Thought Experiment - What if the shooter had succeeded ?

I see a surge in vote reporting after counting mail in ballots over night.

No, you don't.

You see a statistical moment that was consistent for 16 hours and then suddenly changed.

You imagine fantastical computers being hacked or unprogrammed to provide a fraudulent result....a fantasy backed by nothing. You have no evidence of any computer getting hacked. You have no evidence that anyone 'programmed' the voting machines to produce fraud.

You've imagined it all.

No, the chart is real. It actually happened. No one in either side contests it.

Its been almost 4 years. And you still have jackshit. If there was any meat on those bones, you'd have found it by now.

Instead, you continue to cling to a braindead fantasy contradicted by every count, every hand count, every machine count, every audit, every official tally, every certificate ascertainment, and the electoral vote.

Worse, you obviously don't believe your own bullshit. If you did, you would never vote as there would be no point. The Big Lie is just a balm for delicate, fragile egos that can't process that their candidate just lost.

Bla bla bla.

You know diddly about statistics.

Go study some stock tickers. Wall Street has the best statisticians in the world
No, you don't.

Of course you do. You see a spike in reporting, not a spike in the rate of vote counting. They counted mail in ballots as they came in overnight and reported the counts in the morning.

No conspiracy required

Your hapless Big Lie is not only laughably void of supporting evidence like your imaginary computer hacks, its completely unnecessary.

There's a reason your ilk have been laughed out of every court to ever hear your lies and made up fantasies. There's a reason why after nearly 4 years, you've still got jack shit to support your little ego balm
Of course you do. You see a spike in reporting, not a spike in the rate of vote counting. They counted mail in ballots as they came in overnight and reported the counts in the morning.

Any statistician would shoot you for saying something that stupid.

Every statistician knows that you don't draw conclusions before you do the analysis.

No conspiracy required

Your hapless Big Lie is not only laughably void of supporting evidence like your imaginary computer hacks, its completely unnecessary.

There's a reason your ilk have been laughed out of every court to ever hear your lies and made up fantasies. There's a reason why after nearly 4 years, you've still got jack shit to support your little ego balm

Courts are forbidden from considering statistical evidence

My "ilk" happens to know a whole lot about statistics. Especially the branch of it called "causal analysis". Which deals with things like the Granger method, transfer entropy, and Renyi causality.

You're way out of your league.
Any statistician would shoot you for saying something that stupid.

Every statistician knows that you don't draw conclusions before you do the analysis.
Says you, pretending to be 'every statistician' and making up '1 in 10,000,000' stats, pulled sideways out of your ass.

Your imagination isn't a standard of vote counting. What we saw was a spike in reporting as the mail in ballots that were counted over night were reported in the morning.

There's no 'statistical anomaly' in a reporting spike. There's simply a backlog of votes counted overnight that are reported all at once in the morning.

You simply don't know what you're talking about.

Courts are forbidden from considering statistical evidence

Says who? Is this you pretending to be a legal expert after your inept failure pretending to be an expert in statistics?

You have no evidence of any of the 'hacked computers'. You imagined it.

You have no evidence of any of the 'people who program' committing any fraud. You imagined it.

You have zero evidence that Trump actually won in 2020. Its just a fantasy you ilk have made up as a balm to your fragile egos. As you can't accept that you supported a candidate that the electorate simply didn't want.

You MUST be victims. So you imagine that too.

I'll stick with the actual vote tallies over your emotional coping mechanisms.
Any statistician would shoot you for saying something that stupid.

Every statistician knows that you don't draw conclusions before you do the analysis.

Courts are forbidden from considering statistical evidence

My "ilk" happens to know a whole lot about statistics. Especially the branch of it called "causal analysis". Which deals with things like the Granger method, transfer entropy, and Renyi causality.

You're way out of your league.

Oh, and in the case of Michigan specifically, it was a typo from one county that was corrected within minutes.

Says you, pretending to be 'every statistician' and making up '1 in 10,000,000' stats, pulled sideways out of your ass.

You should educate yourself.

Start here.

This is the National Academy of Sciences.

You trust them, don't you?

Your imagination isn't a standard of vote counting. What we saw was a spike in reporting as the mail in ballots that were counted over night were reported in the morning.

Bla bla bla
You're being an idiot again.
Swallowing the media drivel hook line and sinker.
Placing the cart WAY before the horse

There's no 'statistical anomaly' in a reporting spike. There's simply a backlog of votes counted overnight that are reported all at once in the morning.

You simply don't know what you're talking about.

You know who this guy is?


Every physicist knows who he is

Says who? Is this you pretending to be a legal expert after your inept failure pretending to be an expert in statistics?

You have no evidence of any of the 'hacked computers'. You imagined it.

You have no evidence of any of the 'people who program' committing any fraud. You imagined it.

You have zero evidence that Trump actually won in 2020. Its just a fantasy you ilk have made up as a balm to your fragile egos. As you can't accept that you supported a candidate that the electorate simply didn't want.

