BREAKING: Trump's July 11th sentencing likely to be delayed indefinitely

Won't help. In the end, the Leftist Bidenzoids will all kill each other with their bare hands for walking blindly into this blunder.

They went in just three months from thinking they had Trump nailed dead to rights to a cross, to having no party, no campaign and no president.

But then, we all knew they never had a real president at all four years ago--- just someone else's sock puppet.
Well ,it just PROVES that Democrats SUCK.
This is a mod of a place called "United States Message Board". This person advocating using lawfare to go after political enemies.

Just when I begin to get a glimmer of hope, it gets snuffed again
You are easily snuffed.
SCOTUS stated that they did not define what an official act was because they were not given time to deal with this. The DOJ demanded that they hurry up and decide, so they did. Rush decisions may not be great ones but when you want a decision, a rush decision is better than none.
Oh, I never read, they answered to the Department of Justice. Not sure where that is in the Constitution. I must have missed it. So, they rushed it an screwed it up, eh?

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