Assassination attempt of Trump in PA

Kinda like how oswald who stated to the press “I’m just a patsy.” Was killed off,can’t have the alleged assassin stay alive for the trial or too many facts of the operation get told. As I keep saying,it’s 1963 all over again,this time though a patriotic president survived though thank god.speaking of which,I don’t believe in a higher power but I think that trump survived because there is some mystical Devine intervention protecting him,he has survived multiple assassination attempts,over forty five of them, to survive that many,There is something mythocal protecting him.
i know i hit the nail on the head now leftwinger the fact USMBS biggest resident trolls try to laugh these facts off.:auiqs.jpg:

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Not sure if you are paying attention but a typical gun loving 2A Pennsylvania family just produced yet another loner sad white male shooter who was obsessed with guns and tried to take out the president since school wasn’t in session.
Ohhh if your analogy was this simple, but it isn't.

The investigation has to include everything this guy had been subjected to in his life, and it has to include his friends, his habits, his GROUP ASSOCIATIONS in life (big one), his aggravations, his family history, his perspectives, his ideologies, his preferences, his pet peaves, his routines, his parent relationship, the entire thing.
Ohhh if your analogy was this simple, but it isn't.

The investigation has to include everything this guy had been subjected to in his life, and it has to include his friends, his habits, his GROUP ASSOCIATIONS in life (big one), his aggravations, his family history, his perspectives, his ideologies, his preferences, his pet peaves, his routines, his parent relationship, the entire thing.
And still it will likely turn up nothing at all, if the shooter didn't leave behind any clues.

Which is what this is looking like.
Ohhh if your analogy was this simple, but it isn't.

The investigation has to include everything this guy had been subjected to in his life, and it has to include his friends, his habits, his GROUP ASSOCIATIONS in life (big one), his aggravations, his family history, his perspectives, his ideologies, his preferences, his pet peaves, his routines, his parent relationship, the entire thing.
You know as well as I do that this was a depressed loner who let his teen emotions take over and decided that going out like this was his only solution. Teenagers act like the little things are big deals and the big deals are little things. They are nuts. It doesnt take too much to send them over... this kid went way over. He doesnt give a shit who is President.
You know as well as I do that this was a depressed loner who let his teen emotions take over and decided that going out like this was his only solution. Teenagers act like the little things are big deals and the big deals are little things. They are nuts. It doesnt take too much to send them over... this kid went way over. He doesnt give a shit who is President.
Disagree strongly with your analysis. I can see the kid acting out in some sort of way that is in close proximity to that which is right outside of his immediate bubble maybe, but going to a presidential rally with the intent to politically alter the world by taking out (what the left has been beating it's drum about since 2016), one of the biggest stars of the republican party - Donald J. TRUMP - is a huge leap for him to make.

Someone got to this young man, and they indoctrinated him, groomed him, and caused him to set out to do exactly what he tried to do.......Now who has been hammering home or letting people know about the sick and twisted agenda of the Democrat's and their dear old senile leader for year's now ?

Trump !!!!! Yes it was him and rightfully so.

Now the investigation just needs to connect all the dots, and then it needs to ID the circle of radicals that were the support team for this young man and his deciding to go to that rally, and then try to take out Donald J. Trump but for WHO ????

If a group is involved, then they need to be identified immediately, and then that should be investigated further.
Former President Donald Trump was rushed off stage by Secret Service agents during a disturbance at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, on Saturday.

Trump began his speech at about 6 p.m. and was only shortly into his speech when a disturbance caused Secret Service to swarm the former president. He was then led off the stage quickly, pumping his fist.

There appeared to be blood on his right ear as he was being taken off stage.

Just nuts....
/----/ Timelilne:
A local law enforcement officer climbs onto the roof and sees Thomas Crooks with a rifle, sources told Fox News. Crooks points the gun at the officer, who falls back, a source said.
That is true. But what I meant was: we're not sure if it was their AOR (area of responsibility). They may have given that area over to Local LEO's if they didn't have the personnel to police it properly.

They divide things up -- Locals here, State Police there, FBI here, USSS there and with ultimate say in what's what.

I think part of the problem was -- The Local Cops saw a bad guy and either didn't or couldn't relay that to the USSS sniper due to communications problems while the FBI was standing around with one thumb up their ass and the other in their mouth playing 'switch' every few minutes.

I wonder if they were even using the same radio frequencies. I doubt it. The USSS sniper, IMO, was pretty sharp. I would speculate that he saw the dimocrap with the rifle and wasn't sure if maybe the Locals were putting Dudley Doo-Right up on the roof for whatever reason but was keeping an eye on him. No commo.

Then, when he saw him fire, he took him out.
Anywhere that an assassin can get a shot from is the Secret Service's area of responsibility.
/----/ Timelilne:
A local law enforcement officer climbs onto the roof and sees Thomas Crooks with a rifle, sources told Fox News. Crooks points the gun at the officer, who falls back, a source said.
He squats and bears down mightily.

You're projecting again.

He projects his own faults on others-in this case, he projects his desire to have Trump supporters killed on Trump supporters.

SO...are you saying-with a straight face-that a woman cannot be dangerous? Are you mentally challenged?

It was with us when Paul Pelosi, husband of Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, was assaulted and beaten with a hammer in their San Francisco home two years ago.

Trump, the MAGA candidate for president, used that incident as an occasion for mockery: “What the hell was going on with her husband? Let’s not ask. … She’s got a wall around her house. Obviously in that case, it didn’t work very well, did it?”

Trump, while in office, considered political violence an option. According to former Attorney General Bill Barr, Trump would muse about the idea of executing individuals who disagreed with him. In 2020, Trump suggested shooting George Floyd protesters in Washington, as noted by his own Defense Secretary, Mark Esper

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