Here is what Biden needs to do to give the democrats a chance

We have had global inflation

The US recovery has been stronger than anywhere in the world
Yeah, I’ve heard that Dem excuse before. There were plenty of countries with lower inflation, and I said that Biden’s policies exacerbated it.
Actually, younger than that - like to a 6-year-old who has struggled with his schoolwork, and finally took a test where he knew all the answers.

Notice Eva, I mean Dr. Jill... said Joe "answered all the questions". Careful wording, because he answered them all wrong (or unintelligibly), but he did answer them. LOL!
That’s another thing that’s so odd. I’ve had Democrats continue to insist that Biden had a successful presidency.

I just don’t get it. His policies helped skyrocket inflation to 9%, people can’t afford groceries and gas, he enriched Iran so they could continue their reign of terror, he swung open the doors to 11 million illegals, he moved up back into energy dependence, and his rhetoric is so vile that he has demonized half of all Americans.

It's their team.

They just want their team to be in charge.
You can’t ignore the fact that he showed up visibly confused.

Something that will not get better over the next four years
People at that stage of dementia, and at his age, are very unlikely to live another four years. And the end is very ugly.
You can’t ignore the fact that he showed up visibly confused.

Something that will not get better over the next four years
I don't think he showed up confused. I do think he showed up tired and that excacerbated his stammering problem. Meanwhile trump never answered one question and everything he said was a lie, but he's not called confused or cognitvely impaired? So just because he could rapidly lie means he's in good shape? C'mon, its time to stop repeating the rightwing narrative. Trump is way worse off than Biden. The MF is delusional and on top of that he's a convicted felon.
Canada, France, Germany, Sweden, Israel, China, South Korea, Taiwan, etc all have lower inflation.

We have 3 percent inflation, 15 million new jobs and a booming stock market
1) NOW we have 3 percent inflation, on top of the 9%. Groceries and gas are still unaffordable for the working and lower-middle class.

2) The 15 million new jobs are almost ALL filles by immigrants, including illegal aliens.

3) The booming stock market has little impact on the working class, who have minimal amounts invested there.

Sorry, boy….but you’re going down in November. I am more convinced than ever that we will triumph after Gd saved Trump from one of your deranged cultists. Gd has more for Trump to do, and He isn’t going to allow the SS to permit a successful murder attempt.
-5 million

You can’t count jobs the government killed.

You can’t have it both ways
1) NOW we have 3 percent inflation, on top of the 9%. Groceries and gas are still unaffordable for the working and lower-middle class.

2) The 15 million new jobs are almost ALL filles by immigrants, including illegal aliens.

3) The booming stock market has little impact on the working class, who have minimal amounts invested there.

Sorry, boy….but you’re going down in November. I am more convinced than ever that we will triumph after Gd saved Trump from one of your deranged cultists. Gd has more for Trump to do, and He isn’t going to allow the SS to permit a successful murder attempt.
Did God kill that Trump audience member?
Or was Trump more important
Canada, France, Germany, Sweden, Israel, China, South Korea, Taiwan, etc all have lower inflation.

Economy is much more than inflation

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