What do the Climate activists really want?

I have a much better idea. If you really want to understand what someone thinks, offer to take them out for a beer. Then each of you can look the other in the eye, ask all the questions you want, and get a far better understanding.

You'll never get an accurate understanding of what someone else thinks if your only sources are USMB, Tucker, Hannity, Fox, Breitbart and Gateway Pundit. I guarantee you.
So, you can't answer the question.
Maybe you should detail exactly what you think we should be doing, instead of just mouthing off generalities. One thing that I think sums it all up is the fact that Bill Gates donates 10 million dollars per year to mitigate the carbon footprint he makes because he doesn't actually want to mitigate the carbon footprint he makes. They guy would rather just pay 10 million dollars per year instead of actually doing his part to save the planet. If we all did that, the planet would not be saved. But, he can afford it so it is up to the rest of us to all eat berries and ride around on bikes while he can afford to live the good life.
So, your post has what to do with what to climate change voters want?

Famers across the world are protesting their governments saying they are being put out of business by the climate policies all across the world

This then brings food shortages, which is part of the picture of the global manufacturing of massive inflation we are all seeing.

These famers have no voice.

It is a kinder gentler world wide genocide as more and more people starve to death.

And as we all know, climate change will be blamed and not the governments across the world that is making this happen.
Who needs agri farmers when we can farm bugs?
I think these clowns want us to reduce our use of fossil fuels so their chosen prophets don't have to feel guilty flying their private jets all around the world.
So, your post has what to do with what to climate change voters want?
wow, look at you!!! Exactly. What do they want? tell us, it seems with your smart ass post you know! So what problem requires attention?
Honestly I believe they don't know what they want or have a goal.

I believe the vast majority of them are bored, and have no goals in life and offer no value to society. They are climate activists because they don't know what else to do. They sit on social media and fall in with a group of people just like them and together they give each other a false sense of friendship, and purpose. They are weak minded, can't think for themselves and weak willed and no one pays attention to them so they find a cause to fight for because it gives them a sense of being paid attention to and that they are worth something.

Modern society fosters the weak and lazy so they don't have to actually do much in order to be a part of society. That's why they become activists, because they have no value or purpose in society so they fall in with a group of people just like them all they have to do is think and do what the group the group thinks and does. It's the blind and stupid leading the blind and stupid.

All they want is for others to tell them they are right, that's it. They want the illusion of doing something and they want praise and attention, even if that praise and attention is hollow. They derive power from forcing others to tell them they are right
You're exactly right. These people have this in their DNA to protest, not even knowing what it is they want. They don't have any lives. If they got everything they wanted (which they won't even tell us what that is), they would protest too many holes in Swiss cheese.
Accuracy? If you watch a movie today there is a good chance of some mention of Prog agendas in it somehow. I expect the movers and shakers people to live the way they promote when massive resources are involved from the peasant. This is not some preacher not living like he speaks. When pure socialism is the rule and law, I know that the people at the top will be living off of the best capitalism can provide with the slaves from the lower levels servicing them.
That is indeed how it works.
Honestly I believe they don't know what they want or have a goal.

I believe the vast majority of them are bored, and have no goals in life and offer no value to society. They are climate activists because they don't know what else to do. They sit on social media and fall in with a group of people just like them and together they give each other a false sense of friendship, and purpose. They are weak minded, can't think for themselves and weak willed and no one pays attention to them so they find a cause to fight for because it gives them a sense of being paid attention to and that they are worth something.

Modern society fosters the weak and lazy so they don't have to actually do much in order to be a part of society. That's why they become activists, because they have no value or purpose in society so they fall in with a group of people just like them all they have to do is think and do what the group the group thinks and does. It's the blind and stupid leading the blind and stupid.

All they want is for others to tell them they are right, that's it. They want the illusion of doing something and they want praise and attention, even if that praise and attention is hollow. They derive power from forcing others to tell them they are right
They are contracted military against the west and only the west. This is their job, hired by the global elites to cause havoc. How else could they afford all the time, travel and materials
imo you just more want to argue that climate change is not real, or affected by human behavior.
Why can't the left answer his question? Detail exactly what it is they want for climate change policies. Then we can debate things specifically, one by one. But the left won't even give us one example, not one.
They do have a point. You were asked to detail what the nutcases want, or even what you want, and you were unable to do it. How are we supposed to know what it is climate activists want if they won't even tell us?
I already addressed that. Talk to them. In person. Like adults. Ask questions. Listen.

It's sad as hell that I even had to say that.
So, your post has what to do with what to climate change voters want?
???????????????????? What do they want specifically, not generalities? Give us some examples that are actually detailed. Do they want Taylor Swift to quit flying planes? Do they want us all to quit flying planes? Do they want us to quit playing golf, or just at that one golf course? What are their demands to quit doing this? We're listening. Why are they doing this if they won't tell us how to get them to stop?
I already addressed that. Talk to them. In person. Like adults. Ask questions. Listen.

It's sad as hell that I even had to say that.
A kidnapper kidnaps their victim and then contacts the family detailing exactly what the family has to do in order to get their loved one back. Why can't these people tell us what we have to do in order for them to stop?

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