Protests, Then and Now - Note the Difference

Sure it was, well at least they were biden voters

The Proud Boys, KKK and the Oath Keepers voted for Biden????? Who knew? So why was the whole event billed as the "Unite the Right" rally. Why did they attack, beat up, and send dozens of other leftists to the hospital over the weekend. And brag about cracking commie heads????

I notice a pattern here. Every time the radical right attacks the left, members of the Cult try to blame the disgusting and vile behaviour of the right wing thugs on anti-fa, or undercover agents of the "Deep State".

Before Donald Trump embraced the January 6th Defendants as "patriots", Trump claimed they were all members of anti-fa trying to make him look bad. Or undercover FBI operatives out to make Trump look bad.

But then, as time passes, and nobody believes Trump's bullshit, Trump was forced to stop lying about them and finally admitted that they are "his" people.
The Proud Boys, KKK and the Oath Keepers voted for Biden????? Who knew? So why was the whole event billed as the "Unite the Right" rally. Why did they attack, beat up, and send dozens of other leftists to the hospital over the weekend. And brag about cracking commie heads????

I notice a pattern here. Every time the radical right attacks the left, members of the Cult try to blame the disgusting and vile behaviour of the right wing thugs on anti-fa, or undercover agents of the "Deep State".

Before Donald Trump embraced the January 6th Defendants as "patriots", Trump claimed they were all members of anti-fa trying to make him look bad. Or undercover FBI operatives out to make Trump look bad.

But then, as time passes, and nobody believes Trump's bullshit, Trump was forced to stop lying about them and finally admitted that they are "his" people.
You Canadians are so envious of America.
Cherry picking a disaster, I see. Have fun with that

Once again, your denial of reality is noted.

The Proud Boys, KKK and the Oath Keepers voted for Biden????? Who knew? So why was the whole event billed as the "Unite the Right" rally. Why did they attack, beat up, and send dozens of other leftists to the hospital over the weekend. And brag about cracking commie heads????

I notice a pattern here. Every time the radical right attacks the left, members of the Cult try to blame the disgusting and vile behaviour of the right wing thugs on anti-fa, or undercover agents of the "Deep State".

Before Donald Trump embraced the January 6th Defendants as "patriots", Trump claimed they were all members of anti-fa trying to make him look bad. Or undercover FBI operatives out to make Trump look bad.

But then, as time passes, and nobody believes Trump's bullshit, Trump was forced to stop lying about them and finally admitted that they are "his" people.
I don’t know about each member, but I know the leading white nationalist did

I know iran interfered in our election for xiden.

I know pro Hamas brownshirts are storming colleges that will vote for xiden
You Canadians are so envious of America.

You wish. In fact, the opposite is true. Canada is the envy of the First World. Peace, stability, good infrastructure, sensible gun control, low crime rates, a government which responds to the will of the people - or we WILL vote them out of office.

Why aren't you having to build a wall on your Northern Border to keep Canadians from sneaking in? Why would we leave one of the best countries in the world to live in, to move to a country that didn't even make the Top 10 and slips further down the list with each passing year

Why would Canadians go to the USA when we make more money at home, and don't have to pay $20,000 per year for our health care out of salary? We have universal, government funded health care, guaranteed minimum income for the elderly, $500 a month per child, tax benefit for low income families, better education, sensible gun laws, immigration programs, and a better quality of life.

Canadians have MORE personal freedoms than Americans. We have NO abortion laws at all. Abortion is a medical matter between a woman and her doctor, and it's free to the women.

The biggest problem we have is that Americans who come here never want to leave!
I don’t know about each member, but I know the leading white nationalist did

I know iran interfered in our election for xiden.

I know pro Hamas brownshirts are storming colleges that will vote for xiden

You KNOW so much that isn't true, that you should be embarassed at your ignorance.

I notice you didn't have a name here. Did Spencer change his vote because he was trying to torpedo Biden's campaign??? Or did he do it because as Spencer said

Newsweek reports Spencer said earlier this year that he regrets voting for Trump, criticizing the killing of Iranian general Qassem Soleimani for bringing the U.S. to the brink of war with Iran.

“The MAGA/Alt-Right moment is over. I made mistakes; Trump is an obvious disaster; but mainly the paradigm contained flaws that we now are able to perceive. And it needs to end,” Spencer wrote on Twitter. “So be patient. We’ll have another day in the sun. We need to recover and return in a new form.”

When even a cretin like Spencer can see what a disaster Trump truly is. But you're a loyal little Cultist no matter how vile your candidate displays himself to be.

There are no "pro-Hamas" protestors in the USA. The "pro-Palestinians" are NOT voting for Biden. They BLAME Biden for the genocide because he continues to supply the Israelis with the bombs they're using.

