BREAKING NEWS: Trump document case dropped

You are a little confused. The Independent Counsel Statutue just formalized what was done during Watergate. After it expired, they went back to the old system.

Now, that said, how would you handle it? Just let the DOJ handle such investigations/prosecutions? That would be subject to partisan interference.

There was no "old system" that was ever Constitutionally challenged.

So you are the one who is a little confused.
Why do I bother with your illiterate ass?

On December 30, 2003, after then-Attorney General John Ashcroft recused himself from the CIA leak grand jury investigation of the Plame affair due to conflicts of interest, Deputy Attorney General James B. Comey, acting as Attorney General in Ashcroft's place, appointed Fitzgerald to the U.S. Department of Justice Office of Special Counsel in charge of the investigation.[4][5] Fitzgerald was well-known to Comey and was in fact already godfather to one of Comey's children.

On December 30, 2003, three months after the start of the Plame investigation, Fitzgerald was appointed Special Counsel. Through this, Fitzgerald was delegated "all the authority of the Attorney General" in the matter. In February 2004, Acting Attorney General Comey clarified the delegated authority and stated that Fitzgerald has plenary authority. Comey also wrote "further, my conferral on you of the title of 'Special Counsel' in this matter should not be misunderstood to suggest that your position and authorities are defined and limited by 28 CFR Part 600."[23]
Um he had been confirmed by the senate nearly two years prior to that. What part of that don’t you get? He was a US attorney, Jack never was
There was no "old system" that was ever Constitutionally challenged.

So you are the one who is a little confused.

No confusion at all. This system has worked fine for 50 years. There was on precedent to overturn it.

Cannon is just trying to push this thing past the election.

Um he had been confirmed by the senate nearly two years prior to that. What part of that don’t you get? He was a US attorney, Jack never was
He was confirmed to be the Attorney for Northern IL, not to investigate the Plame case.

Fuck, are you stupid.

No confusion at all. This system has worked fine for 50 years. There was on precedent to overturn it.

Cannon is just trying to push this thing past the election.

He was confirmed to be the Attorney for Northern IL, not to investigate the Plame case.

Fuck, are you stupid.

What matters is the constitutionality. Period. It was never constitutionally challenged until now.
True dat. It's a hallmark of fascism that members of TheParty can commit no crimes, by definition.
You must mean Biden.
Did you forget he had classified documents stored in multiple unsecured locations? Documents that as a senator and VP he couldn't legally possess? What about his sharing top secret information with his ghost writer? What about Hurr concluding Biden being too feeble to stand trial?
Trump, as President was authorized to possess those documents. Biden was never authorized to have any classified documents. Nobody would have known about Biden's crimes if he hadn't raided Maralago.
No confusion at all. This system has worked fine for 50 years. There was on precedent to overturn it.

Cannon is just trying to push this thing past the election.

He was confirmed to be the Attorney for Northern IL, not to investigate the Plame case.

Fuck, are you stupid.
He was confirmed to be a US Attorney, which gave him the power to prosecute and investigate

This never happened with with the guy prosecuting trump
You must mean Biden.
Did you forget he had classified documents stored in multiple unsecured locations?
Your crazy big lies aside, you say that's all of that is totally legal, so long as a republican does it.

Thus, you prove that you're a shameless party hack.

It's good that you don't even pretend not to be a hypocrite any more. It's not like anyone ever fell for the act. And by lying for the party so shamelessly, you earn big fascist brownie points.
Your crazy big lies aside, you say that's all of that is totally legal, so long as a republican does it.

Thus, you prove that you're a shameless party hack.

It's good that you don't even pretend not to be a hypocrite any more. It's not like anyone ever fell for the act. And by lying for the party so shamelessly, you earn big fascist brownie points.
LOL! Loser.
You know you're the hypocrite as soon as you try to make it about me.

You can't prosecute Trump for. having documents and let Biden off.

No surprises here.
Right, no one should be surprised that Trump's appointee, U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon handed down a decision to dismiss the classified document case against Trump on the 1st day of the Republican National Convention. The classified document case was by far the strongest case against Trump. It would have been a hands down victory for the prosecution. This was the strongest criminal case against Trump of all the federal and state criminal cases.

For over 6 months she refused to rule on either defense or prosecution arguments apparently hoping to delay the trial till after the election. Then the defense came up with a request for dismissal base on the appointment of Smith. It was a long shot but Cannon ran with it. Smith said he will appeal the ruling and he will probably win but it may be too late. Whoever said a president is not above the law is being proved wrong.

Political control of federal courts is an important step to fascism. It appears we have taken that first step.
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judge Cannon in the state of FL has dismissed the documents case against Trump stating that Jack Smith was illegally appointed by the Justice Dept !

The Garland DoJ has authorized Jack Smith to appeal.

Yeah, good luck with that. It will be to the 11th Circuit, which is overseen by Justice Clarence Thomas, who gave the roadmap in the Trump v. USA immunity decision.
Shove what? No new wars? Low unemployment? Low gas prices? Peace in the middle east? You HATE it.
Typical MAGA agenda, stop immigration, stop federal support of education, gut Medicaid, privatize Medicare and Social Security, make abortion illegal in America, abolish the EPA, abolish gun control, Repeal the Voter Act and Civil Rights Act, make school prayer mandatory, withdraw from the UN and NATO and another tax cut for rich. That should turn the clock back about 70 years.
You can't prosecute Trump for. having documents and let Biden off.
Sure you can, since Biden didn't try to keep them when asked for them. Keeping them was the crime, not accidentally taking them.

(Of course, unlike Biden, Trump took them very deliberately, to sell to the enemies of the USA for big bucks. And you clearly approve.)

You can't actually be that ignorant of the basics, here can you?

Rhetorical question. Of course you can. Your cult mushrooms you, keeping you in the dark and feeding you bullshit. If the cult doesn't feed it to you, you have no hope of knowing it.
It is not. It was not. But your soft mind won't be changed so take the win, sucker.

Don't cry about corrupt government in the future, you stupid bitch. I'm serious. Fucking Not Sees.
Fuck off crybaby. YOUR side's not having a good time lately, including a failed assassination attempt.

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