Biden is refusing to drop out of the race

Their ilk cannot give up power. It’s not something they can ever do. I’d be shocked if Biden actually stepped down.

If Biden doesn’t think he can win he has no choice but to give up power. Retiring would be a lot more respectable than a loss.
LOL too bad Dems, you’re going down with this ship.

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Let's face it, Biden's the best they've got and they know it.

If Biden doesn’t think he can win he has no choice but to give up power. Retiring would be a lot more respectable than a loss.

Someone may have convinced Biden that he can win, whoever that might be. Hard to see how anyone can still hold that view, but there are plenty of people that hate Trump so much that they will do anything to beat him. But they had to know what was going to happen when he goes out there for that long.
Which makes me wonder if this wasn't engineered for him to look so bad they will have a good excuse to replace him and his loyal base will agree? Not sure who that replacement will be but I haven't ruled out Kamala since they have been giving her so much more face time recently.

I could be wrong of course. But I think otherwise we would have seen the jacked up Joe we saw at the SOTU. But there is a limit to how much of those kinds of stimulants they can pump into a person without killing him.
I think you're right. I agree with this guy

But I think otherwise we would have seen the jacked up Joe we saw at the SOTU.

LOL, I think the Joe we saw WAS jacked up as much as they medically and safely probably could. People his age have some days that are better or worse than others, but I think what we saw is exactly who and what he mentally and physically is. It is possible that it is Joe himself that is the problem for the democrats, he thinks he can do the job and win the election. Maybe there is no one there with the guts to tell him that it's time to quit the campaign cuz he's gonna lose and somebody else might have a better shot at beating Trump.

Caveat: I don't know squat about what's going on in the WH and who's telling Biden whatever. But it could be that he is so convinced that dropping out would be worse for the country than staying in.
Biden? The guy who beat your orange douchebag so badly that the loser is still whining about it 4 years later? That guy? :auiqs.jpg:

What does that say about Trump if he lost to Biden? No wonder you retards are always so mad. Thoughts & prayers.
He's your orange douchbag, I have suffer Sunak and Starmer cos I'm UK :laughing0301:

Just because I'm UK, doesn't stop me witnessing Biden suffering from dementia.
Old? No, a dementia sufferer.

Trump isnt far behind.
LOL, I think the Joe we saw WAS jacked up as much as they medically and safely probably could. People his age have some days that are better or worse than others, but I think what we saw is exactly who and what he mentally and physically is. It is possible that it is Joe himself that is the problem for the democrats, he thinks he can do the job and win the election. Maybe there is no one there with the guts to tell him that it's time to quit the campaign cuz he's gonna lose and somebody else might have a better shot at beating Trump.

Caveat: I don't know squat about what's going on in the WH and who's telling Biden whatever. But it could be that he is so convinced that dropping out would be worse for the country than staying in.
Anything is possible I suppose. I just think he is too mentally gone to know who he is, what he is, where he is most of the time now. His staffers certainly don't want to lose their jobs and Jill probably enjoys the perks of being First Lady. Or whatever deep state operatives are involved may have something else in mind. Get him elected, for instance, and then get Kamala to resign in favor of somebody they want in the office. And THEN force Joe out. Or they've been arranging so much more face time for Kamala maybe she is the useful idiot obedient to whoever is running Joe and the replacement. Who knows?

The Democrats have demonstrated hugely that they don't care about any Americans who can't help them stay in power and they sure don't care about America. So we'll see how it all shakes out.
Trump looked 30 years younger than Biden. Biden is decrepit and senile, Trump is vigorous and healthy and sharp.

The rules of the debate really hurt Sleepy Joe- even though he was the one who dictated them and insisted on the Far Left network and Far Left moderators.

With the mikes being turned off when the contestant wasn't speaking, Biden couldn't count on Trump rescuing him from his daze with an interruption. Joe just was hung out to dry by his own rules.
The rules of the debate really hurt Sleepy Joe- even though he was the one who dictated them and insisted on the Far Left network and Far Left moderators.

With the mikes being turned off when the contestant wasn't speaking, Biden couldn't count on Trump rescuing him from his daze with an interruption. Joe just was hung out to dry by his own rules.
It just goes to show how utterly stupid the left is. They thought for sure this would make Trump look bad. Trump was right though, they didn’t expect him to accept these terms. But that’s what makes Trump a stable genius. The rules also didn’t allow the moderators to jump in since they would be muted anyway. There was no rescuing Biden when he starts to stammer and fall apart. They just had to sit there and wait for his 2 minutes to run out.

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