Zone1 "White privilege" does not exist, it is a lie.

As well they should.

So when can a bunch of foreigners move in to your neighborhood and make you live in a refugee camp?

Or will you squeal, "You can't do this to me, I'm white!!!"
Palestine was another third world dump.

Israel is an oaisis of first world civilization. Jews alwasys improve an area by moving to it.

The Palestinians have had plenty of time to move. It is time for them to be deported.
Palestine was another third world dump.

Israel is an oaisis of first world civilization. Jews alwasys improve an area by moving to it.

The Palestinians have had plenty of time to move. It is time for them to be deported.

You live in the American South, the ultimate dump.

Displacing all the inbred White trash would be an improvement.

See how easy that was?

Come to think of it, when the Nazis were clearing out the ghettos, they though they were bringing "civilization" as well.
You live in the American South, the ultimate dump.

Displacing all the inbred White trash would be an improvement.

See how easy that was?

Come to think of it, when the Nazis were clearing out the ghettos, they though they were bringing "civilization" as well.
The Nazis were mistaken about a number of things. For example, the Germans are not the Herrenvolk. Ashkenazi Jews are. I say that as one who is half German. My father spoke German before he learned English. He also joined the U.S. Army during the Second World War, and served as a lieutenant.

I live in a state that remained in the Union during the Civil War. Two of my ancestors fought in the Union Army.

The Nazis were mistaken about a number of things. For example, the Germans are not the Herrenvolk. Ashkenazi Jews are. I say that as one who is half German. My father spoke German before he learned English. He also joined the U.S. Army during the Second World War, and served as a lieutenant.

Actually, the Germans have had far more of an impact on western civilization.... but not all of it positive.

I live in a state that remained in the Union during the Civil War. Two of my ancestors fought in the Union Army.
Not what you said earlier, but okay.
Not what you said earlier, but okay.
I may have said that when that I lived in the South I attended a segregated elementary school and said it should be integrated.

After I learned what black majority public schools are like for the whites and Asians who have to attend I changed my mind about school integration.

Now I think all of the civil rights laws were well intended mistakes.

Saying that on American Renaissance got me into trouble. Some of the posters said the civil rights legislation was a Jewish plot to destroy America.

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