Keep proving your ignorance and stupidity.
You wish. In fact, the opposite is true. Canada is the envy of the First World. Peace, stability, good infrastructure, sensible gun control, low crime rates, a government which responds to the will of the people - or we WILL vote them out of office.

Why aren't you having to build a wall on your Northern Border to keep Canadians from sneaking in? Why would we leave one of the best countries in the world to live in, to move to a country that didn't even make the Top 10 and slips further down the list with each passing year

Why would Canadians go to the USA when we make more money at home, and don't have to pay $20,000 per year for our health care out of salary? We have universal, government funded health care, guaranteed minimum income for the elderly, $500 a month per child, tax benefit for low income families, better education, sensible gun laws, immigration programs, and a better quality of life.

Canadians have MORE personal freedoms than Americans. We have NO abortion laws at all. Abortion is a medical matter between a woman and her doctor, and it's free to the women.

The biggest problem we have is that Americans who come here never want to leave!

Hilarious. You know why everyone immigrates to America and not KKKanada?

They’re escaping fascism. They don’t want more.
The Proud Boys, KKK and the Oath Keepers voted for Biden????? Who knew? So why was the whole event billed as the "Unite the Right" rally. Why did they attack, beat up, and send dozens of other leftists to the hospital over the weekend. And brag about cracking commie heads????

I notice a pattern here. Every time the radical right attacks the left, members of the Cult try to blame the disgusting and vile behaviour of the right wing thugs on anti-fa, or undercover agents of the "Deep State".

Before Donald Trump embraced the January 6th Defendants as "patriots", Trump claimed they were all members of anti-fa trying to make him look bad. Or undercover FBI operatives out to make Trump look bad.

But then, as time passes, and nobody believes Trump's bullshit, Trump was forced to stop lying about them and finally admitted that they are "his" people.
I'm curious, what do Canadian rightwingers bitch and cry about?
You KNOW so much that isn't true, that you should be embarassed at your ignorance.

I notice you didn't have a name here. Did Spencer change his vote because he was trying to torpedo Biden's campaign??? Or did he do it because as Spencer said

When even a cretin like Spencer can see what a disaster Trump truly is. But you're a loyal little Cultist no matter how vile your candidate displays himself to be.

There are no "pro-Hamas" protestors in the USA. The "pro-Palestinians" are NOT voting for Biden. They BLAME Biden for the genocide because he continues to supply the Israelis with the bombs they're using.

Keep proving your ignorance and stupidity.
Yeah He voted for xiden cause he felt more inline with him.

He didn’t like trump.

Thank you for proving my point
I'm curious, what do Canadian rightwingers bitch and cry about?

Trudeau. Mostly. Health care - mostly. It costs too much and Canadians should be able to access care more quickly. And federal/provincial issues - the Liberals govern in Ottawa, but Conservatives govern in 7 of the 10 provinces.

Immigration issues like allowing Sihk RCMP Officers wear to wear turbans instead of standard issue Mountie Hats. As stupid as this sounds, it's a HUGE thing out West.

But the real source of these tensions is that no Conservative can get elected in Quebec, and Liberals have little hope of getting elected in the Prairie provinces. Small "c" conservatives in Quebec vote for the Bloq Quebecois, which is a Quebec only party with the stated goal of taking Quebec out of Confederation. They've have a couple of referendi on the subject and the Separatists have lost resoundingly.

Quebec is home to close to 25% of the Canadian population, so the idea that no Conservative can get elected in the Province means that it's VERY difficult for Conservatives to EVER win a majority in the rest of the country.
Yeah He voted for xiden cause he felt more inline with him.

He didn’t like trump.

Thank you for proving my point

No one likes Trump outside out his Cult.

But you failed to note that the Democrats and Joe Biden rejected Richard Spencer's endorsement outright and said that they do not support or endorse him or his organization. Unlike when David Duke endorsed Donald Trump and Trump pretended that he didn't know who David Duke was.

No one likes Trump outside out his Cult.

But you failed to note that the Democrats and Joe Biden rejected Richard Spencer's endorsement outright and said that they do not support or endorse him or his organization. Unlike when David Duke endorsed Donald Trump and Trump pretended that he didn't know who David Duke was.

Yep, white suprematist Don’t like trump and aren’t part of his cult
, glad you agree

They vote for your pal xiden
Trudeau. Mostly. Health care - mostly. It costs too much and Canadians should be able to access care more quickly. And federal/provincial issues - the Liberals govern in Ottawa, but Conservatives govern in 7 of the 10 provinces.

Immigration issues like allowing Sihk RCMP Officers wear to wear turbans instead of standard issue Mountie Hats. As stupid as this sounds, it's a HUGE thing out West.

But the real source of these tensions is that no Conservative can get elected in Quebec, and Liberals have little hope of getting elected in the Prairie provinces. Small "c" conservatives in Quebec vote for the Bloq Quebecois, which is a Quebec only party with the stated goal of taking Quebec out of Confederation. They've have a couple of referendi on the subject and the Separatists have lost resoundingly.

