Look at what the Left Fears:

"The Project 2025 document makes recommendations across four broad fronts: restoring the family as the centrepiece of American life; dismantling the administrative state; defending the nation’s sovereignty and borders; and securing “God-given” individual rights to live freely."

Wow! How could anyone possibly live in such a distopian nightmare?

The devil is in the details. :dev3:

Not going for your come on. It’s been reported on at length. This is just a notice that MAGA is a danger to our democracy, the drumbeat until November. Refusal to debate honestly has come home to roost, so now you just get the roast.



"I'm just one of those vapid idiots that throws the term fascist around without actually understanding what I am saying"

"I'm just one of those vapid idiots that throws the term fascist around without actually understanding what I am saying"
Wrong once again! The right answer is: MAGA is playing a losing hand and I’m letting everyone know. What passes for debate is just propaganda, often provided by Russian and Chinese fronts and famously read in committee by Matt Gaetz!

Wrong once again! The right answer is: MAGA is playing a losing hand and I’m letting everyone know. What passes for debate is just propaganda, often provided by Russian and Chinese fronts and famously read in committee by Matt Gaetz!


Wrong once again! The right answer is: MAGA is playing a losing hand and I’m letting everyone know. What passes for debate is just propaganda, often provided by Russian and Chinese fronts and famously read in committee by Matt Gaetz!

Come on Konradv, try and show us that you have more to offer than empty leftist drivel from MSNBC…

What is it in the four planks of the OP that you don’t agree with and why?
Here the thing about that..the DOI said people were endowed by their creator with inalienable rights…I guess that means if you dont believe in a creator…you have no rights…

Dontcha wish you had subscribed to SOME religion?

My creator imo, is mother nature. The Constitution attempts to enforces these natural rights through the actions of men and does not rely on some supernatural eternal being.
loyal to the Unified Reich
Or the concepts of Liberal Western Democracy that the majority of both parties use to agree on. Like accepting defeat at the ballot box. Instead of making unprovable claims about fraud to gin up the emotions of their base, concede with dignity and a pledge to work harder to win the next election.
In other words they want to highly encourage young people I. Their 20s to get married and have kids. Recipe to further societal decay because divorce rates will skyrocket, more kids caught in divorce, more unwanted kids, more drug use, and on and on. Wait until your mid 30s and financially sound before doing the steps above.
Isn’t it great that you get to believe what you want?
Belief is personal.

I don't know where we come from
I don't know where we're going to
But if all of this should have a reason
We would be the last to know
So let's just hope there is a promised land
Hang on till then as best you can

The fact is the Constitution only mentions a Lord as a place holder in time and is a contract for men(and women) written and enforced by men and women.

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