Do Trump supporter's believe his claim that Biden wanted to "take out" Trump?

The timing of the response fire doesn’t make sense in any other context. How could the gov snipers have located, aimed, and killed the patsy so quickly unless they already had him in their sights? Gotta kill him quickly if you want to control the loose ends. Did you see his video where he says “I hate republicans, I hate Trump, and guess what, you got the wrong guy”?
Yes, I saw it…There was a huge blunder in this, that nobody used radios, the crowd saw Crook before LE? The local Police sniper flinched? Many questions.
Bottom Line, we have a history of assassinations... all by.... one specific demographic... which just struck again.

But this time the Mossad marksman MISSED....
Do Trump supporter's believe his claim that Biden wanted to "take out" Trump?
Trump's words "He (Biden) tried to raid my home and take me out with deadly force... BUT HE FAILED."
The FBI used the same instructions for raid on Pence and Biden's homes.
"The language Trump referenced is a standard policy statement used for issuing search warrants and was not unique to the FBI’s search of his property. It is actually meant to limit the use of deadly force."

How can people be so naieve to believe the implications that Trump mkaes through his lies.

No wonder the Trump suppoeters will be rioting in the streets when he loses in November. How far will they go?
The FBI didn’t raid Biden’s wide open garage to retrieve the 7,000 stolen classified documents
I didn't have to go back that far. I did it to point out how long trump has been practicing the big lie tactic.
Sadly ^^^ this useless idiot actually buys all the crap about Trump. Find that pee tape yet? You've only had 8 years.
Do Trump supporter's believe his claim that Biden wanted to "take out" Trump?
Trump's words "He (Biden) tried to raid my home and take me out with deadly force... BUT HE FAILED."
The FBI used the same instructions for raid on Pence and Biden's homes.
"The language Trump referenced is a standard policy statement used for issuing search warrants and was not unique to the FBI’s search of his property. It is actually meant to limit the use of deadly force."

How can people be so naieve to believe the implications that Trump mkaes through his lies.

No wonder the Trump suppoeters will be rioting in the streets when he loses in November. How far will they go?

They probably think that. They think everyone is like them.

It was with us when Paul Pelosi, husband of Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, was assaulted and beaten with a hammer in their San Francisco home two years ago.

Trump, the MAGA candidate for president, used that incident as an occasion for mockery: “What the hell was going on with her husband? Let’s not ask. … She’s got a wall around her house. Obviously in that case, it didn’t work very well, did it?”

Trump, while in office, considered political violence an option. According to former Attorney General Bill Barr, Trump would muse about the idea of executing individuals who disagreed with him. In 2020, Trump suggested shooting George Floyd protesters in Washington, as noted by his own Defense Secretary, Mark Esper
Do Trump supporter's believe his claim that Biden wanted to "take out" Trump?
Trump's words "He (Biden) tried to raid my home and take me out with deadly force... BUT HE FAILED."
The FBI used the same instructions for raid on Pence and Biden's homes.
"The language Trump referenced is a standard policy statement used for issuing search warrants and was not unique to the FBI’s search of his property. It is actually meant to limit the use of deadly force."

How can people be so naieve to believe the implications that Trump mkaes through his lies.

No wonder the Trump suppoeters will be rioting in the streets when he loses in November. How far will they go?
No. Biden can't plan a sandwich, there's no chance he could plan an assassination attempt.
Do I believe Biden had anything to do with the shooter?


Politicians talk like that all the time.

It's just rhetoric.

What I do believe though, is plenty of leftards would like to see Trump dead.

Some of them are actually dumb enough to believe the rhetoric.

Most people don't listen to politicians, but they DO listen to the news media.

The whole idea of the "news" media engaging in political rhetoric for a few views, is very dangerous. And highly irresponsible.
There are politicians on both sides who provide indications the opponnent must be beat at all costs.
None really want their opponent taken out but a very small group of people listen to words as a call to kill.

But they are crazy people who are looking for an excuse to do something whacked out.
Bottom Line, we have a history of assassinations... all by.... one specific demographic... which just struck again.

But this time the Mossad marksman MISSED....

That makes sense.

(No not really)
Do Trump supporter's believe his claim that Biden wanted to "take out" Trump?
Trump's words "He (Biden) tried to raid my home and take me out with deadly force... BUT HE FAILED."
The FBI used the same instructions for raid on Pence and Biden's homes.
"The language Trump referenced is a standard policy statement used for issuing search warrants and was not unique to the FBI’s search of his property. It is actually meant to limit the use of deadly force."

How can people be so naieve to believe the implications that Trump mkaes through his lies.

No wonder the Trump suppoeters will be rioting in the streets when he loses in November. How far will they go?
No. I don't believe magaturds really believe this, but they lie. Constantly. And this is the rub of their sincerity when it comes to their politics. :dunno:
There are politicians on both sides who provide indications the opponnent must be beat at all costs.
None really want their opponent taken out but a very small group of people listen to words as a call to kill.

But they are crazy people who are looking for an excuse to do something whacked out.

Poor elmo.

The party that you worship declared President Trump the biggest threat to America on the planet.
Obviously that level of threat must be removed.
Unless you hate America.

What am I saying, of course you hate America.
That makes sense.

(No not really)

Nothing "makes sense" to a treasonous self proclaimed SUB HUMAN who cares only about ISRAEL, not America, and is not at all conservative, doesn't understand basic fucking math, cannot define the word conservative, and claims this is a "757" not a cruise missile.

And you and your family cheered this....

You CHEER when ISRAEL murders AMERICANS and you, as a treasonous SUB, cannot notice that ALL of those out to GET TRUMP are, in fact, Jews....
Of course, they believe it was true. If I believed even half of the crazy stories that trump and his MAGA cult spreads, I would probably be ready for revolution too.
Biden's own words prove you wrong. "it's time to put Trump in the bullseye". many left wing media assholes and hollyloonies have said the same things or worse, so have Pelosi and most of the dems. Their words very likely motivated this lunatic to shoot. and why was he allowed access to a roof top on a direct line to the podium? He is silent forever so the truth will probably never be known.
Nothing "makes sense" to a treasonous self proclaimed SUB HUMAN who cares only about ISRAEL, not America, and is not at all conservative, doesn't understand basic fucking math, cannot define the word conservative, and claims this is a "757" not a cruise missile.

And you and your family cheered this....

You CHEER when ISRAEL murders AMERICANS and you, as a treasonous SUB, cannot notice that ALL of those out to GET TRUMP are, in fact, Jews....

so now pelosi and biden are jews??????????????????????
Biden's own words prove you wrong. "it's time to put Trump in the bullseye". many left wing media assholes and hollyloonies have said the same things or worse, so have Pelosi and most of the dems. Their words very likely motivated this lunatic to shoot. and why was he allowed access to a roof top on a direct line to the podium? He is silent forever so the truth will probably never be known.

As silent as Oswald.
Do Trump supporter's believe his claim that Biden wanted to "take out" Trump?
Trump's words "He (Biden) tried to raid my home and take me out with deadly force... BUT HE FAILED."
The FBI used the same instructions for raid on Pence and Biden's homes.
"The language Trump referenced is a standard policy statement used for issuing search warrants and was not unique to the FBI’s search of his property. It is actually meant to limit the use of deadly force."

How can people be so naieve to believe the implications that Trump mkaes through his lies.

No wonder the Trump suppoeters will be rioting in the streets when he loses in November. How far will they go?
Obviously, but by lawfare, not assassination.

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