were raised in rent controlled apartments in New York City, as if there was something wrong with that.

Actually, it was rather cool. The high population density got people together, often, and helped to foster art & music appreciation, and skills, New York being a very culture minded place. Maybe if you had grown up there, you wouldnt be the art/music zero that you are now, :biggrin:
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After losing my entire 4 years of college to Affirmative Action discrimination, I painstakingly, learned a trade, and got skilled jobs paying better than minimum wages.

I also played guitar in a rock band, to help me through the bad times.

Later, on zero startup capital, I opened up my own business, and did quite well there. A lot of my savings got wiped out when I moved from California to Florida.

I never relied on others.
That’s the American way

This BLM/DEI nonsense is horrible for the country. It’s used to distract working class people.
It’s a State by Stste issue. In fact it’s an issue the Government shouldn’t be involved in at all. Like almost everything else.
We need to have authority. Otherwise, you would literally have real estate people buying up all the homes and then charging 50 times what the actual price should be. That’s happened in other societies in history .

This country is a dump in many ways today. We were much better in the 1950s.

Today and really for the past 30 years it has been much harder for the middle-class Americans. Today the average 25-year-old makes $55,000 a year. 40 years ago the average 25-year-old made $85,000 per year adjusted for inflation.

It is harder than ever to buy a home in America. It is also very hard to rent. Democrats of the 1950s used to resolve these issues now they’re the same as the corporate elite. And they brainwash people with race nonsense.
We have a number of illegals here in the Buffalo New York area. They’re living in hotels. And when they order food on platforms like DoorDash or from a pizza place, they never tip the delivery drivers. My friend is a pizza delivery guy for a restaurant. He’s delivered tons of orders to illegal immigrants. None of them have tipped. It’s a shame … so at least these illegal immigrants are a bad representation of south and central Americans, who are mostly Christians.

I do not blame illegal immigrants for seeking a better life. Of course the government has dropped the ball when it comes to that situation. It’s the US government fault. They don’t know what to do with the border.
Illegals don't think they should pay for anything
We need to have authority.

Slippery slope, dude. That's how you end up with a totalitarian state. First it's housing and real estate, then it's energy, then it's education, then it's everything else. The more power you cede to the gov't, the less freedom and liberty you have. And you should understand that the good ole days of the 1950s are gone for good. And they ain't coming back, what worked then won't work now.

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