BREAKING: Supreme Court rules Trump is entitled to some immunity in Jan. 6 case

Perhaps you don't remember the George Floyd riots. Not just trespassing but destroying and looting. You remember? Yes?
Yes I do. The Floyd riots were not about losing an election. They were about a cop murdering a man in his custody.

Some guy sat at Nancy Pelosi's desk and put his feet up and the entire Bootlicking Class melted down. "Sacred ground" they said






All so some guy can put his feet up on Pelosi's desk.


You are correct about one thing, there is no coming back from making every official act of a president above the law.

you will not like where this leads
Without it we already know where it has led. In Viet Nam people like Joe leading a platoon were killed by their own for their own safety.
Only your county? Which one is it?

Just kidding! I assume you meant country.

If seeing the real Biden for ninety minutes gives the country a no good really fucking awful, bad week, doesn't that mean that the country has had a no good reallly fucking awful, bad three years under Biden, even if about half of us were unaware of how bad it was, because the media has been hiding it?

We had 90 minutes of showing the whole world that neither of the people with a chance to become the next POTUS are qualified to hold such a position. It was a national embarrassment and one that our enemies were ecstatic about.

Then we had the Judicial branch give itself regulatory power and then yesterday they ruled that the POTUS is basically a king when preforming official duties.

This is a week the country will never recover from. I just hope it does not implode before I can retire and get the fuck out.
Without it we already know where it has led. In Viet Nam people like Joe leading a platoon were killed by their own for their own safety.

People like Biden and Trump would never have been there, thus part of the problem.
Democrats suddenly hate the rule of law. They loved it when the kangaroo court convicted Trump

Isn't that amazing? And if they had 9 of Sotomayor, Kagan and Jackson they wouldn't mind the political court at ALL.

I just cannot take them seriously.

Those weren't DEM's rioting at the Capital because their guy lost, that was MAGAs.

It was kind of ironic given your statement: "Well fwiw I think this might be it. The Left is melting down, and when they go full Chernobyl no one ever really comes back from it. Not the same way."

There is only one party that attempted to over throw and election through rioting at the Joint Session of Congress counting the EC votes, it wasn't the DEMs. It was Trump supporters.

Those weren't DEM's rioting at the Capital because their guy lost, that was MAGAs.


So breaking into public buildings is trodding on "sacred ground" but breaking and destroying people's businesses is great and fine.

You don't have enough skepticism for our elected officials I see.
People like Biden and Trump would never have been there, thus part of the problem.

Biden was an acceptable 1 term President. He should have taken the win, left it at that. He should have announced he wouldn't be running for reelection last year to allow the DEMs a clean selection process.

Trump is a con man, grifter, sexual assaulter, tax fraud (Trump Organization was convicted of Tax Fraud), and a convicted felon who shouldn't get anywhere near the White House ever again.

A pox on both parties.

Biden was an acceptable 1 term President. He should have taken the win, left it at that. He should have announced he wouldn't be running for reelection last year to allow the DEMs a clean selection process.

Trump is a con man, grifter, sexual assaulter, tax fraud (Trump Organization was convicted of Tax Fraud), and a convicted felon who shouldn't get anywhere near the White House ever again.

A pox on both parties.


Both parties are a pox on the country.

SCOTUS over the last week made it worse.
Biden was an acceptable 1 term President. He should have taken the win, left it at that. He should have announced he wouldn't be running for reelection last year to allow the DEMs a clean selection process.

Trump is a con man, grifter, sexual assaulter, tax fraud (Trump Organization was convicted of Tax Fraud), and a convicted felon who shouldn't get anywhere near the White House ever again.

A pox on both parties.

Taking it hard, huh?
We had 90 minutes of showing the whole world that neither of the people with a chance to become the next POTUS are qualified to hold such a position.
You're both sides'ing a situation that was obviously a disaster for the Democrats and a huge win for Trump. Which means a huge win for the Republicans, because now that everyone thinks that Trump has it in the bag, they'll all jump on his bandwagon.

