As soon as Trump takes office, we will begin the largest deportation operation in the history of our country

Obviously we don't need them at all.
our birthrate is going down. we need new blood to pay for ssa,
our employment rate is 3.3% means everyone has a job who wants a job. has that gone up cuz I have relatives perpetually unemployed. anyhow if we marry them, have jobs for them, or they have money to start new businesses we should let them in. but only after vetting. that app of bidens is a really good idea. put up a wall and only allow in if the app approves them. we won't have to pay to deport them that way.
Get id of amnesty, it is too easy to get now.
Good. Come through the front door or stay the **** out. The Democrat party and everyone who votes for them owe reparations to the families of those who have had their lives taken by illegal aliens.

There has been no greater “threat to democracy” than the border policy under vegetable-Joe.

Like Trump was going to build a big, beautiful wall and fix healthcare? He delegated prison reform, peace in the Middle East and COVID-19 to Jared Kushner. Trump likes rallies and tweeting.
I think that Kamala would interpret Trump's or JD's words verbatim and then try to tie it to the 25 project.

Best to amend the intent downwards to make it acceptable to the masses.

Why should anyone interpret Trump's words? Treat him like an adult. ASK him exactly what he said.
our birthrate is going down. we need new blood to pay for ssa,
our employment rate is 3.3% means everyone has a job who wants a job. has that gone up cuz I have relatives perpetually unemployed. anyhow if we marry them, have jobs for them, or they have money to start new businesses we should let them in. but only after vetting. that app of bidens is a really good idea. put up a wall and only allow in if the app approves them. we won't have to pay to deport them that way.
Get id of amnesty, it is too easy to get now.

I spent part of the afternoon talking with a very articulate Swisser. The population of Switzerland is stable at 9 million. Has been for a long time. I don't remember what it was when I was a student decades ago.

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