Harris has made her choice to cozy up to Muslims and gives a F-U to Jews

Hamas states clearly in their 2017 charter that they're at war with Zionists, not Jews. Their resistance is focused on liberating their lands from Zionist occupation and colonialism, not killing Jews around the world. So you're confused about Hamas.
No, you are. That's because your head is up Hamas ass.

They didn't revoke the 1988 charter. They want all Jews dead. Just like Hitler. Just like you.
Are you saying it's untrue, Davy Boy, or are you saying that soldiers and hit-men are normal after all?
I wonder what you believe you're not revealing when you equate soldiers to hit-men.

Did you fail the ASVAB? Did a service member steal your girlfriend? Just too much of a sissy bedwetter to enlist?
Is it possible that your understanding of history is so bad? You are using too much garlic salt on your pork chops, you anti-Semitic bungler.
Hamas appreciates the passionate ass-licking, but they'd kill you in a heartbeat if they could blame it on the Jews.

Jews have been in Israel for three thousand years, dumbass.
Why would any be required to condemn Hamas in order to gain your approval. Who the fuck do you think YOU are?

Even the Isreali people are condeming what their government is doing.

Murdering and starving innocent women and children is despicable regardless of which side does it. Vladimir Putin was declared a war criminal for bombing hospitals and schools. Netanyahu is no different, and in fact, Netanyahu has murdered double the number of innocent civilians that the Russians have killed.

And now it appears that he's been funding Hamas for years, to keep the Israeli people in fear and voting for him.
Just a little consistency from you retards would be refreshing.

You condemn Israel's war crimes.

You're utterly silent about Hamas' war crimes. Is that because you support the killing of Jews?

You can eat shit now.
What business is it of yours?

That's another way of putting it, yes.
No, it isn't. My approval is worth just as much as yours: Zip.

Meanwhile, you retards are looking for approval and endorsement of your irrational hatred of Jews.

How's that working out for you?
So...you're just going to save the world from the Jewish threat by posting on the internet?

What a lazy piece of shit you are.

Can't get much clearer than that!
not clear at all----Hamas in 2019 presented itself as a SOCIAL
HELP organization for the improvement of life in Gaza----it took
a few months for those islamo nazi rapist, murdering dogs to
show their true colors------even Al Nabi Adolf did not openly
announce his genocidal agenda until the early to mid 1930s
but was HEAD OF THE NAZI PARTY in 1920---ie he was active but
You're the enemy, who wants to destroy Western civilization. You support what those rabbis are saying, because you're part of that wicked Jew-cabal.
Really? Sweet! They owe me years of back-pay, though. Damn.

Oh, and I suggest you get your head CAT scanned, because there's definitely something wrong in there.

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