Project 2025

I heard a little bit about this from the biased left-wing media. They obviously are biased and a disgrace to the country. With their bias coverage of the BLM riots compared to January 6, for example

Anyway, I briefly looked at project 2025 The project 2025 is not at all racist from what I’ve seen. They actually want to eliminate racism including anti-white racism. They want to criminalize pornography. They want to Make abortion illegal.

There are some things I might disagree with like taking some of the funding away from Medicaid and Medicare.

Also Christian values would play more of a role in the government which is something that’s not controversial. It’s always played a part in our countries history and we are a Christian majority country. Realize that many of the charitable groups in the world are Christian based.

The lying and bad politics from Democrats is hopefully going to end. I bet some of them never even read what project 2025 is about. Apparently, Mr. Trump does not endorse project 2025 but maybe he should. Democrats make Project 2025 out as if it is something from the devil and it’s once again something they blatantly lie about. Please just educate yourself on the project itself,

TrumpProject2025 redirects to the DNC

This is a bunch of BS typed up for some democrat fever dream

Trump's platform is

That's What I said Moron......then why push the "Christian" on us?
No one pushed anything on YOU, (what is this us garbage? Have you got a crab in your pocket?) Are you trying to say that the predominant religion in the US is not Christianity? Hmm, maybe this is why our schools are failing.
Just because most of us are Christians, does not make us a Christian nation. If one day Muslims out number us do you want us to be a Muslim nation? Then stop what you are doing.

There are many of us who are not Christians. So this is not a Christian nation. We are secular nation. Or should be. I know the radical Republican judges are going to try to make us a Christian Nation.

Christian values? Like slavery and murdering indians?

Why is one state trying to put the 10 commandments in every classroom? Sounds like somehting the Heritage Foundation would be behind. Sorry, I don't want to see those 10 rules, that Trump gets to break and you still vote for him.

I don't believe in magical thinking
If and when the population of the USA is predominantly Muslim, we will then be a predominantly Muslim country just as are the 50 predominantly Muslim countries now existing in the world. The fact that not every person in most of those countries are Muslim does not change that.

One state is trying to require the 10 Commandments (which are Jewish by the way) in classrooms because the elected leaders of that state want the 10 Commandments in the classrooms. That is no different than the elected leaders of a state wanting no posting of the 10 Commandments in the classrooms. In my opinion, both positions are wrong and unconstitutional but neither have anything to do with the demographics of a country being predominately of white European heritage and predominantly Christian.
We are a majority Christian nation
Which means absolutely nothing since very few modern, American, Christians choose to be "Christ-like" in the least.
"Christian" is just a useless name tag they clip to their shirt pockets.
It doesn't really stand for anything.
2025 reminds you of Glorious Five Year Plan, Comrade?

Blow off clown. Clinton years rode it to less destruction than normally done by Commee criminal DemWitted loons.

The Contract with America was a legislative agenda advocated by the Republican Party during the 1994 congressional election campaign. Written by Newt Gingrich and Dick Armey, and in part using text from former President Ronald Reagan's 1985 State of the Union Address, the Contract detailed the actions

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