Biden is refusing to drop out of the race

Mine, too! And I'm not very good at it. It's just -- Fun!

Volleyball is what I'm pretty good at. I'm not tall but I can jump like a Kangaroo. And I can smack the ball with some serious velocity. I have to tone it down at the Beach. Otherwise the girls won't play.

And that's the best part of the game. :)

None of it matters anymore. I'm too old. Whatever. I can still see it in my mind. Good times.
Beach vollyball is the best!

I bet Biden could play beach volleyball?
He's your orange douchbag, I have suffer Sunak and Starmer cos I'm UK :laughing0301:

Just because I'm UK, doesn't stop me witnessing Biden suffering from dementia.
Are you also able to see that one of the candidates is a criminally convicted felon or are you too retarded for that kind of insight?
Nelson Mandela was also a convicted felon yet was elected and served successfully in his country.
:auiqs.jpg: Mandela was sent to prison for opposing white colonial rule. Your orange fuhrer got caught hiding money paid to a porn star. - A big difference, sparky.

Thanks for the laughs but don't limit yourself. Go for another one comparing your orange loser with Jesus. :laughing0301:
Are you also able to see that one of the candidates is a criminally convicted felon or are you too retarded for that kind of insight?
Yes, but no one is bothered about your petty arguements and name calling due to your kangaroo court system. You will find millions commit an illegal act, such people are called illegal immigrants, yet your party seems to embrace them. So when it comes to retardism, I suggest you work on your consistency of thought. I suppose you support the likes of Biden taking and divulging confidential documents.
:auiqs.jpg: Mandela was sent to prison for opposing white colonial rule. Your orange fuhrer got caught hiding money paid to a porn star. - A big difference, sparky.

Thanks for the laughs but don't limit yourself. Go for another one comparing your orange loser with Jesus. :laughing0301:

Mandela was convicted of trying to take over the government in the Union of South Africa from the liberal regime then in power.

Same motive that the American regime under Sleepy Joe has to charge Trump.

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