BREAKING: Trump's July 11th sentencing likely to be delayed indefinitely

You're off topic. Make me a moderator and I'll deal with the problem.

You understand the issue here and there's no need to allow yourself to be sidetracked just because you have no ideas.

Life's a bitch White, but this is probably the first issue in years in which all but a few spammers are trying to find an answer.

You understand!
Donald, you couldn't solve a knock knock joke.

Immunity is the topic...

So answer the question and don't deflect.

Why do diplomats have diplomatic immunity?
Donald, you couldn't solve a knock knock joke.

Immunity is the topic...

So answer the question and don't deflect.

Why do diplomats have diplomatic immunity?
The president's immunity is on topic.

For me, diplomatic immunity isn't. Sue me.
The president's immunity is on topic.

For me, diplomatic immunity isn't. Sue me.
Immunity is the topic.

Why does this question scare you so much that you've wasted three posts and a hundred words to avoid it?

Why do diplomats have diplomatic immunity?
You don't seem to realize that the Scotus has absolute power to establish the laws of the land.

there's only one way out of this mess created by the F'ing Fouthers napping and that is to abolish all special rights for a president.
It was a fucked up ruling for sure. The conservo justices on the court just publicly wiped their asses with the checks and balances in the U.S. Constitution and flushed it down the toilet.
It's pretty clear in this ruling the SCOTUS is paving the way for a conservative king.
What these tyrants have failed to consider though is that Republicans MAY NOT win legitimately in November. We have close to a 50/50 chance of Dems taking both The White House AND Congress.
In that case the SCOTUS has just paved the way fir a Dem "liberal" king or queen...whomever that may be.
Regardless of who gets the most votes in November even if Trump "wins" Biden (or his replacement) has now been authorized by the Supreme Court to do everything possible between November 4th and Jan. 20, 2025 to prevent Trump from ever taking office up to and including declaring martial law.
Given that convicted felon Trump is such a threat to our republic it is the current POTUS' official duty to nullify the election results should Trump win.
The SCOTYS has just affirmed this.
It was a fucked up ruling for sure. The conservo justices on the court just publicly wiped their asses with the checks and balances in the U.S. Constitution and flushed it down the toilet.
It's pretty clear in this ruling the SCOTUS is paving the way for a conservative king.
What these tyrants have failed to consider though is that Republicans MAY NOT win legitimately in November. We have close to a 50/50 chance of Dems taking both The White House AND Congress.
In that case the SCOTUS has just paved the way fir a Dem "liberal" king or queen...whomever that may be.
Regardless of who gets the most votes in November even if Trump "wins" Biden (or his replacement) has now been authorized by the Supreme Court to do everything possible between November 4th and Jan. 20, 2025 to prevent Trump from ever taking office up to and including declaring martial law.
Given that convicted felon Trump is such a threat to our republic it is the current POTUS' official duty to nullify the election results should Trump win.
The SCOTYS has just affirmed this.
You seem to understand.
So there's no need for me to comment, except on: IMHO Trump will win if he runs against Biden. Except for a wild card on the need for America to protect and maintain its war against Russia. Nothing is off the table on this vital war for America's future.

If a proper replacement for Biden is found, Trump will be crushed. Kamala being the 'wild card' in this option. I don't have that answer yet.
Yes, they've gone off the res, but they 'are' the final word in the land. At least you're coming to realize that America has a very big problem.

This is important enough to pick up from where we left off yesterday.

Obviously the Fanding Fouthers left it wide open for a future Scotus to fill the void.

Somehow they understood the power of the monarchy couldn't survive in America, but they had no ideas on how to limit a president's power.

The corrupt Scotus has answered the question and now there's a chance that it's permanent.

What to do, what to do? It was always evident that each individual question as they arise, can't be answered by the Scotus.

Any ideas?
None, accept hold on, that it will turn around, but not under this president and if trump wins, not the next.
Ok. Appreciate your opinion.

But they do have and have had it.

The question is why do they have diplomatic immunity?
It is very old internationally recognized, to keep lines of communication open, allowing envoys unencumbered passage.
It is very old internationally recognized, to keep lines of communication open, allowing envoys unencumbered passage.
That's what it is...but not WHY it is.

We instated diplomatic immunity to eliminate judicially based reprisals on foreign diplomats so they COULD keep lines of communication open...aka do their jobs.

Exactly the same thing happening here.

Could a diplomat order a hit squad to eliminate their enemies?


Could they get away with it?


Has it ever happened in the U.S.?

Not to my knowledge.

So...IMO, this is a big nothingburger.

Things will go on as they always have.

Presidents will enjoy the same immunities they always have.

And if one orders seal team six to assassinate their political enemies...we'll impeach them, then put them on trial, then execute them.

Just the way it would have always been.

But since they'll just use the CIA, have Jack Ruby shoot the patsy, deny all knowledge of it and classify it top secret SCI for all eternity...good luck with that.
That's what it is...but not WHY it is.

We instated diplomatic immunity to eliminate judicially based reprisals on foreign diplomats so they COULD keep lines of communication open...aka do their jobs.

Exactly the same thing happening here.

Could a diplomat order a hit squad to eliminate their enemies?


Could they get away with it?


Has it ever happened in the U.S.?

Not to my knowledge.

So...IMO, this is a big nothingburger.

Things will go on as they always have.

Presidents will enjoy the same immunities they always have.

And if one orders seal team six to assassinate their political enemies...we'll impeach them, then put them on trial, then execute them.

Just the way it would have always been.

But since they'll just use the CIA, have Jack Ruby shoot the patsy, deny all knowledge of it and classify it top secret SCI for all eternity...good luck with that.
Oh, I get it. You equate the recent Supreme Court decision, to diplomatic immunity.
Nope. It is not related or comparable, at all.`
Oh, I get it. You equate the recent Supreme Court decision, to diplomatic immunity.
Nope. It is not related or comparable, at all.`
it proves immunity exists and some people are above the law,,

and if a low life aid to a foreign diplomat has immunity then our POTUS can have it,,

of course boths immunity can be revoked with due process,,
it proves immunity exists and some people are above the law,,

and if a low life aid to a foreign diplomat has immunity then our POTUS can have it,,

of course boths immunity can be revoked with due process,,
It is at time revoked on serious breach. What you believe does not matter. What you feel does not matter.
yes it can be revoked using due process just like can be done with POTUS,,
Not nearly as easy. It depends NOW, mostly on how a president describes the nature of his actions, whether it is a Presidential duty or function of the Office of President. Any way you look at it, it is not relatable to diplomatic immunity. Sorry. You just got it wrong.
Not nearly as easy. It depends NOW, mostly on how a president describes the nature of his actions, whether it is a Presidential duty or function of the Office of President. Any way you look at it, it is not relatable to diplomatic immunity. Sorry. You just got it wrong.
more like qualified immunity cops have??

they can shoot and kill an innocent person and not face charges,,
I'll just say this. It is sort of fishy that his so called sentencing date has been moved closer to the election.
None, accept hold on, that it will turn around, but not under this president and if trump wins, not the next.
You must have meant 'None, except'.
And so you're bowing out.
I'm nor, because I'm sure that your country can't leave the question unanswered.

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