Harris has made her choice to cozy up to Muslims and gives a F-U to Jews

Harris doesn’t hate Jews. She is an opportunist with no moral standards. She sees being anti-Jew/Israel as being to her political advantage at this moment.

It certainly keeps Americans distracted from focusing on the critical domestic issues where their concerns should truly be focused.

Like why they're having to choose between putting food on their tables to feed their families or to put fuel in the cars to get to work.

This thread is proof positive of that skullduggery.
Really? Sweet! They owe me years of back-pay, though. Damn.

Oh, and I suggest you get your head CAT scanned, because there's definitely something wrong in there.

Gaslighting me won't strengthen your case or invalidate mine.

To give all of you an example of how hypocritical Jews like daveman are. Here is Barbara Spectre, head of a Jewish NGO in Sweden, committed to turning Europe into a multicultural continent, full of Africans, Arabs..etc:

Here she is advancing the idea that Jews should preserve their civilization and argues against multiculturalism in Israel:

These people are HYPOCRITES and are out to destroy Western, European civilization. When it comes to non-Jewish immigration to Israel, look at how these Israeli Jews behave:

Their rabbis are openly admitting that they want to destroy European civilization/White people. WTFU White people!

There are more videos of rabbis saying this. I can embed more if you want. The liberal "progressive", "woke" agenda in the Western world, is led by Jews. That includes multiculturalism, interacialism, LGBTQ, feminism, pornography..etc. It's all led by Jews to undermine what they consider, Western, Christian, European, and White civilization (Which they hate, and consider their eternal enemy). Daveman does nothing more than gaslight and call me ugly names because that's all he has. I have TONS of Jewish references, admitting to everything I'm saying. I have the facts, Daveman has nothing but his rancor for the truth.




Here in the US they want to destroy WASP (White Anglo-Saxon Protestant) culture and everything that is White. They feel threatened living amongst Whites, so they open the gates and let everyone else in, that way they can blend in to the "melting pot", making themselves just one of many minorities in the country. Don't let them fool you, into denying what I'm saying, study this issue and you'll find the truth.

Also, watch how Jews manipulate the West with their holocaust:

Here are more resources on this topic:

AIPAC the Jewish lobby, is trying to make all of the above information illegal in the US (It's now illegal in the EU/European Union). Wake up before it's too late.
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It certainly keeps Americans distracted from focusing on the critical domestic issues where their concerns should truly be focused.

Like why they're having to choose between putting food on their tables to feed their families or to put fuel in the cars to get to work.

This thread is proof positive of that skullduggery.
what "skullduggery" ? I grew up in a semi-rural-- town which had actually been a farming town and was founded PRE-REVOLUTIONARY war. There were even sites with plaques---
"GEORGE WASHINGTON WAS HERE" By the time my family----
Jewish parents and five kids moved in----it was more and more a
SUBURBAN bedroom----but the core population was SOLID HICK
and very influenced by the HICK MENTALITY which is----"da city
folk got all the money" and "dey do skull duggery" ----how long
has your family tree been solid HICK? When did they take up
what "skullduggery" ? I grew up in a semi-rural-- town which had actually been a farming town and was founded PRE-REVOLUTIONARY war. There were even sites with plaques---
"GEORGE WASHINGTON WAS HERE" By the time my family----
Jewish parents and five kids moved in----it was more and more a
SUBURBAN bedroom----but the core population was SOLID HICK
and very influenced by the HICK MENTALITY which is----"da city
folk got all the money" and "dey do skull duggery" ----how long
has your family tree been solid HICK? When did they take up

Well. For what it's worth to you. 1626. The Charles, I believe. In what would later become Washington County, Va. To this day I believe there remains 144 acres on the property, thanks to Revolutionary War grants, as well as a spring and a nice trout river just off the front stoop of the homeplace. I grew up fishing in that thing.

But...the 'learnin'' part of me, as you put it, comes from the savage side of me who were here long before.

That's right, irosi91. I'm a freakin savage by nature...
Well. For what it's worth to you. 1626. The Charles, I believe. In what would later become Washington County, Va. To this day I believe there remains 144 acres on the property, thanks to Revolutionary War grants, as well as a spring and a nice trout river just off the front stoop of the homeplace. I grew up fishing in that thing.

But...the 'learnin'' part of me, as you put it, comes from the savage side of me who were here long before.

That's right, irosi91. I'm a freakin savage by nature...
Nice to know you----I grew up in Land once controlled by the
LENNI LENAPE. That land was stolen from them for the glory of
a jew that they renamed "jesus". My ancestors and family had nothing to do with it.
what "skullduggery" ? I grew up in a semi-rural-- town which had actually been a farming town and was founded PRE-REVOLUTIONARY war. There were even sites with plaques---
"GEORGE WASHINGTON WAS HERE" By the time my family----
Jewish parents and five kids moved in----it was more and more a
SUBURBAN bedroom----but the core population was SOLID HICK
and very influenced by the HICK MENTALITY which is----"da city
folk got all the money" and "dey do skull duggery" ----how long
has your family tree been solid HICK? When did they take up
I'll take "hicks" over k%^kes any day.
Nice to know you----I grew up in Land once controlled by the
LENNI LENAPE. That land was stolen from them for the glory of
a jew that they renamed "jesus". My ancestors and family had nothing to do with it.

Yeah. Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition type of shenanigans.

I've got no stake in that game...
I wonder what you believe you're not revealing when you equate soldiers to hit-men.
Learn to read, turd-fer-brain. It was YOU who equated them, not me.
Did a service member steal your girlfriend? Just too much of a sissy bedwetter to enlist?
I am a war veteran, Squeeky, I was a soldier before the shadchan introduced your grandparents.
Hamas appreciates the passionate ass-licking, but they'd kill you in a heartbeat if they could blame it on the Jews.
Whatever Hamas does is the fault of the Jews, you bone chunk. It’s Net & Yahoo who supports them. Just read Natural Citizen's post #472 above.
Jews have been in Israel for three thousand years, dumbass.
Is that a fact? Oh golly gee! Did you only now discover that? What does that have to with the fact that Israel wasn’t even invented as a Jewish State until the 1940s? Oooops! Something new for you to learn, Pumpkim Piss.
you retards are looking for approval and endorsement of your irrational hatred of Jews.
You Anti-semitic scum-nuts are suffering from voluntary, selective paranoia where you see danger at every turn. Keep looking over your shoulder.
How's that working out for you?
Pretty good, really. I’ve got you tied into a pretzel and you don’t know which hole is your mouth and which one is your butt hole. So, I’d say “it’s working out” very well! Thank you for asking. Oh! And Hamas is making the Zionists bleed profusely ... and that's a bonus! :113:

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