Quebec is home to close to 25% of the Canadian population, so the idea that no Conservative can get elected in the Province means that it's VERY difficult for Conservatives to EVER win a majority in the rest of the country.
View attachment 941544
Hilarious. You know why everyone immigrates to America and not KKKanada?

They’re escaping fascism. They don’t want more.

Yes, you probably do look as crazed as Nicholas Cage does in that GIF.

I do know why everyone immigrates to the USA and not Canada. They can't find employment in Canada. $10,000 fine per undocumented employee. The USA doesn't go after employers who hire illegals. It's easy to find employers willing to pay them under the table.

Employers are required to have a photocopy of all of their Employees SIN cards in their employee files made from the original SIN card, to prove their identity. If the employer submits witholding on a SIN number not on file with Rev Canada, or the name and the number don't match, Revenue Canada will follow up with the employer and audit their employer records.

Every time Democrats start going after the people who employ undocumented workers, illegal border crossings drop like a stone. Every time Republicans get into office, illegal crossings spike when the government stops prosecuting employers.

If the can't find work, illegals stop coming.
Trudeau. Mostly. Health care - mostly. It costs too much and Canadians should be able to access care more quickly. And federal/provincial issues - the Liberals govern in Ottawa, but Conservatives govern in 7 of the 10 provinces.

Immigration issues like allowing Sihk RCMP Officers wear to wear turbans instead of standard issue Mountie Hats. As stupid as this sounds, it's a HUGE thing out West.

But the real source of these tensions is that no Conservative can get elected in Quebec, and Liberals have little hope of getting elected in the Prairie provinces. Small "c" conservatives in Quebec vote for the Bloq Quebecois, which is a Quebec only party with the stated goal of taking Quebec out of Confederation. They've have a couple of referendi on the subject and the Separatists have lost resoundingly.

Quebec is home to close to 25% of the Canadian population, so the idea that no Conservative can get elected in the Province means that it's VERY difficult for Conservatives to EVER win a majority in the rest of the country.
Canada! Haha, y’all still have a king, you pathetic subjects
Yes, you probably do look as crazed as Nicholas Cage does in that GIF.

I do know why everyone immigrates to the USA and not Canada. They can't find employment in Canada. $10,000 fine per undocumented employee. The USA doesn't go after employers who hire illegals. It's easy to find employers willing to pay them under the table.

Employers are required to have a photocopy of all of their Employees SIN cards in their employee files made from the original SIN card, to prove their identity. If the employer submits witholding on a SIN number not on file with Rev Canada, or the name and the number don't match, Revenue Canada will follow up with the employer and audit their employer records.

Every time Democrats start going after the people who employ undocumented workers, illegal border crossings drop like a stone. Every time Republicans get into office, illegal crossings spike when the government stops prosecuting employers.

If the can't find work, illegals stop coming.
True, we used to, trump admin got the largest fine in history…then xiden got elected and stopped prosecuting employers and opened the border
Yep, white suprematist Don’t like trump and aren’t part of his cult
, glad you agree

They vote for your pal xiden

Only a complete fool believes that Richard Spencer doesn't like Trump. Spencer was trying to portray Biden and the Democrats as white supremacists and both Biden and the party told them to get out and refused to have anything to do with them.

Trump embraced Spencer and his thugs, and their violent attacks on the leftists there that murdered one woman and sent more than 30 people to hospital, as "fine people on both sides". Biden called them out for the terrorist thugs that they are.

You can't see the difference and that's proof positive of your gullibility and stupidity.
Canada! Haha, y’all still have a king, you pathetic subjects

You have an eagle. Both have similar power and control over the people. They're symbols we trot out for pomp and pageantry. That way, we don't glom onto politicians as symbols of our government the way Americans do.

It eliminates the extreme celebrity worship of politicians that's pulling your nation apart.
Only a complete fool believes that Richard Spencer doesn't like Trump. Spencer was trying to portray Biden and the Democrats as white supremacists and both Biden and the party told them to get out and refused to have anything to do with them.

Trump embraced Spencer and his thugs, and their violent attacks on the leftists there that murdered one woman and sent more than 30 people to hospital, as "fine people on both sides". Biden called them out for the terrorist thugs that they are.

You can't see the difference and that's proof positive of your gullibility and stupidity.
He made it clear he hates trump, he protested when he filled his admin with Jews, he openly voted for xiden….and we see why, demafasict are pro Hamas
You have an eagle. Both have similar power and control over the people. They're symbols we trot out for pomp and pageantry. That way, we don't glom onto politicians as symbols of our government the way Americans do.

It eliminates the extreme celebrity worship of politicians that's pulling your nation apart.
Haha yes we have eagles, they fly and are free like American believes people are…you are a subject

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