What do the Climate activists really want?

As we read about Climate Activists going round spraying orange paint on everything they can find to vandalize it, the question must be asked, what exactly do they want? What agenda are the pushing for? They never say. All you hear is they are upset nothing is being done about global warming.

The sense that I get is, they want the global economies to simply shut down and contract like during Covid. They want people to stop traveling like they do, they want people to stop buying houses and cars that are too big to fuel and heat and cool, they want people to have less money to spend as a rule in order to have this happen. People will then stop having as many kids because they can no longer afford them, and the human population will contract along with it.

That is the sense I get from all the Left-wing climate activists. They simply want less of you and want you to suffer in any way that is needed to get less of you and have you have less along the way.

This is not a good message.

How about this instead, find a carbon free source of energy like nuclear power and demand the world governments use it to its maximum potential? That would make far more sense that it would to demand everyone have to buy EV's that are more expensive and that can ever replace all the gas cars on the road that are fueled by electricity that comes from fossil fuels and makes no sense other than making people do with less.

I get the sense, however, that these people hate humanity more than they do climate change.

That is why these same folks hate nuclear power.

Political activists - of all types - are usually people that get a degree in Poly Sci, and have no marketable job skills.

So, they latch onto whatever cause is willing to pay them. Sometimes they may even believe in that cause.

They spray paint things orange because they can't think of anything better to do. everybody in the world is aware of Climate change (or in denial) . spray painting things orange changes nothing.

There are intelligent ways to work to fight climate change - like your suggestion of Nuclear Power, or giving tax breaks to businesses that allow their employees to work from home.

EV were a good idea, but ultimately a failure. Hybrids seem to be a reasonable solution.

I strongly believe that climate change is very real and a threat to humanity - but I'd rely on the opinions of scientists and the solutions of engineers.
As we read about Climate Activists going round spraying orange paint on everything they can find to vandalize it, the question must be asked, what exactly do they want? What agenda are the pushing for? They never say. All you hear is they are upset nothing is being done about global warming.

The sense that I get is, they want the global economies to simply shut down and contract like during Covid. They want people to stop traveling like they do, they want people to stop buying houses and cars that are too big to fuel and heat and cool, they want people to have less money to spend as a rule in order to have this happen. People will then stop having as many kids because they can no longer afford them, and the human population will contract along with it.

That is the sense I get from all the Left-wing climate activists. They simply want less of you and want you to suffer in any way that is needed to get less of you and have you have less along the way.

This is not a good message.

How about this instead, find a carbon free source of energy like nuclear power and demand the world governments use it to its maximum potential? That would make far more sense that it would to demand everyone have to buy EV's that are more expensive and that can ever replace all the gas cars on the road that are fueled by electricity that comes from fossil fuels and makes no sense other than making people do with less.

I get the sense, however, that these people hate humanity more than they do climate change.

That is why these same folks hate nuclear power.

It's a death cult. They believe humanity is a disease on the planet, and needs to be eradicated. They want us extinct.
well it's the standard shut the thread down at all trolling costs.
With the Left firmly in control of the media, academia, and the government, there is no real need to talk to anyone about anything

Now they just need to focus on control and shutting down free speech.
It's a death cult. They believe humanity is a disease on the planet, and needs to be eradicated. They want us extinct.
It's a cult alright. The Earth is ending. We're all going to die. Then, when the Earth doesn't end, they go back to square one. The Earth is ending. We're all going to die. Rinse and repeat.
With the Left firmly in control of the media, academia, and the government, there is no real need to talk to anyone about anything

Now they just need to focus on control and shutting down free speech.
I get to laugh every night. Every night on the news there is some kind of bad weather somewhere, and it is ALWAYS caused by Climate Change. Always. That term is used every single night, night after night after night. You can bet money on it.
I get to laugh every night. Every night on the news there is some kind of bad weather somewhere, and it is ALWAYS caused by Climate Change. Always. That term is used every single night, night after night after night. You can bet money on it.

It's indoctrination, soon they will expect everyone to be willing to sacrifice and pay $$$$.
I think part of the problem is, Trump was not mentioned in this thread.

The Left only has up it's sleeve, Orange man bad

It is literally all they have.
Trump not only wants to take democracy away, he wants to speed up the demise of the planet through Climate Change denial. He must be put in jail.
It's a VEGAN plot to exterminate all meat eaters!!!!

Every democrat policy lends itself to favoring depopulation, whether it be abortion, or supporting gender confusion, or open borders with drugs that kill about 200 people a day, or throwing money at wars given to both sides, etc.

When looking at DNC policies through this lense, it all makes perfect sense, otherwise, they look like crazy fools.

Take your pick.
I know that was meant as a funny joke or sarcasm but it is more in line with reality than being a joke or sarcasm.
No, I'm serious!

The VEGANs have invaded earth and are determined to wipe out all meat eating humans!

They know that human women only voluntarily copulate for 3 reasons:

1. If the man is wealthy.

2. If the man looks like Leonardo Dicaprio

3. Under the pressure of persistent sexual harassment - but only as an act of pity.

They attempted to destroy the economy in 2008 to eliminate all the wealthy men, meanwhile they've infiltrated the HR departments in all businesses and initiated 'Political Correctness' policies to prevent sexual harassment and the subsequent pity sex that it entails.

Finally, their brainwashing every male that looks like Leonardo Dicaprio into a gender identity crisis.

They will stop at nothing to prevent the propagation of the human species!

Sauteed Kale anyone?
No, I'm serious!

The VEGANs have invaded earth and are determined to wipe out all meat eating humans!

They know that human women only voluntarily copulate for 3 reasons:

1. If the man is wealthy.

2. If the man looks like Leonardo Dicaprio

3. Under the pressure of persistent sexual harassment - but only as an act of pity.

They attempted to destroy the economy in 2008 to eliminate all the wealthy men, meanwhile they've infiltrated the HR departments in all businesses and initiated 'Political Correctness' policies to prevent sexual harassment and the subsequent pity sex that it entails.

Finally, their brainwashing every male that looks like Leonardo Dicaprio into a gender identity crisis.

They will stop at nothing to prevent the propagation of the human species!

Sauteed Kale anyone?
In other words, you are totally unable to debate the subject.
I believe that much of this nonsense is being orchestrated. But consider the young adults at these protests. They have been convinced that our world will be "toast" in less than 12 years for their entire life. Who could blame them when their teachers, the TV, the celebrities etc ALL tell them that ALL the "scientist" agree and only weirdos ask questions about it? Why would they set long term goals such as buying a house, starting a family, saving for retirement etc.. when Greta told them we have only 12 years left. They must be damn resentful and jealous of the "boomers" that did this to the Earth......So they are eager to go stop traffic. After all why the hell not ...the Earth is doomed...Everyone knows that! (sarcasm).
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If they were to pose serious ways to "stop" climate change or to even "stop oil".... then that would mean that maybe, just maybe, the Earth is not doomed. That notion would mean that everything they believe about the end of times being upon us... was a big, sad destructive lie.

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