Is Trump now FORCED to take Nikki Haley as his VP to unify the GOP? (Poll)

1. Link?

2. Trump dealt with Covid. Genocide Joe Biden can't even deal with Israel.

1, I'm surprised we don't see the Orange Jizz dripping out of her mouth.
2. Trump "dealt" with Covid, and half a million people died. Another half million died before Joe got it under control.

3. Trump was treated very unfairly by the MSM. Biden gets ice cream questions and doesn't do press conferences...a new normal?

OH, everyone treats Trump "unfairly", but the fact the media "normalized" Trump because his antics were good for ratings. Shame on them.

4. You just can't handle the truth.

5. Good luck telling voters they are better off under Biden than they were under Trump.
4. The truth is that it jumped from Animals to Humans in a fish market in China. If you have ever been to a Chinese market, you'd have no problem understanding how that happened.

5. All Biden has to do is replay news from 2020.

Riots. Recession. Plagues. Murder Hornets.
1, I'm surprised we don't see the Orange Jizz dripping out of her mouth.
2. Trump "dealt" with Covid, and half a million people died. Another half million died before Joe got it under control.
3. OH, everyone treats Trump "unfairly", but the fact the media "normalized" Trump because his antics were good for ratings. Shame on them.
4. The truth is that it jumped from Animals to Humans in a fish market in China. If you have ever been to a Chinese market, you'd have no problem understanding how that happened.
5. All Biden has to do is replay news from 2020., Riots. Recession. Plagues. Murder Hornets.
1. You have her confused with Kamala and Brown.

2. Trump did better than fine.

3. LOL. Exactly. CNN & MSDNC are probably donating to Trump to help their dismal ratings.

4. The virus jumped 400 miles from their bat cave? Bullshit. It was the Wuhan Lab and GOF research.

5. All Biden has to do is get younger and less senile. You want Biden to have total control of the US nuclear arsenal??? Good luck.
1. You have her confused with Kamala and Brown.

Hardly. Harris was established and accomplished most of what she did without Brown's help, and turned on him when he was accused of wrongdoing.

2. Trump did better than fine.

14% unemployment
265,000 businesses went under despite government bailouts
8 Trillion in new debt
Riots in the streets

3. LOL. Exactly. CNN & MSDNC are probably donating to Trump to help their dismal ratings.

Donating, no. But let's look at this a bit more. Trump had a shit reputation in the 1990's. He was a joke, his businesses were bankrupt. Then along came the Apprentice, which puffed him up with bullshit. The media gave him all sorts of attention he didn't merit in 2012, to the point where Romney needed to kiss his ring. Then in 2016, they promoted him heavily because he was good for ratings.

I would also say in 2016, that every time they talked about his many, many disqualifying aspects, they had to do the "but her emails" shit on Hillary.

4. The virus jumped 400 miles from their bat cave? Bullshit. It was the Wuhan Lab and GOF research.

Actually, it's more likely the virus orginated in Racoon Dogs, a common animal in China. But as long as you want to bring geography into the picture. The Fish market is seven miles from the lab, and separated by a river. If it was a "lab leak", you'd have seen the first cases in lab employees or the home immediately near the lab. That just didn't happen.

Secondly, if it were a devious Chinese Bioweapon, you'd think it would have more than a 1% fatality rate.

The reason why COVID was so deadly was because of the ineptitude of certain governments (The US, India, Italy, and the UK) in trying to contain it.

5. All Biden has to do is get younger and less senile. You want Biden to have total control of the US nuclear arsenal??? Good luck.

Trump is just as old and is showing clear signs of mental deterioration. He's slurring his words in speeches, can't keep on topic, angrily whines about how everyone is out to get him. I'd be a lot more worried about him having the nukes.
Hardly. Harris was established and accomplished most of what she did without Brown's help, and turned on him when he was accused of wrongdoing.

Covid.,Recession,14% unemployment, 265,000 businesses went under despite government bailouts, 8 Trillion in new debt, Riots in the streets

Donating, no. But let's look at this a bit more. Trump had a shit reputation in the 1990's. He was a joke, his businesses were bankrupt. Then along came the Apprentice, which puffed him up with bullshit. The media gave him all sorts of attention he didn't merit in 2012, to the point where Romney needed to kiss his ring. Then in 2016, they promoted him heavily because he was good for ratings. I would also say in 2016, that every time they talked about his many, many disqualifying aspects, they had to do the "but her emails" shit on Hillary.

Actually, it's more likely the virus originated in Racoon Dogs, a common animal in China. But as long as you want to bring geography into the picture. The Fish market is seven miles from the lab, and separated by a river. If it was a "lab leak", you'd have seen the first cases in lab employees or the home immediately near the lab. That just didn't happen.
Secondly, if it were a devious Chinese Bioweapon, you'd think it would have more than a 1% fatality rate. The reason why COVID was so deadly was because of the ineptitude of certain governments (The US, India, Italy, and the UK) in trying to contain it.
Trump is just as old and is showing clear signs of mental deterioration. He's slurring his words in speeches, can't keep on topic, angrily whines about how everyone is out to get him. I'd be a lot more worried about him having the nukes.
1. meh
2. We'll see who voters prefer in November
3. The MSM tried to portray Trump as a joke in 2016, but he had the last laugh. He will again in November.

