Assassination attempt of Trump in PA

Disagree strongly with your analysis. I can see the kid acting out in some sort of way that is in close proximity to that which is right outside of his immediate bubble maybe, but going to a presidential rally with the intent to politically alter the world by taking out (what the left has been beating it's drum about since 2016), one of the biggest stars of the republican party - Donald J. TRUMP - is a huge leap for him to make.

Someone got to this young man, and they indoctrinated him, groomed him, and caused him to set out to do exactly what he tried to do.......Now who has been hammering home or letting people know about the sick and twisted agenda of the Democrat's and their dear old senile leader for year's now ?

Trump !!!!! Yes it was him and rightfully so.

Now the investigation just needs to connect all the dots, and then it needs to ID the circle of radicals that were the support team for this young man and his deciding to go to that rally, and then try to take out Donald J. Trump but for WHO ????

If a group is involved, then they need to be identified immediately, and then that should be investigated further.
We’ve seen dozens of this kid shoot up schools and they are all the same. Your fantasy lives in your head. Enjoy,.

It was with us when Paul Pelosi, husband of Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, was assaulted and beaten with a hammer in their San Francisco home two years ago.

Trump, the MAGA candidate for president, used that incident as an occasion for mockery: “What the hell was going on with her husband? Let’s not ask. … She’s got a wall around her house. Obviously in that case, it didn’t work very well, did it?”

Trump, while in office, considered political violence an option. According to former Attorney General Bill Barr, Trump would muse about the idea of executing individuals who disagreed with him. In 2020, Trump suggested shooting George Floyd protesters in Washington, as noted by his own Defense Secretary, Mark Esper
No wonder you’re so scared…you actually believe that crap.

You're brainwashed. Break free of the RW Media bubble. Touch grass. Get a little sun. Exit the Cult.

All it takes is to listen to legitimately smart people with sound arguments and facts that are not easily dismantled. Go with the facts instead of narratives and predictions and conspiracy theories ( because you can't accept that your viewpoint is failed, or just not popular with the majority.)
God you're a moron. Own YOUR side's failed assassination attempt. YOUR side's violent rhetoric. YOUR side's coming massive loss in November.
Remember that after your landslide LOSS on election day moron. We won't forget YOUR side's calls for Trump's death. Nor will voters.

Every Sniper trained shooter agrees that there is something out of sorts with all this.

Are you aware why Paid Assassins don't hire out to kill the President of the United States? It's suicide.

And the trained Special Forces Snipers are speaking out that unless there were some serious inside help, the shooter wouldn't have come withing a half mile of that point. HE would have been apprehended or killed long before he got to the roof of that building.

Now, let's look at the round he used. He used a 223 or 556 round. AT 150 yds (148 to be specific), there isn't enough shock value left to penetrate the bullet proof (bad nomenclature call it bullet resistant). It could crack the glass (plastic) but not penetrate it. He would have had to keep firing at exactly the same location and literally drill his way in. What may have happened is, a shard of plastic dislodged and struck tRump. More on that later. Had it been a 7.62X51 or an Ought Six, even that would required the first bullet to punch through the glass and the second round would be the kill shot.

When the firing started, tRump raised his hand to his ear and came back with zero blood on his hand. Automatic reaction to cover the damaged area. The problem is, had the bullet or shard struck him in the ear, there would have been blood on the ear. And if there was blood on the ear, there should have been blood on tRumps right hand. Reason says, tRump was not injured until AFTER he went under the podium.

We only see the shots from either the front or the left side of tRump until after he goes under the podium. There was a camera recording on his right side but we don't get to see it until AFTER he goes under the podium. Where is the rest of the coverage? When they release that and it shows that tRump was, in fact, hit in the ear either by a bullet or a plastic shard then I will believe it was an Assassination attempt instead of something staged by special effects.
Every Sniper trained shooter agrees that there is something out of sorts with all this.

Are you aware why Paid Assassins don't hire out to kill the President of the United States? It's suicide.

And the trained Special Forces Snipers are speaking out that unless there were some serious inside help, the shooter wouldn't have come withing a half mile of that point. HE would have been apprehended or killed long before he got to the roof of that building.

Now, let's look at the round he used. He used a 223 or 556 round. AT 150 yds (148 to be specific), there isn't enough shock value left to penetrate the bullet proof (bad nomenclature call it bullet resistant). It could crack the glass (plastic) but not penetrate it. He would have had to keep firing at exactly the same location and literally drill his way in. What may have happened is, a shard of plastic dislodged and struck tRump. More on that later. Had it been a 7.62X51 or an Ought Six, even that would required the first bullet to punch through the glass and the second round would be the kill shot.

When the firing started, tRump raised his hand to his ear and came back with zero blood on his hand. Automatic reaction to cover the damaged area. The problem is, had the bullet or shard struck him in the ear, there would have been blood on the ear. And if there was blood on the ear, there should have been blood on tRumps right hand. Reason says, tRump was not injured until AFTER he went under the podium.

We only see the shots from either the front or the left side of tRump until after he goes under the podium. There was a camera recording on his right side but we don't get to see it until AFTER he goes under the podium. Where is the rest of the coverage? When they release that and it shows that tRump was, in fact, hit in the ear either by a bullet or a plastic shard then I will believe it was an Assassination attempt instead of something staged by special effects.

Here is an update. I looked in at the RNC happening right now and pulled this picture. Guess what, tRumps right ear shows zero damage. He is so sure that he can get away with another lie, he didn't even bother to put a fake bandage of it.


For all of you to see where that picture was lifted from, here is is.

This was lifted from the RNC just hours ago live.

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