Hunter Biden’s Surprising Fan Base: Gun-Rights Activists

From the link:

Other gun groups have taken a more partisan view. The National Rifle Association, the country’s largest gun-rights group, has cheered Biden’s prosecution.

You would think the NRA, of all the interested parties, would be the most against Hunter's prosecution, right? But, no. NRA is nothing but a shill for the Republican party.

It’s yet another example of the dishonesty and hypocrisy of the partisan right.
Isn't that check box a form of self incrimination forced on the gun buying public who use non government approved recreational drugs?
Isn't that check box a form of self incrimination forced on the gun buying public who use non government approved recreational drugs?
7 out of every 10 High Profile Mass Shooters of the last 35 years were on ( SSRIs ) ( Illegal Drugs ) Or ( Both )
Isn't that check box a form of self incrimination forced on the gun buying public who use non government approved recreational drugs?

So the checkbox is not only unconstitutional but also useless in the real world.

^^^Look how angry the gun nuts are that people need to pass a background check to buy a firearm. You want every little kid to pack a gun in their kindergarten class.
Eric Blandford, whose 2.7 million subscribers tune in to watch him shoot guns and shoot-the-breeze about politics, is no fan of President Biden or his son (He called the younger Biden “the deepest swamp monster”).

But in an interview with The Wall Street Journal, Blandford said he believes that the law being used to prosecute Hunter Biden that forbids illicit drug users from owning firearms is unconstitutional, and says he hopes Biden will be vindicated in the U.S. Justice Department’s trial now under way against him in Delaware.

“Hunter Biden is innocent,” said CJ Grisham, a Texas attorney and an early leader in the movement to carry guns in public. “I think Hunter Biden is a despicable person and I definitely don’t believe in his politics but the fact of the matter is he is charged with a bogus crime.”

Grisham and Blandford say they are getting strong pushback in conservative circles for their views on the case. “Of course, people are going to say, ‘Why do you support Hunter Biden? He’s the enemy,’” Blandford said.

John Crump, a writer at the pro-gun site AmmoLand, said the Biden case has revealed a split in the gun world. In a piece boldly headlined, “Hunter Biden: You Must Acquit, the Law’s Not Legit,” Crump contended that barring illicit drug users from owning guns doesn’t pass the test established by the Supreme Court in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen requiring gun laws to be deeply rooted in historical precedent.

Other gun groups have taken a more partisan view. The National Rifle Association, the country’s largest gun-rights group, has cheered Biden’s prosecution.

No, this isn't a parody. And, if the other gun supporters who loudly proclaim their gun rights were honest, they too would come out in support of Biden. But of course, they won't. It shows you that even their Second Amendment rights are just transactional.
/----/ I don't support anyone lying on their application. The drug use is a different issue.
If the 2nd is "absolute", why aren`t kids aloud to take their guns to school?
/----/ They could in the 1960s.
Now it`s Jared Kushner`s turn to be investigated and he`s guilty of more than owning a laptop. The greasy looking kid even looks like he needs a good ass kicking.

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