Protests, Then and Now - Note the Difference

What is stopping you, coward?
When they come do that to me, they're done. I wouldn't suggest trying it, because I will fuck you up.

Have you ever held back a mob of 50 with only 3 people?

I don't think so, and I am no coward, liar. You ever stop 3 big black boys from terrorizing a little young black guy with violence?

I did, and he loves me to death to this day. Fuck You! :fu:

It's called right and wrong, something I doubt you have a good grasp of.
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You do know, that your rights end, when they infringe upon the rights of others? You do know that?

Do you have reading comprehension issues?


I don't support illegal encampments. I don't support folks threatening others, or preventing others doing their business, going to class, etc. I don't support folks calling for violence... Naturally, if exercising one's freedom and liberty, treads upon the freedom and liberty of others? Well, that is not appropriate. . . but? Otherwise?
How many HAMAS have they killed?
Why are you asking me?

What do I care, not the point. :rolleyes:

I am not following the whole thing that closely. It is war, duh.

How many IDF did HAMAS kill on Oct. 7th?


Again, not the point of the thread, why are you derailing?
yet the rest of your post seems to support it.
Nope, you are wrong. Just because I am not in favor of destroying traditional American liberty and freedom, just to target folks I politically disagree with, does not mean I support them.

You are being simple minded and led into a trap. The same trap that the ruling oligarchy used to destroy our liberty and freedoms after 9/11.

They are dismantling this nation, piecemeal, and this, is just another part. Don't fall for it friend.

Vast majorities, on the left, AND the right, now see, that the PATRIOT ACT, and most of the garbage that the Deep State passed in the first NDAA after 2001, did more to strip Americans of their liberties, than it did to combat so-called "terrorism."
These laws were gifts to the military-industrial-complex and the Deep State. We have had not a day of peace since 2001, NOT. . . ONE. . . DAY.

Guess what? If we get enough of the 'death to America' crowd, you won't have to worry about those first amendment rights being violated because they will no longer exist.

Nope. You are watching too much fear porn, anger porn and the Mass Media propaganda, the same folks that lied to you about the war on terror, and that scamdemic. . the vast majority of Americans support Israel and loath Hamas, even young college student support Israel at something like 55%.

Only about 5 to 10 percent are motivated enough to protest, and most of those? Don't really understand the issues that much. Of that percentage, I imagine only one out of fifty of that ten percent of university kids, does not even understand/have read, the current HAMAS charter, or understand, that they have not, and will not surrender. . . so their demands for a "cease fire," are pitiful.

What is happening on university campuses is a campaign to do exactly that, they are doing far more than 'protesting'.

Nope, what is going on, is a far more nefarious agenda by the global ruling oligarchs. They have an ulterior motivation in all of this. THEY WANT folks like you, to support the destruction of our First Amendment.

I watched their meetings during the last few years. Finding ways to get the masses to demand more regulation and censorship was top most of their agenda. They want the masses to demand that STATE have the power to silence people.

Knock it off. You are playing right into the WEF and global oligarchs' plans. They would gladly fund, and use those you hate, to get you to destroy the government and nation you love, just so they can enslave you. They have been doing things like this, for longer than our nation has been on this Earth.

These agents/agitators that are being shown on your idiot box? Trust me, they are not threat to our nation. They are only being used to rouse your blood. If it bothers you? Turn off your TEE VEE and read the critical readings. Those that will give you an understanding of what really matters to us all as Americans.


From Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Jefferson Randolph, 24 November 1808​

Let the boot licking go for a while, nobody is defending anybody being held captive.
Voting for your demklan has give us the worse slaughter on Jews since hitler

Record numbers of Americans worse off

And war in Europe

You aren’t black, you’re just dumb
You're very naive, they're being funded and supported by other entities, i.e. not college students. Magically at one of the campuses they created barriers out of sheets of plywood, no small amount either. I guess someone just ran out with their car and picked them up? :rolleyes:
It's possible.

OTH, Amazon, Walmart, and all those other stores now deliver via UPS, Fed-Ex, etc.

I am open to the possibility that all of those supplies were bought by a foundation or PAC. I have heard as much reported on my radio, on a talk station. Someone got a hold of a list of supplies, that the kids requested.

Inhalers? Who the hell doesn't have their own meds?

Hot meals? What the hell. . . You can't brown bag it?

Pampered brats.


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The only dif betwixt the anti-war protesters of the 60's and the anti-war protestors now are the anti-American anti-constitutional antics .....~S~

I think a lot of this generation, just isn't content to protest and show their displeasure.

They feel they need to have a strategy to get media attention, which means. . . . causing a disturbance and violating some law or the rights of others.

In the past, others were not so worried about getting media attention or popularity, they were more concerned with their cause.
Nope, you are wrong. Just because I am not in favor of destroying traditional American liberty and freedom, just to target folks I politically disagree with, does not mean I support them.

You are being simple minded and led into a trap. The same trap that the ruling oligarchy used to destroy our liberty and freedoms after 9/11.

They are dismantling this nation, piecemeal, and this, is just another part. Don't fall for it friend.

Vast majorities, on the left, AND the right, now see, that the PATRIOT ACT, and most of the garbage that the Deep State passed in the first NDAA after 2001, did more to strip Americans of their liberties, than it did to combat so-called "terrorism."
These laws were gifts to the military-industrial-complex and the Deep State. We have had not a day of peace since 2001, NOT. . . ONE. . . DAY.

