BREAKING NEWS: Trump document case dropped

It was a state judge, not SCOTUS, that made this ruling. Try to keep up.

Jack Smith was not qualified to be special council. I assume you'd be ok with a DA not qualified to even BE a DA charging you with crimes?
Are you wrong?

A federal judge has dismissed former President Donald Trump’s indictment in the classified documents case

And Trump appointed her.
Are you wrong?
A federal judge has dismissed former President Donald Trump’s indictment in the classified documents case
And Trump appointed her.
So what if Trump appointed her? We'll see what happens on appeal. Is she right or wrong on the LAW?
I'd actually like to see Taylor Swift in a beautiful business suit arguing before the USSC.


A special prosecutor tried the case. Either you believe their appointment is legal or you don't. Which is it?
Hunter's attorneys are free to file a motion that questions the legitimacy of David Weiss as the special prosecutor and give their reasons why David's appointment was illegitimate.
Hunter's attorneys are free to file a motion that questions the legitimacy of David Weiss as the special prosecutor and give their reasons why David's appointment was illegitimate.
They will and they'll cite this ruling. Explain to me why you think special prosecutors not appointed by Congress are illegal for Trump but legal for Hunter. Can you?
They will and they'll cite this ruling. Explain to me why you think special prosecutors not appointed by Congress are illegal for Trump but legal for Hunter. Can you?
I can.
1. Weiss let the most serious tax charges expire, the ones that implicated Joe Biden. A senate approved prosecutor wouldn't have let them expire.
2. Weiss tried to get the sweetheart deal of all time approved, except the judge said no.

So AG Garland picks prosecutors who let guilty democrats get off. Independent prosecutors would follow the LAW.
They will and they'll cite this ruling. Explain to me why you think special prosecutors not appointed by Congress are illegal for Trump but legal for Hunter. Can you?
About the only difference I can think of between David and Jack is that David is already a current U.S. attorney who was given the additional role of special prosecutor. He was already doing an investigation on Hunter before the appointment was made. I don't think Jack Smith is a current U.S. attorney when Merrick made him a special prosecutor. Does that make a difference? I don't know. I'll let better legal minds than me make that decision.

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