Trump did very well in the debate. Hard to imagine him making more progress in convincing the American people to vote for him in ninety minutes than he did at the debate. If there were an edited down version that included only questions to Trump and Trump's responses, you could see it better.

The media made a big mistake in trying to help Biden with the muted microphones trick. Muting the microphones prompted Trump not to be the obnoxious bully he has been in previous debates. The moderators were also not the usual interrupting bullies they are when interviewing Trump. Asking questions and then actually allowing him to answer gave him the chance to respond to some of their worst lies.

The media spin that Trump did badly also is only their TDS/Tourettes coming out.
It was a national embarrassment and one that our enemies were ecstatic about.
Why were our enemies estatic? You seriously think that they did not know what bad shape Biden has been in?

Unlike an IMDB Democrat, our enemies have not been blindly believing all these years what is put out on "Morning Joe" and "The View," about Joe Biden. They did not wait for Joe and Mika to tell them that Biden has zero capability to lead the nation if they decide to attack, or simply to run over us internationally.

Why do you think that they felt so safe to murder the thirteen service members in Afghanistan that Biden forgot about, and to attack Israel on October 7th and call for another genocide of Jews on our college campuses?

Then we had the Judicial branch give itself regulatory power
Lots to unpack on that, enough for its own thread. I'll make one if I get time.
and then yesterday they ruled that the POTUS is basically a king when preforming official duties.
Sorry, but that is moronic. Purely partisan. If it were Republicans weaponizing the DOJ against a former Democratic president, you would cheer the ruling.

They ruled that a president has "some" immunity for official acts. Well, duh. The nature of government is that its agents sometimes do things that would be crimes if done by a civilian. Can you imagine FDR calling off D-Day because a future Republican administration might charge him with thousands of manslaughters?
This is a week the country will never recover from. I just hope it does not implode before I can retire and get the fuck out.
If you're going to a country that has the U.S. dollar as its official currency, you better hope that we dont' have four more years of Biden. His handlers will make the Weimar Republic look like paragons of fiscal responsibility.

Last week they gave the Judicial branch regulatory power, so now lifetime appointed judges and justices that answer to nobody can override experts the Govt hires to do a job. Just imagine, the courts can now tell the FDA a drug is not safe. What could go wrong with that.

And then yesterday they said that while preforming "official actions" the POTUS is above the law and immune from prosecution, unless they are impeached...which has never happened in our history.

And who gets to decide what is an "official action"....the same folks that just said the POTUS is immune.

I get that you all are happy as pig in shit that this helps your man, but in the long run this is not going to end well for the country.
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You're both sides'ing a situation that was obviously a disaster for the Democrats and a huge win for Trump. Which means a huge win for the Republicans, because now that everyone thinks that Trump has it in the bag, they'll all jump on his bandwagon.

Nobody that thinks both sides suck had their mind changed on Thursday night. All it did was prove I was correct all these years of saying it was so.

The highlight of the low points was the two demented old dudes fighting over who has the lower golf handicap.

Trump did very well in the debate. Hard to imagine him making more progress in convincing the American people to vote for him in ninety minutes than he did at the debate. If there were an edited down version that included only questions to Trump and Trump's responses, you could see it better.

The better way to go is to just read the transcript. Trump never answered a single question, he just spouted his normal talking points from every rally he ever gives. You think Trump did well because you are a Trumper, there was never a chance of you not thinking he did well.

Why were our enemies estatic? You seriously think that they did not know what bad shape Biden has been in?

It was highlighted for the whole world how far the US has fallen when these two men are the very best we can come up with to be our next President. They are all preparing for a post US dominated world as we as a country are done.

Sorry, but that is moronic. Purely partisan. If it were Republicans weaponizing the DOJ against a former Democratic president, you would cheer the ruling.

Nope, I would have loved to see Obama have to defend his killing of American citizens in a court of law. Nobody should be above the law, and that is what we have in this country.

If you're going to a country that has the U.S. dollar as its official currency, you better hope that we dont' have four more years of Biden. His handlers will make the Weimar Republic look like paragons of fiscal responsibility.