Nope. You are watching too much fear porn, anger porn and the Mass Media propaganda, the same folks that lied to you about the war on terror, and that scamdemic. . the vast majority of Americans support Israel and loath Hamas, even young college student support Israel at something like 55%.

Only about 5 to 10 percent are motivated enough to protest, and most of those? Don't really understand the issues that much. Of that percentage, I imagine only one out of fifty of that ten percent of university kids, does not even understand/have read, the current HAMAS charter, or understand, that they have not, and will not surrender. . . so their demands for a "cease fire," are pitiful.

Nope, what is going on, is a far more nefarious agenda by the global ruling oligarchs. They have an ulterior motivation in all of this. THEY WANT folks like you, to support the destruction of our First Amendment.

I watched their meetings during the last few years. Finding ways to get the masses to demand more regulation and censorship was top most of their agenda. They want the masses to demand that STATE have the power to silence people.

Knock it off. You are playing right into the WEF and global oligarchs' plans. They would gladly fund, and use those you hate, to get you to destroy the government and nation you love, just so they can enslave you. They have been doing things like this, for longer than our nation has been on this Earth.

These agents/agitators that are being shown on your idiot box? Trust me, they are not threat to our nation. They are only being used to rouse your blood. If it bothers you? Turn off your TEE VEE and read the critical readings. Those that will give you an understanding of what really matters to us all as Americans.

View attachment 941328

From Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Jefferson Randolph, 24 November 1808​


". . . Emerging as the most severe global risk anticipated over the next two years, foreign and domestic actors alike will leverage Misinformation and disinformation to further widen societal and political divides (Chapter 1.3: False information). As close to three billion people are expected to head to the electoral polls across several economies – including Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Pakistan, the United Kingdom and the United States – over the next two years, the widespread use of misinformation and disinformation, and tools to disseminate it, may undermine the legitimacy of newly elected governments. Resulting unrest could range from violent protests and hate crimes to civil confrontation and terrorism.

Beyond elections, perceptions of reality are likely to also become more polarized, infiltrating the public discourse on issues ranging from public health to social justice. However, as truth is undermined, the risk of domestic propaganda and censorship will also rise in turn. In response to mis- and disinformation, governments could be increasingly empowered to control information based on what they determine to be “true”. Freedoms relating to the internet, press and access to wider sources of information that are already in decline risk descending into broader repression of information flows across a wider set of countries. . . . "

Stay Informed


With facial recognition technology, doxing, and AI, it is, indeed a different world.

We don't live in a nation ruled by laws anymore, a democratic republic, where your rights are guaranteed by the rule of law, we live in an authoritarian technocratic corporatacracy, where our lives are ruled by AI cloud computing, and unofficial social credit systems and a digital image and posting history that never dies, and becomes part of your permanent record.

You are no longer allowed to participate in civil society, and have a sovereign political opinion one way or the other, which our founders intended, with out it being used against you by global investment monopolies, connected to faceless, nameless ruling global oligarchs.

And you? Are an idiot and a fool if you don't understand what this is really about. . .

This year? Americans are protesting an issue you just happen to disagree with. The next? They might be shutting down the banking accounts of Truckers, or throwing election protesters in prison, just for being on the ground of the Capitol, because they were unaware some subversive took down a piece of tape roping off a no crossing line where they weren't supposed to be.

You partisanship is making you lose your vision of what rights Americans are supposed to have, so corporate overlords can rob you of your god given sovereignty.

This is bigger than just one issue.

Please note that the money that was seized from the truckers was returned to the donors who gave it to them.

The truckers were using the money to drink beer, party all night, and destroy the city of Ottawa. The courts decreed their action illegal and told them to go home.

While right wing media has chosen to portrayed this as draconian, the money was returned to the AMERICAN donors trying to stir up trouble in Canada.
Please note that the money that was seized from the truckers was returned to the donors who gave it to them.

The truckers were using the money to drink beer, party all night, and destroy the city of Ottawa. The courts decreed their action illegal and told them to go home.

While right wing media has chosen to portrayed this as draconian, the money was returned to the AMERICAN donors trying to stir up trouble in Canada.

Oh honey, we can leave you to your own troubles up there, thank God. Good luck with your health care system for just one....why do you think they approved "euthanasia"?
The demaklan voters were cowards back then too, they were white hoods

Hated Jews then too.

The dem base hasn’t changed much

It wasn’t the Democrats who were marching through Charlottesville with their tiki torches saying chanting, “The Jews will not replace us”.

What about the Soros hate???
Oh honey, we can leave you to your own troubles up there, thank God. Good luck with your health care system for just one....why do you think they approved "euthanasia"?

Your post is completely laughable, especially considering that the whole trucker protest movement came directly from the Trump Cult in the United States and we sent them right back at you because we don’t need your idiot blob up here.

These assholes were carrying Trump flags and NAZI flags through downtown Ottawa and pissing on Terry Fox’s statue.
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Our healthcare system had 1/3 of the deaths from Covid, that yours did. The life expectancy for Canadians continues to rise while the life expectancy for Americans continues to fall.

We don’t need luck with our healthcare system. And there is no such thing here as “euthanasia”.

Canadians with a low quality of life or terminal illnesses can choose their time to go but you have be of sound mind to apply, and no one can decide to “euthanize” anyone other than themselves.

Canadian wait times cost billions in lost wages:

Health care "crisis"

No doctors in rural SK

And on and on and on.

Talk to the wall, Canadian.

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