You MUST be victims. So you imagine that too.

I'll stick with the actual vote tallies over your emotional coping mechanisms.

You have ZERO evidence backing up your wildly imaginative stories about 6am vote dumps.


You're the one pulling shit out of your ass.
You should educate yourself.

Start here.

This is the National Academy of Sciences.

You trust them, don't you?

And where, pray tell, does the National Academy of Science indicate that the Michigan vote was 1 in 10,000,000?
Laughing, say it with me: NO where. You imagined it. Just like you did your fantasy that Trump won in 2020.

Smiling......its kinda hard to find support for stats you made up, isn't it buddy?

For Michigan specifically, it was a reporting error that was corrected within minutes. Y'all just ignored the correction.

Your willful ignorance doesn't create any electoral emergency. Which explain your spectacular failures in court.
I have to wonder:

Would things have calmed down ?

Would there have been clashes ? It was reported that shortley afterwards, some of the crowd started menacing the press box until cooler heads prevailed ?

What would the GOP have done ?

Would the election have been delayed to give the GOP time to chose a new candidate (and of course, the same question comes up....what if Joe Biden dies of a heart attack on September 1st ?).

I am voting for Trump and I want him to win.

But I don't want a civil war.

I also can't think of who would take his place. It forces to me to really wonder what it is that DJT can do that nobody else can do.

Just wondering.
De Santis has identical policies to Trump and is a winner. Seamless transition!!

But The Man Is The Donald!!!

De Santis has identical policies to Trump and is a winner. Seamless transition!!

But The Man Is The Donald!!!


De Santis is Great Value Trump. And its not the policies that folks like about Trump. Its a cult of personality.

Take Trump's policy on inflation, a major campaign issue. Um....what is it? Seriously, what's Trump's 'policy' to reduce inflation?

Its literally nothing. He has proposed absolutely nothing to reduce inflation. That's how little his supporters care about 'policy'. They're loyal to the man. And De Santis is a half assed version of Trump.
And where, pray tell, does the National Academy of Science indicate that the Michigan vote was 1 in 10,000,000?
Laughing, say it with me: NO where. You imagined it. Just like you did your fantasy that Trump won in 2020.

Smiling......its kinda hard to find support for stats you made up, isn't it buddy?

For Michigan specifically, it was a reporting error that was corrected within minutes. Y'all just ignored the correction.

Your willful ignorance doesn't create any electoral emergency. Which explain your spectacular failures in court.

You're not very good with statistics.

We do analysis FIRST, before we look at causes.

Pretend the red and blue lines are stock tickers. You see a consistent TREND, which is quantified by statistical moments. Then you see a discontinuity. So now you can hypothesize about "factors" that may have caused it. Those factors can be quantified too. The standard tests are t tests, f tests, anovas, and so on.

The problem with your theory is, none of the factors account for the change in moments. You could for example, look at numbers of registered voters, or polling numbers, or a wide range of other factors.

In Michigan, the miracle of the morning vote dump is that Trump's curve didn't change AT ALL. The chart indicates that 96.3 % of the votes in your alleged dump had to go to Biden, to see what you're seeing. There is NO combination of factors that can account for that. There are not 96.3% registered Democrats in Wayne county, not even close. The polling numbers aren't close either.

So you tell me, how 96% of a vote tally could go to one candidate. That has never happened in ANY presidential election in the entire history of the United States. EVER.
You're not very good with statistics.

We do analysis FIRST, before we look at causes.

Pretend the red and blue lines are stock tickers. You see a consistent TREND, which is quantified by statistical moments. Then you see a discontinuity. So now you can hypothesize about "factors" that may have caused it. Those factors can be quantified too. The standard tests are t tests, f tests, anovas, and so on.

The problem with your theory is, none of the factors account for the change in moments. You could for example, look at numbers of registered voters, or polling numbers, or a wide range of other factors.

In Michigan, the miracle of the morning vote dump is that Trump's curve didn't change AT ALL. The chart indicates that 96.3 % of the votes in your alleged dump had to go to Biden, to see what you're seeing. There is NO combination of factors that can account for that. There are not 96.3% registered Democrats in Wayne county, not even close. The polling numbers aren't close either.

So you tell me, how 96% of a vote tally could go to one candidate. That has never happened in ANY presidential election in the entire history of the United States. EVER.

You don't do a thing but cling to fantasies and ignore the evidence. Let me demonstrate with the actual Michigan voting officials explode your entire conspiracy fantasy with cold hard facts

The Michigan spike was a reporting error that was corrected in minutes.

View attachment 977722

With Decision Desk, the company where your image originated, confirming that there was erroneous data in their feed and it was corrected by officials.

"The images in the tweets appear to be screenshots of the website for Decision Desk HQ, a company that compiles election results for media companies and websites. Decision Desk said on Twitter that there had been a clerical error in its feed for one county in Michigan.

