What do the Climate activists really want?

No one can answer your question because it is ...... wait for it .... NONENSICAL, PARANOID, EGOTISTICAL AND FUCKING CRAZY
What? These people are destroying our property and our history in order to bring about change. Why can't they tell us their demands to get them to stop?
What? These people are destroying our property and our history in order to bring about change. Why can't they tell us their demands to get them to stop?
again in demofk fantasyland, there is no defense against an invasion. we are to just accept it and stay silent. Haven't you figured that out by now? Their entire point is to create havoc and that's it. They are contracted jihadists. They are malevolent, and proud of it.
They are contracted military against the west and only the west. This is their job, hired by the global elites to cause havoc. How else could they afford all the time, travel and materials

Oh I wasn't saying that wasn't true. I was just speaking of the activists in general as individuals.

I just meant for most of them as individual people are gullible, cowardly, weak minded people with no real value. That's why they are easily tricked into being activists because they can't function on their own, they need a group to follow along with and make them feel like they are valued.

Most of don't know what they want, they are just weak people with no value that are desperate for someone to tell them what to think and do.

You're exactly right. These people have this in their DNA to protest, not even knowing what it is they want. They don't have any lives. If they got everything they wanted (which they won't even tell us what that is), they would protest too many holes in Swiss cheese.

They will never be happy no matter what because they are unhappy to the core. They are only happy when they are unhappy. They need to be told what to do and think because they are unable to do it themselves.

They need attention because their lives are based around being online. And everyone online base their value on attention, if you aren't getting as much attention as possible they consider themselves of no value. But since they are so weak minded they will do anything, anything, for attention. They can't be happy with themselves alone, they need strangers looking at them to feel valued.

They don't care if something is even true or not, it's this desperate need for attention. But they lack independence, strength, will and pride so they do what all the rest of them do, and that's join someone else's cause and follow their orders blindly and irrationally.
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again in demofk fantasyland, there is no defense against an invasion. we are to just accept it and stay silent. Haven't you figured that out by now? Their entire point is to create havoc and that's it. They are contracted jihadists. They are malevolent, and proud of it.
They certainly can't answer a simple question.
Oh I wasn't saying that wasn't true. I was just speaking of the activists in general as individuals.

I just meant for most of them as individual people are gullible, cowardly, weak minded people with no real value. That's why they are easily tricked into being activists because they can't function on their own, they need a group to follow along with and make them feel like they are valued.

Most of don't know what they want, they are just weak people with no value that are desperate for someone to tell them what to think and do.
they are actually malevolent.
Maybe we need a thread, without an original link, to WHAT TO CLIMATE CHANGE DENIERS REALLY WANT.
As we read about Climate Activists going round spraying orange paint on everything they can find to vandalize it, the question must be asked, what exactly do they want? What agenda are the pushing for? They never say. All you hear is they are upset nothing is being done about global warming.

The sense that I get is, they want the global economies to simply shut down and contract like during Covid. They want people to stop traveling like they do, they want people to stop buying houses and cars that are too big to fuel and heat and cool, they want people to have less money to spend as a rule in order to have this happen. People will then stop having as many kids because they can no longer afford them, and the human population will contract along with it.

That is the sense I get from all the Left-wing climate activists. They simply want less of you and want you to suffer in any way that is needed to get less of you and have you have less along the way.

This is not a good message.

How about this instead, find a carbon free source of energy like nuclear power and demand the world governments use it to its maximum potential? That would make far more sense that it would to demand everyone have to buy EV's that are more expensive and that can ever replace all the gas cars on the road that are fueled by electricity that comes from fossil fuels and makes no sense other than making people do with less.

I get the sense, however, that these people hate humanity more than they do climate change.

That is why these same folks hate nuclear power.
You could find a way to get all our energy directly from the sun with zero pollution, and these nuts would find something else to protest, because the benefit of mankind has nothing to do with it.

The radical left consists of two types of people: the few evil masterminds who benefit from the upheaval and division: and the gullible misfits who carry their water.
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As we read about Climate Activists going round spraying orange paint on everything they can find to vandalize it, the question must be asked, what exactly do they want? What agenda are the pushing for? They never say. All you hear is they are upset nothing is being done about global warming.

The sense that I get is, they want the global economies to simply shut down and contract like during Covid. They want people to stop traveling like they do, they want people to stop buying houses and cars that are too big to fuel and heat and cool, they want people to have less money to spend as a rule in order to have this happen. People will then stop having as many kids because they can no longer afford them, and the human population will contract along with it.

