Harris has made her choice to cozy up to Muslims and gives a F-U to Jews

Unless I'm mistaken, you have not condemned Hamas and their stated goal of a worldwide Jewish genocide. You know, what the Nazis wanted.
Hamas states clearly in their 2017 charter that they're at war with Zionists, not Jews. Their resistance is focused on liberating their lands from Zionist occupation and colonialism, not killing Jews around the world. So you're confused about Hamas.
Again....I said it before and will say it again

What's the big surprise the Kamasutra Harris is on the side of Hamas?

She has been on their side for a long time now....nothing new :dunno:
Hamas states clearly in their 2017 charter that they're at war with Zionists, not Jews. Their resistance is focused on liberating their lands from Zionist occupation and colonialism, not killing Jews around the world. So you're confused about Hamas.
no---you are very ignorant and inexperienced. Have you ever MET A MUSLIM, READ THE KORAN, BEEN IN A MOSQUE? Can
you define "their land"? I have nothing against arabs or muslims.
It is the vile filth of Shariah at which must be destroyed
no---you are very ignorant and inexperienced. Have you ever MET A MUSLIM, READ THE KORAN, BEEN IN A MOSQUE? Can
you define "their land"? I have nothing against arabs or muslims.
It is the vile filth of Shariah at which must be destroyed
The presumptive Democrat nominee for U.S. president will boycott Netanyahu’s speech to Congress. Clearly, she is afraid she will lose the votes of antisemitic Muslims and pro-Palestinian Jew-haters if she is seen giving due respect to the leader of America’s ally. And yet, half of all liberal Jews will let their liberalism trump their Judaism.

There are more Jewish democrats than Muslim democrats
... the Jewish homeland has been theirs for thousands of years. .
Total rubish. It wasn't theirs until the 1940s.

My goodness, you sure are easily manipulated, aren't you? You'll believe any old bullshit that lets you justify your hatred of Jews.
Is it possible that your understanding of history is so bad? You are using too much garlic salt on your pork chops, you anti-Semitic bungler.
Unless I'm mistaken, you have not condemned Hamas and their stated goal of a worldwide Jewish genocide. You know, what the Nazis wanted.

Why would any be required to condemn Hamas in order to gain your approval. Who the fuck do you think YOU are?

Even the Isreali people are condeming what their government is doing.

Murdering and starving innocent women and children is despicable regardless of which side does it. Vladimir Putin was declared a war criminal for bombing hospitals and schools. Netanyahu is no different, and in fact, Netanyahu has murdered double the number of innocent civilians that the Russians have killed.

And now it appears that he's been funding Hamas for years, to keep the Israeli people in fear and voting for him.
Why would any be required to condemn Hamas in order to gain your approval. Who the fuck do you think YOU are?

Even the Isreali people are condeming what their government is doing.

Murdering and starving innocent women and children is despicable regardless of which side does it. Vladimir Putin was declared a war criminal for bombing hospitals and schools. Netanyahu is no different, and in fact, Netanyahu has murdered double the number of innocent civilians that the Russians have killed.

And now it appears that he's been funding Hamas for years, to keep the Israeli people in fear and voting for him.
wrong again. Netanyahu never funded Hamas and your beloved Adolf Hitler was not a jew. Jesus was a jew and the
founders of your stinking and disgusting religion crucified him
FOR BEING A JEW---and went on to murder in the HUNDREDS
OF MILLIONS for the glory of YOUR FILTH
Netanyahu never funded Hamas...
''Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas... This is part of our strategy...to isolate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians in the West Bank.'' - Netanyahu speaking to his Likud party’s Knesset members in March of 2019.
''Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas... This is part of our strategy...to isolate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians in the West Bank.'' - Netanyahu speaking to his Likud party’s Knesset members in March of 2019.
Can't get much clearer than that!
The presumptive Democrat nominee for U.S. president will boycott Netanyahu’s speech to Congress. Clearly, she is afraid she will lose the votes of antisemitic Muslims and pro-Palestinian Jew-haters if she is seen giving due respect to the leader of America’s ally. And yet, half of all liberal Jews will let their liberalism trump their Judaism.

Isn't Kamala married to a Jew?
Can't get much clearer than that!


But anyway. I couldn't give a darn less about what they do over there. It's none of my business. They've been at it for thousands of years and will be at it for thousands more.

I just wish my own government would quit strongarming us at the barrel of its gun to continue funding it all to keep it going. And that's really the only thing that continuing to fund it all does.

In the mean time, average Americans here at home are struggling to decide whether to put food on their tables for their families or to put fuel in their cars to get to work.

Americans need to get their priorities straight...
''Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas... This is part of our strategy...to isolate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians in the West Bank.'' - Netanyahu speaking to his Likud party’s Knesset members in March of 2019.
your copy and paste is a lie. I am very familiar with islamo-nazi
propaganda. I lived in a town chock full of islamo-nazis and was
exposed to your propaganda from age 8 which is a very long
time ago----and since. I am amazed---one of your writers
actually has Netanyahu attending a meeting of the Knesset
to members of the Likud party? When did that happen? Your
writers wax more and more idiotic by the minute
Israhell is the best recruiter for Hamas. They create a whole new generation of Hamas fighters with every civilian death in Gaza.
Even the ones killed by Hamas?

News flash, Slappy. The fact that Jews exist is enough to send retards like you into a murderous frenzy. Well, not you personally, because you're a lazy piece of shit, as we've already established.
Even the ones killed by Hamas?

News flash, Slappy. The fact that Jews exist is enough to send retards like you into a murderous frenzy. Well, not you personally, because you're a lazy piece of shit, as we've already established.
does not matter----he is an armchair islamo-nazi. Kamila is
an opportunist
Even the ones killed by Hamas?

News flash, Slappy. The fact that Jews exist is enough to send retards like you into a murderous frenzy. Well, not you personally, because you're a lazy piece of shit, as we've already established.
You're so delusional.

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