Once we identified the error, we cleared the erroneous data and updated it with the correct data as provided by officials,” the company said on Twitter."

But you HAVE to be a victim, don't you buddy? So you ignore everyone, even your own source, on the reporting error in Michigan.......and cling to your silly fantasy.

Yeah, I'll stick with the actual vote tallies over some rando on the internet who insists he knows better.
Oh, and scruffy in places like Wisconsin, the reporting backlog is exactly as I've described. Says who? Says Wisconsin election officials.

"We are not finding ballots," Julietta Henry, director of elections for Milwaukee County, told PolitiFact. "Ballots are being counted."

Democratic nominee Joe Biden passed Trump in Wisconsin about 3:30 a.m. on Nov. 4 because the City of Milwaukee reported its 170,000 absentee votes all at the same time. The votes were reported together because Milwaukee and 38 other communities used a central count location. Other communities counted absentee ballots at the polling places, and reported them earlier along with their in-person vote totals."

But you HAVE to be a victim, don't you, champ? It HAS to be a conspiracy, even when your silly story collapses under an even casual review of the evidence.

And your ilk are laughed out of court with a record of PERFECT failure.

To a rational person, that would be a hint and half. But to you, your failures become part of your conspiracy!
For Michigan specifically, it was a reporting error that was corrected within minutes. Y'all just ignored the correction.

Horseshit. That was retracted 5 minutes after it appeared.

Dumb shit, if there was an error you would have seen the blue line go back down. It doesn't.

Oh, and scruffy in places like Wisconsin, the reporting backlog is exactly as I've described. Says who? Says Wisconsin election officials.

"We are not finding ballots," Julietta Henry, director of elections for Milwaukee County, told PolitiFact. "Ballots are being counted."

Democratic nominee Joe Biden passed Trump in Wisconsin about 3:30 a.m. on Nov. 4 because the City of Milwaukee reported its 170,000 absentee votes all at the same time. The votes were reported together because Milwaukee and 38 other communities used a central count location. Other communities counted absentee ballots at the polling places, and reported them earlier along with their in-person vote totals."

But you HAVE to be a victim, don't you, champ? It HAS to be a conspiracy, even when your silly story collapses under an even casual review of the evidence.

And your ilk are laughed out of court with a record of PERFECT failure.

To a rational person, that would be a hint and half. But to you, your failures become part of your conspiracy!
Amazing what ignorant sheeple will believe
Horseshit. That was retracted 5 minutes after it appeared.

Dumb shit, if there was an error you would have seen the blue line go back down. It doesn't.


You said there was nothing to reporting backlogs, I demonstrated with Wisconsin officials there absolutely is. You insisted that Michigan vote tallies were the product of computer hacks or fraud by those that programmed them.

I demonstrated by officials testimony that they were a reporting error from a single county that was corrected. And the voting tallies DID got back down.


You're citing the reporting erorr AS the final results. With Michigan officials and the very folks that created your chart confirming that you're citing a reporting error that added 128K votes to Biden...that came off after the reporting error was corrected.

Again, your 'analysis' is just you ignoring anyone or anything that doesn't confirm your conspiracy.

Which explains your perfect record of failure in court. Why you've never been able to factually support your claim that Trump won in 2020.
Amazing what ignorant sheeple will believe

So when confronted by Wisconsin election officials explicitly contradicting your assertions that there were no reporting backlogs, confirming instead that ALL of Milwakee's votes were reported in one large lump at 3:30am..... summarily ignore the Wisconsin election officials and cling to your delusional fantasy, backed with nothing.

Laughing......apparently when you told us about your 'analysis', that was just your desperate, willful ignorance.

What else have you got, Big Liar? You line your baseless fantasies up, I'll knock 'em down with evidence and reason.
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Bernie Sanders knew what would happen.

He predicted it 3 days in advance, then again a day later.
Bernie Sanders knew what would happen.

He predicted it 3 days in advance, then again a day later.

He predicted that you'd ignore overwhelming evidence contradicting your absurd little fantasy and cling to your delusion anyway?

Shit, I could have told you that. You don't think. You don't analyze. You regurgitate sopping conspiracy cud. And its not even your cud. You just ape what you're told to think.

Yeah, I'll stick with the actual election results, thank you.
You said there was nothing to reporting backlogs, I demonstrated with Wisconsin officials there absolutely is. You insisted that Michigan vote tallies were the product of computer hacks or fraud by those that programmed them.

I demonstrated by officials testimony that they were a reporting error from a single county that was corrected. And the voting tallies DID got back down.

View attachment 977725

You're citing the reporting erorr AS the final results. With Michigan officials and the very folks that created your chart confirming that you're citing a reporting error that added 128K votes to Biden...that came off after the reporting error was corrected.

So where's the correction? Show me.

Show me the correction.

Show me the votes coming off

Show me the corrected curve.

Guess what... there isn't one. You lose.

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