That is the sense I get from all the Left-wing climate activists. They simply want less of you and want you to suffer in any way that is needed to get less of you and have you have less along the way.

This is not a good message.

How about this instead, find a carbon free source of energy like nuclear power and demand the world governments use it to its maximum potential? That would make far more sense that it would to demand everyone have to buy EV's that are more expensive and that can ever replace all the gas cars on the road that are fueled by electricity that comes from fossil fuels and makes no sense other than making people do with less.

I get the sense, however, that these people hate humanity more than they do climate change.

That is why these same folks hate nuclear power.

Greed specifically and money generally.

The renewable energy sector has experienced significant growth and investment in recent years, driven by climate change concerns, government initiatives, and economic opportunities. This essay summarizes the current state of renewable energy funding and profits, and presents an argument for the economic benefits accruing to both the broader economy and universities.

Renewable energy investments have reached substantial levels globally. The U.S. government alone spent $146.78 billion on climate-related activities from 1993 to 2014, with annual spending on climate science growing from $1.31 billion to $2.66 billion during that period. More recently, federal climate change funding across 19 U.S. agencies totaled $13.2 billion in 2017. The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 further boosted this trend, allocating $369 billion for energy security and climate change investments in the United States.

Private sector involvement in renewable energy has also been substantial. Companies like Generate Capital have secured billions in funding for renewable energy projects, with Generate amassing $4.2 billion since its inception. The global renewable energy market is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 8.5%, potentially reaching $2.18 trillion by 2032. This growth is driven by increasing affordability of renewable technologies and energy security concerns.

The economic benefits of renewable energy extend beyond direct investments. According to recent analyses, a dollar spent on clean energy generates approximately twice the output compared to fossil fuel spending. The transition to renewable energy is creating numerous jobs, with the Labor Energy Partnership estimating that the Inflation Reduction Act alone could create over 1.5 million new jobs in the U.S. in the next decade. Globally, renewable energy jobs have grown from 7.3 million in 2012 to 13.7 million in 2022, with further growth expected.

Renewable energy also offers significant cost savings for consumers and businesses. Households with solar panels can substantially reduce their electricity bills, while utilities find it more economical to build new solar or wind installations than to continue operating existing coal-fired power plants. The average U.S. household could potentially save $500 annually on energy costs through clean energy programs. Additionally, the shift to renewable energy could help mitigate the enormous costs associated with climate-related disasters, which have cost the U.S. over $2.72 trillion since 1980.

Universities stand to benefit significantly from the renewable energy boom, both financially and academically. As centers of research and innovation, universities are well-positioned to secure grants and funding for renewable energy studies. They can partner with private companies and government agencies to develop new technologies, improving their research output and attracting top talent. Furthermore, universities can implement renewable energy systems on their campuses, reducing long-term energy costs and demonstrating leadership in sustainability. This approach not only saves money but also enhances their reputation, potentially attracting more students and donations. By training the next generation of renewable energy professionals, universities can also ensure a steady stream of graduates entering this growing field, further solidifying their role in the renewable energy economy.

In conclusion, the renewable energy sector presents a compelling economic opportunity. The substantial investments from both public and private sectors, coupled with the projected market growth, job creation, and cost savings, demonstrate the sector's potential for significant returns. Universities, in particular, are uniquely positioned to capitalize on this trend, both through research funding and by training the future workforce. As the world continues to shift towards cleaner energy sources, the economic benefits of renewable energy are likely to grow, making it an increasingly attractive area for investment and development.


[1] Renewable Energy Wildlife Research Fund - Renewable Energy Wildlife Institute
[2] Finding Sources of Funding
[3] Financing – How Governments Support Clean Energy Start-ups – Analysis - IEA
[4] https://www.energy.gov/eere/funding/eere-funding-opportunities
[5] The Biggest Funding Surges in Renewable Energy and Sustainability Tech
So far the Left has only asked me to stop posting in this thread and go to a bar to talk to Leftists instead.

Or for a Leftist to start a thread on this topic?

Very odd.

I think the Left is done talking to any of us, now it's just blind conquest and destruction of their political foes.
So far the Left has only asked me to stop posting in this thread and go to a bar to talk to Leftists instead.

Or for a Leftist to start a thread on this topic?

Very odd.

I think the Left is done talking to any of us, now it's just blind conquest and destruction of their political foes.
well it's the standard shut the thread down at all trolling costs.

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