Communist still want nothing less than total global domination and control.!!?

Never mind that !!! :

Since 1919 !!! ...
They are outdated and no longer important. Mosty have left that party and joined this organation and others like it

They have finally learned something and changed the game. The Communist party of America was abandoned by communists because it is a political party. They have learned that a communist party cannot win in the US through elections . The new organization is no longer called a party because they do not seek political power. They seek institutional power and ultimately a violent revolution.
They are outdated and no longer important. Mosty have left that party and joined this organation and others like it

They have finally learned something and changed the game. The Communist party of America was abandoned by communists because it is a political party. They have learned that a communist party cannot win in the US through elections . The new organization is no longer called a party because they do not seek political power. They seek institutional power and ultimately a violent revolution.

Don't forget these bozoes

Don't forget these bozoes

There are many of them some large some small. But they are numerous and dangerous. They are the ones driving the trans rights movements, BLM , anti racism, even the pro palestine encampments.
Yeah ... nothing like fighting racism to show a nasty commie underbelly ...
Anti racism is not fighting racism it is promoting racism against whites.

Communists consider racism and white supremacy to be CAPITALISM which is what they want to abolish.

Just about everything they hate is capitalism such as families and parental rights.

Do not let the name fool you. Many people on both sides pull shit stunt like calling an intrusive and draconian law the PAtriot act.

Or promoting fascist trampling of freedom of speech while calling your self antifa
Anti racism is not fighting racism it is promoting racism against whites.

Is English not your native tongue? ... the prefix "anti-" means "against" ...

There used to be a country named the "Soviet Union" ... they really badgered the United States during the 1950s and 60s ... they don't have racism there, the nature of a communist society ... it was really embarrassing and some would say all our efforts to combat racism is merely to keep the damn Soviet rhetoric from being so obviously true ...

Class-less and race-less is the only equal society ... the Proletariat Revolution ...
Is English not your native tongue? ... the prefix "anti-" means "against" ...

There used to be a country named the "Soviet Union" ... they really badgered the United States during the 1950s and 60s ... they don't have racism there, the nature of a communist society ... it was really embarrassing and some would say all our efforts to combat racism is merely to keep the damn Soviet rhetoric from being so obviously true ...

Class-less and race-less is the only equal society ... the Proletariat Revolution ...
You must have missed the part where I pointed out that many people name their organizations exactly the opposite of what they are.

Like Antifa or the democratic republic of North Korea.

Antifa is the closest we have to fascists in the US and North Korea is the opposite of a republic or democracy.

Actions speak louder than words and anti racism is not anti racism it is pro racism merely dirrected at whites but STILL racists. Anti racists are also shallow binary thinkers you are either in favor of their racism or you are a racist.

The USSR was not lacking in racism they were lacking in Races. There were few POCs in the USSR but they did treat ethnic minorities such as the Kulaks with extreme racism and genocide, You are wrong about the nature of communism. It is merely the egalitarianism of enforced universal slavery. It is never class less or equal except in the form of universal equal oppression,

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