Leftists Have A History Of Shooting Opponents.

Did "Hang Mike Pence" slip your little Kool-Aid-saturated mind?

Republicans are supporting a known serial liar, cheat, sexual predator, pedophile, traitor, fraud, anti-democratic dictator wannabe and the most incompetent and failed president in history and you think that's class?

Did you also drink bleach and stick a flashlight up your ass?
Biden is an incestuous pedophile, according to his daughter, the victim.

You decided that wasn't a show-stopper. You're okay with it.

You can stop pretending you have any morals now.
Yes, of course. A single, lone, young, gunman from 150yds in plain view of some spectators and quickly dispatched by one of many armed servicemen charged and trained to use deadly force protecting him has all the earmarks of a CIA operation or at least a covert assassination attempt by President Biden and his Gestapo-like henchmen.
That's the ticket?
BTW, what are the "other attempts at stopping" him? Stealing the election through immaculate fraudulation? Charging him with crimes that Grand Juries decided there was probable cause? Allowing criminal and civil judges and juries to find him guilty and liable for fraud, contempt, sexual assault, etc?
How about mocking him for lying constantly, being a bigot, a hateful comedian, and a cheater? Is that "stopping" that's "failing?"
Just asking.
How about mocking Trump for surviving an attempted assassination while ignoring the criminal negligence of the Secret Service and the FBI? I don't get it.
Anybody recognize the name Nicholas Roskie? Probably not. How about James Hodgkinson? It's part of the plan by the mainstream media to downplay attempted assassination attempts on right wing politicians. If the media has it's way we might forget Crooks the same way.

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