Mystery woman behind Trump that day

One things for sure - She damned sure wasn't scared. Those pictures she took was probably instantly confiscated by secret service if they took her phone. She was thinking probably that she was getting some unbelievable stuff that she could later sell for hundreds of thousands of dollar's. Yes, she was not your normal spectator that's for sure.
She either had foreknowledge
Or was a dittsy broad.
Somewhat related....Don't see a worthy thread for this right now...

Doesnt look abnormal. 99.999% of the time it is a car backfire, fireworks, construction vehicle dropping materials, or a balloon. So the natural reaction is to do nothing. I was actually impressed that people didnt scatter everywhere.... they just sat in their stands. Seems like a bad idea.
Doesnt look abnormal. 99.999% of the time it is a car backfire, fireworks, construction vehicle dropping materials, or a balloon. So the natural reaction is to do nothing. I was actually impressed that people didnt scatter everywhere.... they just sat in their stands. Seems like a bad idea.
Because many of them didn't know the sounds were gunshots. We know this. People there that day have told the media this.
Doesnt look abnormal. 99.999% of the time it is a car backfire, fireworks, construction vehicle dropping materials, or a balloon. So the natural reaction is to do nothing. I was actually impressed that people didnt scatter everywhere.... they just sat in their stands. Seems like a bad idea.

Firecrackers are a common practical joke at large outdoor gatherings. Could get you killed though.
Somewhat related....Don't see a worthy thread for this right now...

Way too much forehead...I'm all for a phrenological exam here.
Wow!! I was just literally about to post a new thread about wondering if the shooter actually acted alone. I can't say for sure, especially after seeing that as it looks HIGHLY suspicious to me. Definitely not normal behavior and that woman should be investigated.
Wow!! I was just literally about to post a new thread about wondering if the shooter actually acted alone. I can't say for sure, especially after seeing that as it looks HIGHLY suspicious to me. Definitely not normal behavior and that woman should be investigated.
Please explain to the class that assistance you think the shooter would have even needed.

Not seeing it.
First of all, every person there at one point or another, had their phones out to record video and images of a Trump rally. So nothing odd about that. This woman likely did not realize the gravity of the situation at that moment, and was recording video like she likely would have been doing at various points anyway.

This is actually MORE likely to be someone else's lame attempt to exploit what she did in order to gain clicks and views.
You know I'm a HUGE horror movie fan and it takes a whole lot to scare me but that scene of the woman just filming the shooting with a smirk on her face chills me to the bone.
Hey AyeCantSeeYou, I see that you're online and some people might get mad at me for this but White 6 you too. I know that at least one of you isn't a Trump fan, but I was curious about your comments on this as I cannot believe that nobody else in the crowd noticed this. JohnDB I'm curious about your thoughts too.
More "grassy knoll" stuff? Were well informed lefties ready with this stuff when they thought Trump would not survive?

I don't know but I'm still sticking with that's one of the scariest images that I've ever seen.
Most building access ladders are locked out by local code ordinance.
And some ladders are just lying on the ground. And some ladders are unlocked.

Some ladders are yellow. Some ladders are brown.

Some are tall. Some are short.

Some are metal. Some are wood.

Oh the wondrous mysteries we have created, haha
And some ladders are just lying on the ground. And some ladders are unlocked.

Some ladders are yellow. Some ladders are brown.

Some are tall. Some are short.'s a big deal actually especially on on industrial building. Fines ensue.

Maybe he dumped one nearby on an earlier day? Maybe he cut the lock on the ladder guard?

It's not as easy as you think.'s a big deal actually especially on on industrial building. Fines ensue.
"Most ladders are locked"

Which is the equivalent of saying a great many are not.

The 'spiracy nutters make this same error every time they open their mouths....don't be them...
Maybe it's the FBI's plan to use high tech technology to track down every person at the Trump event while they get a pass for criminal negligence. Not the first time.

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