Communist still want nothing less than total global domination and control.!!?

??? Are you feeling ill? That is not true.
Progs keep saying the same thing for each agenda they have and get done. Then move to the next one. 8 billion people in the world. A lot of them will lose when your dream of global government becomes reality. It is happening now. More and more Americans are dependent on government checks and benefits and checks from the private side also without working. The global elitists can stop that anytime they want if they choose to.
And then we got you is barely half right
How can trump love nazis while loving the jews

Trump loves only himself ... he paid $130,000 for a broke down whore while married to a supermodel ... if Trump loves Jews, why isn't he advocating HUGE arms shipments to the IDF? ... he's too damn chicken to look like a Democrat ...

Trump is undermining the Biden Administration's efforts for strictly political reasons ... campaign hype ... only MAGA Mike Johnson can initiate funding for Israel or for closing the border ... but he won't, Trump won't let him ... more campaign hype ...

The "Two State Solution" means One War ... here it is, Mr Trump ... time to choose sides ... will you choose Hamas just to make Quid Pro Joe look bad? ...

ETA: I voted for Trump in 2020 ... I hated his corrosive speech but his foreign policy was sound ...
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Been hearing this crap since the '50s. When's this "takeover" going to happen?
Been hearing this crap since the '50s. When's this "takeover" going to happen?

Horsefeathers ... this crap started February 23rd, 1917 ... and they're still trying ... Communism's greatest feature, equality, is it's ultimate failure, we are not equal ...

The problem with the proletariat revolution is they're stupid fucks ... always hand power back over to the Rich ... why God gave us a Kingdom ... and why He set Charles III over us to be our rightful King ... the Rich are better people, the way God intended, why we're blessed with the wealth ...
only MAGA Mike Johnson can initiate funding for Israel or for closing the border ... but he won't, Trump won't let him

Had a long visit with a friend from Shreveport (banker and attorney) who says Speaker Johnson, whom he has known for a long time, is truly disliked by many of the city's professionals. Character wise, he is an imitation of Tom DeLay, a real scumbag without principles.
Horsefeathers ... this crap started February 23rd, 1917 ... and they're still trying ... Communism's greatest feature, equality, is it's ultimate failure, we are not equal ...

The problem with the proletariat revolution is they're stupid fucks ... always hand power back over to the Rich ... why God gave us a Kingdom ... and why He set Charles III over us to be our rightful King ... the Rich are better people, the way God intended, why we're blessed with the wealth ...
Nice troll! :thup:

Point? You’re standing up for a felon. That’s the only issue here.


He wasn't a felon in 2020 ... I know Russia is different, but here in the United States, one is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court-of-law ... that guilty verdict by a jury of his peers happened after the 2020 election ...

I'm not voting for him in 2024 ... he's promised revenge against me ... and I'd rather he went after the Biden clan ...

I like this new reality ... ex-Presidents getting convicted, President's children thrown in prison ... long past time we held all the criminals to account ... look at how the Congress-critters treat each other and it no wonder there's shootings in our streets ... we deserve this ...

... time to change ... drain the swamp one conviction at a time ...
He wasn't a felon in 2020 ... I know Russia is different, but here in the United States, one is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court-of-law ... that guilty verdict by a jury of his peers happened after the 2020 election ...

I'm not voting for him in 2024 ... he's promised revenge against me ... and I'd rather he went after the Biden clan ...

I like this new reality ... ex-Presidents getting convicted, President's children thrown in prison ... long past time we held all the criminals to account ... look at how the Congress-critters treat each other and it no wonder there's shootings in our streets ... we deserve this ...

... time to change ... drain the swamp one conviction at a time ...
That isn’t a new reality, just MAGA propaganda.

Has anyone read the recent updated version of the Chinese Communist manifesto for the 21st century.? They still want nothing less than total global control, and domination.!!?? They say total Communist control of the entire Earth, weather world nations want them to take control or not.!!?? Is everyone aware of this.? Your thoughts.??!!?? They want Taiwan, reunited back with mainland China, then its on to take control of the entire Earth.!!?? They want North Korea to take control of South Korea, and then its on to Africa, South America, and the rest of the world.!!?? Your thoughts.??!!??

China can be held in check by other major players if we wish it.

The real communist threat isn't china but the world economic forum. Which by the way includes China's leader as a member.

But the world economic forum lead by the world's richest and most powerful communists want Communism in its purest form.

There they say America's dominance is over very soon and instead the world will be controlled by a few countries as a group. Of course those countries are ones lead by their members. They won't call it world Communism, but we all know what is is.
Been hearing this crap since the '50s. When's this "takeover" going to happen?
they will make their big move in about ten to fifteen years.

That is when the revolution will begin. It may or may not fail but that is when it starts.\

No you did not hear it in the fifties. That was a different time and a different threat. The threat at that time was foreign. The soviets were infiltrating us with spies all over the government. You may remember MCcarthy who as it turns out was correct.

Today the threat is internal. about half of the schools are now employing teachers and other educators who are indoctrinating kids with marxism. In about ten years the first generation of millions indoctrinated in marxism K thru 12 will come on line. That is where the time table comes from
Yeah, those commies are the worst! Do they hide under your bed?

Yes they are the worst.

They are out and open in society. They do not hide. They are no longer spies like they were in the fifties.

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