America Has Suffered A Lethal Blow to Its Freedoms

The First Amendment came under a brutal attack today by nonother than its Congress.

In their panic and hysteria over losing their gaslighting war to paint ANTI-war protestors as the aggressors, they've now written a LAW dictating that to criticize the ideology and/or actions of a FOREIGN country's government, is now considered hate speech and CAN be prosecuted in American courts.

That's it folks, we're screwed...........IF this is allowed to stand.

This video explains it nicely...

WHO will stand and fight against this assault on the Constitution?

WHO will stand and fight for America?

Cool. So you are good with no hate speech for death to blacks.

Lets se if you are consistent for once, Simp.


:dance: :dance: :dance:
The First Amendment came under a brutal attack today by nonother than its Congress.

In their panic and hysteria over losing their gaslighting war to paint ANTI-war protestors as the aggressors, they've now written a LAW dictating that to criticize the ideology and/or actions of a FOREIGN country's government, is now considered hate speech and CAN be prosecuted in American courts.

That's it folks, we're screwed...........IF this is allowed to stand.

This video explains it nicely...

WHO will stand and fight against this assault on the Constitution?

WHO will stand and fight for America?

So what was the senate vote and when is xiden expected to sign it? As far as I'm concerned, anyone who claims to be part of a terrorist organization should be jailed. You got a problem with that?

So what was the senate vote and when is xiden expected to sign it? As far as I'm concerned, anyone who claims to be part of a terrorist organization should be jailed. You got a problem with that?

As far as I'm concerned anyone who attacks the 1st Amendment should be jailed. You got a problem with that?
As far as I'm concerned anyone who attacks the 1st Amendment should be jailed. You got a problem with that?
Not at all, so all prosecutors of "Stop the Steal" protestors should be jailed, amirite?

After all, their goal was to exercise their 1st Amendment rights.
Not at all, so all prosecutors of "Stop the Steal" protestors should be jailed, amirite?

After all, their goal was to exercise their 1st Amendment rights.
No, but all insurrectionists should be imprisoned.
As far as I'm concerned anyone who attacks the 1st Amendment should be jailed. You got a problem with that?

You commies have been doing it for years, are you writing from prison or your little safe space?

Remember those newly fabricated lib words mis/disinformation?
Remember how Democrats were conspiring with media and social media to control said ‘information’?
Would you mind linking us to all of your posts showing your distain for such a thing… You know, just so we know we can take you serious on this matter?
Harpy Eagle
Anti-war protesters? Give me a break, they are anti-semite activists. Their selective nature of protesting one conflict while supporting the clown in Kiev proves that. How pathetic.
As far as I'm concerned anyone who attacks the 1st Amendment should be jailed. You got a problem with that?
In Europe they are arresting people for comments. Once the United States closes its last tentacles of free speech, the world is done.
Once the United States closes its last tentacles of free speech, the world is done.

Well fuck that. I, for one, intend to fight for my right to say whatever I want!

A lot of self-professed ''conservatives'' like to grandstand and act like they oppose this kind of authoritarian censorship, but from where I'm sitting, many suddenly don't seem very interested in walking the walk when they must for their own interest as a free American.
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This has been going on for years...

Everything the left hates about the Bible Belt and Christian conservatives is far more true of Muslim countries. I am confident that virtually every leftist who takes the side of the Palestinians against Israel would rather live in Israel than in any Muslim country in the world.

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