Mystery woman behind Trump that day

Hey AyeCantSeeYou, I see that you're online and some people might get mad at me for this but White 6 you too. I know that at least one of you isn't a Trump fan, but I was curious about your comments on this as I cannot believe that nobody else in the crowd noticed this. JohnDB I'm curious about your thoughts too.
Either one of the Trump election team advisors/workers or supporters.

Generally speaking they fill the bleachers behind the candidate to ensure they look full for the photo ops. This lady brought out her camera phone as soon as she could in case there was something special she could catch it. Most likely a worker.

People can behave funny and strange during a crisis....
Some cower in fear, some become total opportunists, some rush in to danger as if they have a death wish. Everyone is an individual with how they react to a shocking crisis. There is no "expected" behavior when realizing there is a sniper....most have no idea where the shot came from anyway.
Right, he climbed a ladder. Same as the first cop that confronted him.

The cop is irrelevant....the relevant question is roof access.

Of course the cop used the same I said it's a bigger deal than you think. But then again we are now hearing that this was planned for some time.
Either one of the Trump election team advisors/workers or supporters.

Generally speaking they fill the bleachers behind the candidate to ensure they look full for the photo ops. This lady brought out her camera phone as soon as she could in case there was something special she could catch it. Most likely a worker.

People can behave funny and strange during a crisis....
Some cower in fear, some become total opportunists, some rush in to danger as if they have a death wish. Everyone is an individual with how they react to a shocking crisis. There is no "expected" behavior when realizing there is a sniper....most have no idea where the shot came from anyway.
Good points
Either one of the Trump election team advisors/workers or supporters.

Generally speaking they fill the bleachers behind the candidate to ensure they look full for the photo ops. This lady brought out her camera phone as soon as she could in case there was something special she could catch it. Most likely a worker.

People can behave funny and strange during a crisis....
Some cower in fear, some become total opportunists, some rush in to danger as if they have a death wish. Everyone is an individual with how they react to a shocking crisis. There is no "expected" behavior when realizing there is a sniper....most have no idea where the shot came from anyway.

Seems like the "Oooh I might get a viral video" reflex.

I see what you guys are saying but just look at that smirk on her face when she's just sitting there recording it all. Don't you guys find that a tad bit creepy as I find it completely sinister and like something out of a horror movie. 😳
Doesnt look abnormal. 99.999% of the time it is a car backfire, fireworks, construction vehicle dropping materials, or a balloon. So the natural reaction is to do nothing. I was actually impressed that people didnt scatter everywhere.... they just sat in their stands. Seems like a bad idea.
Brave people... No one stampede out of there like a rock concert or other venue's gone bad. The character of conservatives are unmistakable in these situations. No FEAR...
I see what you guys are saying but just look at that smirk on her face when she's just sitting there recording it all. Don't you guys find that a tad bit creepy as I find it completely sinister and like something out of a horror movie. 😳
The smirk is creepy yes
I see what you guys are saying but just look at that smirk on her face when she's just sitting there recording it all. Don't you guys find that a tad bit creepy as I find it completely sinister and like something out of a horror movie. 😳
Not really.... It's just the time's in which we are living now.

People are becoming more and more desensitized, and in that numbing effect that is being experienced by many, "violence" to them is becoming more common place in some people's mindsets.

Once fear of God leaves the people's minds, then they will show soulless attributes as a result of it.

Not saying that the woman in question is such a person, but she appears to be an opportunist who will attempt to cheat death if she can get that super valuable photo that could change her whole world in her mind.
The smirk is creepy yes

You caught it too then!? She smirks before getting her phone and then although it's blurry it looks like she is smirking while recording the scene and I just cannot erase that sinister image from my mind as it's as freaky as hell.
Fake conservative, otherwise poser and you know it, but you gotta play the game right on and on right ?

His dad owns 20 guns. His house has up Trump signs, he registered as Republican, he tried out for a shooting team at school, he wore apparel from a YouTube gun and explosive channel, his classmates say he was conservative, he dressed in hunting gear, he was obviously…. A right wing culture guy.
His dad owns 20 guns. His house has up Trump signs, he registered as Republican, he tried out for a shooting team at school, he wore apparel from a YouTube gun and explosive channel, his classmates say he was conservative, he dressed in hunting gear, he was obviously…. A right wing culture guy.

The biggest two-day desperation “look at me” Lying fest ever assembled on the internet and posted by this City sewer mouth scum.

There are videos if this shooter yelling and screaming, “I hate Republicans”! “I hate Trump”. Like a madman.

Get off the boards dumb OX. Are all gaters complete POS?

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