Zone1 If the perp who did this is brought to trial, what should the verdict be?

4. He should wake up everyday in prison for the rest of his life knowing that his life is over on a different level

Quick death is way too lenient
... and ....
This one is silly. People who oppose the death penalty in this way, like to pretend they want the perp to suffer an even harsher punishment than death, and claim that life in the slammer is that. But they know that life isn't really and will be the same people wanting older prisoners to be released, especially child rapists.

There are several good reasons to oppose the death penalty, but "it's too easy" isn't one of them.
You both have good points. Maybe it depends upon who you identify with.
1). From the point of the prisoner you might think a life sentence is worse than death.
2). From an upstanding citizen's point of view we don't want such criminals walking our streets and we don't want to foot the bill for their upkeep either.
Could be Violence (often unprovoked) is ingrained into Black Children from an early age on. Taught by the masters like IM2 superbad currybreath winterborn to strike in packs or alone anytime anywhere over the slightest verbal insult to result in death. Bash heads into cement like the 200lb girl in Hazelwood bashing skinny white chicks head. No outrage from Blacks over any events ever.

Could be the hopelessness............."I got nothing, no hope and nobody else will have anything".
Why do you think it matters to me what you imagine it could be? Let me know when you can make a rational argument for what it is.
Where is there proof of intrinsic racial equality?
What even is that premise? Who said anything about racial equality? Genetically, more melanin production means greater uv protection. That's superiority, not equality. But that's also proven through science. Higher IQs on average in whites being the result of inferior black genes is not proven science. In fact Murray's own research discredits any attempts at positive claims for the causes of average IQ differences between groups.
Whites did not enalsve Negroes. They were enslaved by other Negroes in Africa and sold to white slave traders.
Who continued enslaving them and who enslaved their children. In fact only about 388,000 Africans came to America from Africa. The 4 million slaves that were here in America at the start of the Civil War were born and bred and enslaved here. If you can't accept simple facts even at this early a juncture in your argument then this is going to be a very amusing discussion.
When the slave trade existed whites could not enter the interior of Africa because of African diseases.
And that red herring doesn't really address all the enslaving they did after.
Allowing the slave trade was the worst mistake European settlers and their descendents in the Americas made.

Imagine what the United States would be like with no Negroes. The crime rate would be much lower. The cost of our criminal justice and welfare systems would be much lower. The downtown areas of our cities would not be asphault jungles of crime and moral depravity.
Why do you assume America would even exist at all without slavery? Either way your fantasies aren't compelling to me.
They would be centers of civilization, known for museums, art gallaries, libraries, book stores, atmospheric restaurants and taverns, theaters, and concert halls.
You just described D.C., a place rich with Black American culture.
It would be possible to watch a movie or a play, or to attend a concert or a ballet that ended at 10:00 pm, walk two miles to get home, and be safe from crime.
Now you're just back to describing fantasy. That exists everywhere in America because we refuse to address the availability of guns. The worst movie shooting in America happened in majority white Aurora Colorado by a white guy.

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