Melania calls for Americans to “reunite”…I say phuck that. Let’s go to war. Your thoughts?

Now what? I thought you'd go ahead and post that.

But no, you are still sadly way off. None of my friends hang out in public in pajamas. And I as am very much a gunner. I shoot, I hunt, I own 20 or so firearms, and I like the history associated with the shooting world.

I never claimed to be a badass. But if you see me that way, that is on you.
NOBODY who like guns and the 2A likes faggot leftists nor defends ANYTHING they stand for…I smell fish.
hahaha…sure you do. You have a post history that indicates you’re left as fuck…Left as fuck = scared shitless of real guns.

Look, I get that I must have embarrassed you sometime. But get a fucking life (even on here).

I have a long history on this site. My post history certainly doesn't show me to be "left as fuck".

And as for posts about guns, I have made many of them. They should be easy to find. Find me ONE post that is anti-gun and I will quit this site immediately.

Or will you take the coward's way and just take cheap potshots?
NOBODY who like guns and the 2A likes faggot leftists nor defends ANYTHING they stand for…I smell fish.

You are a complete dumbass. There are plenty of people who shoot and support the 2nd amendment, who still support gays and leftists. In fact, I don't see the connection at all. Unless the anti-gun asshole's claims about a gun being an extension of your penis.....
306>232. Lol
How’d that work out for you and other Raider fans / the base?
Only purple hair leftists would brag about how great $5 fuel is, how great 10 million new wetbacks are, how awesome 19% inflation and 7.75% interest rates are, how cool and wars around the world are…WTF is wrong with you? Were you dropped on your head as a child? Why would you brag about fucking yourself over?
You are a complete dumbass. There are plenty of people who shoot and support the 2nd amendment, who still support gays and leftists. In fact, I don't see the connection at all. Unless the anti-gun asshole's claims about a gun being an extension of your penis.....
Check yourself bud…trust me, you’re all fucked up in the head.
NOBODY legitimate on any level champions ANYTHING the left is pushing….NOBODY!!!
Look, I get that I must have embarrassed you sometime. But get a fucking life (even on here).

I have a long history on this site. My post history certainly doesn't show me to be "left as fuck".

And as for posts about guns, I have made many of them. They should be easy to find. Find me ONE post that is anti-gun and I will quit this site immediately.

Or will you take the coward's way and just take cheap potshots?

You talk a big game. You’re a phony POS like BlackGaterMac&CheeseDic. Never any common sense, just a rush to defend anything Obien or Black criminals. You don’t fool smart people. You may as well Quit trying. You so far gone you RUSH to defend Fulton county Election Fraud you twisted forker.
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These kotex mouthed Black-tounged HOGs don’t get it. They started a war. (Back to 2007, then full on 2020 Election Fraud). I wouldn’t save them from falling off a 200’ cliff. I would say “you caused it, enjoy the ride down”.

Sensible decent people have to basically try to save what’s left after year 12 of Obidens BS destroying America and it’s crapoy GOVT.

If you bring that funk around me and I get a shot to watch you get ran over, I would laugh and hope more to come. Splat!

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