Outside of the bout of inflation the economic numbers for Trump and Biden are basically identical.
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Last week they gave the Judicial branch regulatory power, so now lifetime appointed judges and justices that answer to nobody can override experts the Govt hires to do a job. Just imagine, the courts can now tell the FDA a drug is not safe. What could go wrong with that.
Not sure who is feeding you this nonsense. I didn't peg you as a fan of the HUGE, permanent administrative regulatory regime. Getting rid of Chevron is a huge win for the people and a huge loss for the administrative state. "Answer to nobody?" The trial court judges are accountable to the appeal court judges who are accountable to the SC. Under Chevron, the administrative agency for the public, "fuck you, what are you going to do about it?"

And then yesterday they said that while preforming "official actions" the POTUS is above the law and immune from prosecution, unless they are impeached...which has never happened in our history.

Again, not sure who is feeding you this nonsense, but they were lying to you. Impeachment has nothing to do with it.

And who gets to decide what is an "official action"....the same folks that just said the POTUS is immune.
Nope. It would be trial courts, then appellate courts, then the Supreme court. Making decisions like this is something they do every day. This absolute nonsense that Biden is putting the country through with his lawfare, for 100% political reasons is absurd and incredibly harmful to the nation.

I get that you all are happy as pig in shit that this helps your man, but in the long run this is not going to end well for the country.
Yup. It's all about me. Sorry you feel butt hurt, but perhaps if you were better informed, you'd feel better about both decisions.
Nobody that thinks both sides suck had their mind changed on Thursday night. All it did was prove I was correct all these years of saying it was so.
People who cling to "both sides suck," but only complain specifically about one side, are cowards, afraid to defend who they are clearly hoping will win.
The highlight of the low points was the two demented old dudes fighting over who has the lower golf handicap.
Biden tried to take it down that path, with his challenge to Trump to carry his own clubs. As if Biden could carry his, when he can barely walk himself. Trump put a stop to it by saying "let's not be childish," much to Biden's dismay.
The better way to go is to just read the transcript. Trump never answered a single question, he just spouted his normal talking points from every rally he ever gives. You think Trump did well because you are a Trumper, there was never a chance of you not thinking he did well.
That's the myth that the TDS media immediately put out and its followers swallowed whole. Trump answered every question except the one about whether he would sign a nationwide abortion ban. But he delayed anwering until his time was almost up, to prevent the Democrat moderators from stalling with time-consuming follow ups.
It was highlighted for the whole world how far the US has fallen when these two men are the very best we can come up with to be our next President. They are all preparing for a post US dominated world as we as a country are done.
Our enemies are sad now that they know that they likely won't have another four years of Biden to flood our country with their young males, and to attack our allies with impunity. For example, this election will determine the future of Taiwan. Now, the Chinese have reason to believe that their opportunity to invade Taiwan with impunity will be over in January.
Nope, I would have loved to see Obama have to defend his killing of American citizens in a court of law. Nobody should be above the law, and that is what we have in this country.
Outside of the bout of inflation the economic numbers for Trump and Biden are basically identical.
A "bout of inflation?" Typical Democrat minimizing Biden's disastrous economic policies. Is the "bout" over? Have the prices come down, or are people still having the choose between food and medicine? Still paying twice as much at the pump as they did under Trump?
Not sure who is feeding you this nonsense. I didn't peg you as a fan of the HUGE, permanent administrative regulatory regime. Getting rid of Chevron is a huge win for the people and a huge loss for the administrative state. "Answer to nobody?" The trial court judges are accountable to the appeal court judges who are accountable to the SC. Under Chevron, the administrative agency for the public, "fuck you, what are you going to do about it?"

And who is the SC accountable to...NOBODY and they will have the final say.

I have far more faith in the experts in Fed agencies than I do in judges. Judges will be ruling on things they have no clue about. Does not seem a good way to go.

Nope. It would be trial courts, then appellate courts, then the Supreme court.

Which is what I just said. And who does the SC answer to...NOBODY.

Yup. It's all about me.

It always is.

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