Not so fast Nancy, you can't just kiss GI Joe off at the bus station anymore.

Tell that to the Kurds in Iraq and Syria.

Tell that to the opposition to Noriega in Panama

Tell that to Britain, France and Israel who we betrayed when they tired to gain control of the Suez canal in the 50s

Tell that to the people of Vietnam whom we promised aide if they signed the peace treaty we negotiated behind their backs and then after they did said "just kidding", leading the leader of South Vietnam to say "It is so easy to be an enemy of the United States, but so difficult to be a friend"
We are strong allies with Brittain, France and Israel and who gives a fuck about the others? :cuckoo:
They do not, that much is plain to anyone that does not have their head up the ass of the US Govt.

We are not a reliable ally because an election can change everything. Any agreement made can be voided by the next guy to sit in the White House. And now that happens just out of partisanship.
Blah blah blah. Im seeing a lot of words, but Im not seeing it in the real world. We are allies with these people still. :dunno:
We are strong allies with Brittain, France and Israel and who gives a fuck about the others?

and yet we still stabbed them all in the back from time to time.

Everyone should care about the others, it shows the character of our country.

I would rather be a country that is respected rather than feared.

But honesty and respect are not things in your vocabulary it seems.
and yet we still stabbed them all in the back from time to time.

Everyone should care about the others, it shows the character of our country.

I would rather be a country that is respected rather than feared.

But honesty and respect are not things in your vocabulary it seems.
...and yet we are still allies with them, arent we. No kick rocks. You arent getting anywhere with this weird claim.
Blah blah blah. Im seeing a lot of words, but Im not seeing it in the real world. We are allies with these people still. :dunno:

Yes, we are still allies with them, but they do not trust us, they ally with us out of necessity.
...and yet we are still allies with them, arent we. No kick rocks. You arent getting anywhere with this weird claim.

I never said we were not allies, I said they do not trust us. How long we stay allies is a different story. the EU is moving ahead for a post-American Europe.
We arent headed for WW3. Biden is about to lose the election, at which point the Ukraine war will end.
I doubt you can appreciate this but it’s reality, unlike where your head is.

Only people who listen to the chorus of reliable alternative media voices warning of the quickly growing threat of nuclear war have any sense of the nightmare that is approaching. Even for them, however, and surely for most others, unreality reigns. Reality has a tough time countering illusions. For we are cataleptically slow-walking to WW III. If it is very hard or impossible to imagine our own deaths, how much harder is it to imagine the deaths of hundreds of millions of others or more.
The growing lunacy of the Biden administration’s provocations against Russia via Ukraine seem lost on so many. The long-running and deep-seated demonization of Russia and its President Vladimir Putin by U.S. propagandists has sunk so deep into the Western mind that facts can’t descend that deep to counteract it. It is one of the greatest triumphs of U.S. government propaganda.
Acting As If It Weren’t Really So - LewRockwell
I doubt you can appreciate this but it’s reality, unlike where your head is.

Only people who listen to the chorus of reliable alternative media voices warning of the quickly growing threat of nuclear war have any sense of the nightmare that is approaching. Even for them, however, and surely for most others, unreality reigns. Reality has a tough time countering illusions. For we are cataleptically slow-walking to WW III. If it is very hard or impossible to imagine our own deaths, how much harder is it to imagine the deaths of hundreds of millions of others or more.
The growing lunacy of the Biden administration’s provocations against Russia via Ukraine seem lost on so many. The long-running and deep-seated demonization of Russia and its President Vladimir Putin by U.S. propagandists has sunk so deep into the Western mind that facts can’t descend that deep to counteract it. It is one of the greatest triumphs of U.S. government propaganda.
Acting As If It Weren’t Really So - LewRockwell

Well fuck, if Lew Rockwell says so it must be true.... :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

Go back to hiding under your bed and leave living to the adults
You apparently have trouble with the written word.

None at all, you are living in abject fear of WWIII. Reminds me of my childhood when we used to have nuke drills in the middle of fucking Kansas.
None at all, you are living in abject fear of WWIII. Reminds me of my childhood when we used to have nuke drills in the middle of fucking Kansas.
Me too. The threat is always with us and is used to influence the public and justify things we might not otherwise. I think the very real danger is that wolf will be cried too many times and when the wolf is real because someone miscalculated the response will be compromised due to lack of credibility where it is needed ( the government).

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