Alyssa Farah Griffin: ‘I feel duped’ by Biden’s team

Nope. A fact is a number of piece of factual information.

What someone secretly meant or something subjective isn’t a fact check.. and most fact checks do this
Correct, secrets and subjectives are not facts. Those weren’t part of the fact check either
The SCOTUS isn’t “conservative”.. they rule against supposed conservative issues all the time.

Democrats nominate activists loyal to leftist ideology… Republicans generally nominate judges who try to remain loyal to the constitution
SCOTUS is very much conservative. They were nominated and elected from the conservative camp. Doesn’t mean they are going to green light every wacky issue before them. They are still judges, not politicians
Agreed. The debate revealed a lot about Joe. Doesn’t feel good getting lied to by those in power. Which is why for the life of me I can’t understand why so many are getting behind Trump. The most dishonest person I’ve ever witnessed. Neither he or Joe should be in power.
Yet we do have to choose,
BIDENS not so great performance Does put the lie too what MAGA has been saying about BIDEN.
He could and did stand and speak answer Every question and most in detail, and for a politician with a speech imped
pretty honest also.
Naw, those were just lies… everybody from Jefferson to Obama has lied… right? Wasn’t that your argument a couple posts ago?
Yep everyone does. Those aren’t comparable to the fraud the dems put on the American people over xiden mental health
Yet we do have to choose,
BIDENS not so great performance Does put the lie too what MAGA has been saying about BIDEN.
He could and did stand and speak answer Every question and most in detail, and for a politician with a speech imped
pretty honest also.
Biden has his issues. Not to dementia driven levels that MaGA paints him but it’s clear to me that he is not in shape to serve another 4 years. He can be an advisor if he wants to stay involved but he’s not up to being the leader of the free world. It’s obvious
Yep everyone does. Those aren’t comparable to the fraud the dems put on the American people over xiden mental health
Trumps lies are very comparable. Worse even. Much worse as his entire movement is a cloud of lies. Alternate reality.

You’re overplaying the Biden dementia stuff.
Trumps lies are very comparable. Worse even. Much worse as his entire movement is a cloud of lies. Alternate reality.

You’re overplaying the Biden dementia stuff.
Haha no there is no lie by anyone, sans LBJ lies about winning in vietnam, comparable to the dems putting a senile puppet up as president, and openly lie about his mental health

We don’t know who’s running the country, just a bunch of unelected fraudsters
SCOTUS is very much conservative. They were nominated and elected from the conservative camp. Doesn’t mean they are going to green light every wacky issue before them. They are still judges, not politicians
I do believe there are three who will approve of as much of anything how ever wacky, as they can get away with.
For reasons nothing to do with what is in the better interests of most US citizens.
I’ll still argue it. Trumps conservative SCOTUS found there was no case for improper government censorship on social media companies. Contradicting the argument that you were making. What say you to that?
So you're saying that propaganda generated by the DNC and used by Biden during his debate to lie to the American people for power is okay. The 51 intelligence agents that declared Biden's laptop as Russian disinformation to keep it out of the Public's eye was just a tip of the iceberg of the deception by the DNC to get Biden in there. Extreme dishonesty requiring a gullible Mass of unintelligent parrots and lemmings to get away with crimes and gain power for their own Glory. Nothing Trump has ever done even comes close to this level of conspiracy.
SCOTUS is very much conservative. They were nominated and elected from the conservative camp. Doesn’t mean they are going to green light every wacky issue before them. They are still judges, not politicians
It’s pretty 50/50 now.. the left was just used to having a leftist court previously, and now a 50/50 court seems “conservative” to you
It admittedly took me a LONG time to come to terms with this, but I'm pretty doubtful that we have the ability to do better on a macro level.

A switch flipped at some point (2016?) and the regular standards were tossed.

It is what it is. But pretending that America is "exceptional" now would be a little silly.
ITS not about being exceptional,

Things that support US all, not only a fraction or just the élite.
That is the main reason we became so strong. BUT
Never perfect, humans never are.
Were you surprised by Biden's debate performance?
Not surprised, if I had listened to what has been posted on this board, I would have assumed that he would have fallen down. or tripped at least once.
never HAVE been able to complete more than 2 or 3 sentences.
never would have been able to answer questions in such detail.....
BUT Was it a good debate NO.
It admittedly took me a LONG time to come to terms with this, but I'm pretty doubtful that we have the ability to do better on a macro level.

A switch flipped at some point (2016?) and the regular standards were tossed.

It is what it is. But pretending that America is "exceptional" now would be a little silly.

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