Judge Cannon just dismissed Smith's classified documents case against Trump

Because you know Trump is guilty as shit.
Of what?
Of requesting the National Guard to keep the peace?

If you want someone to blame, how about someone who actually accepts responsibility for J6?

Nancy Pelosi says ‘I take responsibility’ for not having National Guard at the Capitol on Jan. 6 in video shot by her own daughter​

We may have finally reached the point where democrats will start giving up. Everything they have done has been to stop Trump and now that Trump is stronger than ever it obviously hasn't worked.
That's why they are resorting to the old tried and true method of getting rid of a political opponent...assassination.
Does your fellow Trump cult members make you take the short bus to your dear leader's pity rallies?

From your own link.

While the Constitution specifies that certain persons, such as Supreme Court Justices, qualify as “Officers of the United States,” the Appointments Clause does not specify all persons who fall under its purview. Thus, the Appointments Clause’s reach and scope has been disputed. In the 1976 case of Buckley v. Valeo, the Supreme Court explained that whether an individual wields “significant authority” informs the assessment of whether that person is an officer, but the Court has not significantly elaborated on this test since that decision.

Then.............They did.

Since the expiration of the independent counsel provisions in the Ethics in Government Act in 1999, as was the case before 1978, neither Congress nor the courts have any official role in the appointment of a special counsel; however, Congress can use other powers to pressure an administration into appointing a special counsel.

The Committee on Government Reform, to whom was referred the bill (H.R. 2904) to amend the Ethics in Government Act of 1978 to reauthorize funding for the Office of Government Ethics, having considered the same, report favorably thereon with amendments and recommend that the bill as amended do pass.
I know this is hard for you....i mean you are the same idiot that thought Congress could prosecute people.

but let me slow it down for you, the Court found that Jack Smith role, was one that made him a principal officer, and thus subject to Appointment clause, just like every other US Attorney prosecuting cases. https://storage.courtlistener.com/r...d.648652/gov.uscourts.flsd.648652.672.0_2.pdf
The bottom line is this: The Appointments Clause is a critical constitutional restriction stemming from the separation of powers, and it gives to Congress a considered role in determining the propriety of vesting appointment power for inferior officers. The Special Counsel’s position effectively usurps that important legislative authority, transferring it to a Head of Department, and in the process threatening the structural liberty inherent in the separation of powers. If the political branches wish to grant the Attorney General power to appoint Special Counsel Smith to investigate and prosecute this action with the full powers of a United States Attorney, there is a valid means by which to do so. He can be appointed and confirmed through the default method prescribed in the Appointments Clause, as Congress has directed for United States Attorneys throughout American history, see 28 U.S.C. § 541, or Congress can authorize his appointment through enactment of positive statutory law consistent with the Appointments Clause.
I know this is hard for you....i mean you are the same idiot that thought Congress could prosecute people.

but let me slow it down for you, the Court found that Jack Smith role, was one that made him a principal officer, and thus subject to Appointment clause, just like every other US Attorney prosecuting cases. https://storage.courtlistener.com/r...d.648652/gov.uscourts.flsd.648652.672.0_2.pdf
The bottom line is this: The Appointments Clause is a critical constitutional restriction stemming from the separation of powers, and it gives to Congress a considered role in determining the propriety of vesting appointment power for inferior officers. The Special Counsel’s position effectively usurps that important legislative authority, transferring it to a Head of Department, and in the process threatening the structural liberty inherent in the separation of powers. If the political branches wish to grant the Attorney General power to appoint Special Counsel Smith to investigate and prosecute this action with the full powers of a United States Attorney, there is a valid means by which to do so. He can be appointed and confirmed through the default method prescribed in the Appointments Clause, as Congress has directed for United States Attorneys throughout American history, see 28 U.S.C. § 541, or Congress can authorize his appointment through enactment of positive statutory law consistent with the Appointments Clause.
HOLY FUCK..........Q-NUT.

They ammended the clause in 1977.......
Then in 1999 they reauthorized it.

S.555 - Ethics in Government Act95th Congress (1977-1978)​

Authorizes the Attorney General to bring civil actions and district courts to assess civil penalties similar to those in Title I against individuals for failure to file or falsifying reports. Requires the head of each agency, each Secretary concerned, and the Director of the Office of Government Ethics to refer to the Attorney General the name of any individual they have reasonable cause to believe has willfully failed to file a report or willfully falsified or failed to file required information.

Authorizes the President, the Vice President, the Secretary concerned, and the head of each agency or the Civil Service Commission to take appropriate personnel or other action in accordance with applicable law or regulation against any individual failing to report information required to be reported.

Title VI: Amendments to Title 28, United States Code= - Requires the Attorney General to investigate all specific allegations of Federal criminal law violations other than petty offenses, by specified individuals, including: (1) the President, Vice President, individuals at specified salary levels in the Executive Office of the President and the Department of Justice, any Assistant Attorney General, the Director and Deputy Director of Central Intelligence, and the Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service; (2) all such specified individuals who held office during the incumbency of the President or during the period the last preceding President held office, if such preceding President was of the same political party as the incumbent President; and (3) any officer of the principal national campaign committee seeking the election or reelection of the President.

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