Joe was bad, Trump was worse

There is no sugar coating it for democrats, Joe Biden’s performance was abysmal. He wasnt sharp. He wasnt clear. But worst of all he didn’t call out Trump’s incessant lying.

Trump was worse. He demonstrated a completed disconnect from reality, hung on to the narrative the election was stolen, tried to reframe January 6 insurgents as prisoners, and tried to blame Nancy Pelosi for not stopping him from trying to take over the election results through force. WTF? He even said people want to kill 9 month old babies fairly unchallenged. The guy was unhinged and full of shit.

I am not sure what the Democratic Party should do about its candidate seemingly lack of sharpness when it mattered but I do know no one should not walk away think Trump won, Trump actually lost the debate. However, Biden likely lost his party by not disputing the incessent lies spewed by Donald Trump. Democrats deserve a candidate that can debunk the easy to dispute moronic lies of Donald Trump. Your move Biden.

I feel very sorry for you Americans every day having to be stuck voting for one of those two for not just this election but the previous one too.
CNN fact checked both candidates....Biden first....and he lied very very often....even taking credit for a Trump program. It was ridiculous.

Then all the Trump "lies". Which can be construed as a falsehood but there is solid evidence of some of what he said. Such as fraudulent ballots to infanticide. The evidence is everywhere on social media networks. Trump otherwise just exaggerated the successes of his presidency. (Expected lies are not really really lies)

Here's an unbiased link to a copy of the transcript that has been submitted....
Neither candidate was honest completely....neither lied completely either. But debates are about optics.....

CNN fact checked both candidates....Biden first....and he lied very very often....even taking credit for a Trump program. It was ridiculous.

Then all the Trump "lies". Which can be construed as a falsehood but there is solid evidence of some of what he said. Such as fraudulent ballots to infanticide. The evidence is everywhere on social media networks. Trump otherwise just exaggerated the successes of his presidency. (Expected lies are not really really lies)

Here's an unbiased link to a copy of the transcript that has been submitted....
Neither candidate was honest completely....neither lied completely either. But debates are about optics.....

Truth be told, BOTH candidates came-off looking ridiculous at various times throughout that 90 minutes.

The Orange Baboon-God was merely more lucid than Sleepy Old Uncle Joe... so HE had even less excuse for gaffes and lies.
I think it will be hard to overcome last nights performance
People tuned in to be assured Biden can handle the job. He failed miserably.
You can’t claim he was just having a bad day because he may improve slightly but not turn in an energetic performance
The "cold" story was clearly a lie since the next morning he was just fine. That was not a cold, that was a doddering old man who wandered away from an assisted living facility.

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