4. The Wuhan Lab and Fau-Chi's GOF research created the Covid pandemic. That Racoon Dog theory won't hunt. Chinese bio-weapon? The Wuhan Lab is run by a Chinese general.

5. Trump is 1,000,000x more lucid than Biden. Trump can do real press conferences. We'll see during the debates, if they are reasonably fair, who has more control of the facts.
Nikki can't be trusted... she will leak everything to the press just like Pence did...
Why not?
Would she gain votes in 2024 or not?
The Democrats are salivating over the possibility he would pick her and thereby give Biden a huge leg up in the election. She lost her own state by more than 20 points. The only primary elections she won were DC and Vermont only because Democrats who were allowed to vote in the Republican primary did so en masse to hurt Trump. Had those elections been restricted to Republicans, Trump wins both places. (Republicans are roughly 5% of registered voters in Washington DC.)

I do not have the negative opinion of Nikki that some others here do and I won't trash her. I actually like her. But as an establishment, pretty neocon Republican, I don't see how she would improve Trump's electability but I could be wrong.

Nikki is now on the record that she is voting for Trump.
1. meh
2. We'll see who voters prefer in November
3. The MSM tried to portray Trump as a joke in 2016, but he had the last laugh. He will again in November.
This time, they'll treat him like the threat he is.

4. The Wuhan Lab and Fau-Chi's GOF research created the Covid pandemic. That Racoon Dog theory won't hunt. Chinese bio-weapon? The Wuhan Lab is run by a Chinese general.

Actually, that's accepted by most scientists. only crazy people believe in the lab leak.
I really don't want to waste time on the crazy, but educate yourself.

5. Trump is 1,000,000x more lucid than Biden. Trump can do real press conferences. We'll see during the debates, if they are reasonably fair, who has more control of the facts.

Um, yeah, you said that in 2020, and Biden won all three debates.

I am happy for the contrast between a sane person and a crazy one.
The Democrats are salivating over the possibility he would pick her and thereby give Biden a huge leg up in the election. She lost her own state by more than 20 points. The only primary elections she won were DC and Vermont only because Democrats who were allowed to vote in the Republican primary did so en masse to hurt Trump. Had those elections been restricted to Republicans, Trump wins both places. (Republicans are roughly 5% of registered voters in Washington DC.)

I do not have the negative opinion of Nikki that some others here do and I won't trash her. I actually like her. But as an establishment, pretty neocon Republican, I don't see how she would improve Trump's electability but I could be wrong.

Nikki is now on the record that she is voting for Trump.
^^^^^ This is what a cult looks like.^^^^^^^
The Democrats are salivating over the possibility he would pick her and thereby give Biden a huge leg up in the election. She lost her own state by more than 20 points. The only primary elections she won were DC and Vermont only because Democrats who were allowed to vote in the Republican primary did so en masse to hurt Trump. Had those elections been restricted to Republicans, Trump wins both places. (Republicans are roughly 5% of registered voters in Washington DC.)
I do not have the negative opinion of Nikki that some others here do and I won't trash her. I actually like her. But as an establishment, pretty neocon Republican, I don't see how she would improve Trump's electability but I could be wrong. Nikki is now on the record that she is voting for Trump.
My thesis isn't as convoluted as that.
Fact-1: Nikki gets 15% to 20% of Republican votes in the primaries
Fact-2: Nikki beats Biden by 10-17 points in a head-to-head matchup
Fact-3: see Fact-2 again
Fact-4: As VP Nikki would gain more GOP votes for Trump than some Trump lackey VP.

The object is to win the WH, not to have a Trump sycophant as VP that the MSM can ridicule.
My thesis isn't as convoluted as that.
Fact-1: Nikki gets 15% to 20% of Republican votes in the primaries

Several problems with this premise. The first one is that the 20% of the Primary electorate (and in fact, only 20% of eligible voters even participate in primaries.) don't represent a love for Nikki but a revulsion for Convicted Felon Trump.

Sensible Republicans know that Convicted Felon Trump is destroying the party's credibility.
Some of those voters are probably even Democrats, since Biden effectively ran unchallenged.

Fact-2: Nikki beats Biden by 10-17 points in a head-to-head matchup
Fact-3: see Fact-2 again
The Hill's polling average had her beating Biden by 3 points with 17% undecided. Only one very questionable poll had her up by 16%. Another poll had Biden up by 10.

here's the thing. There is a very valid argument against Biden in his age. (although the same really applies to Convicted Felon Trump, who is probably in worse health.)

Fact-4: As VP Nikki would gain more GOP votes for Trump than some Trump lackey VP.

The object is to win the WH, not to have a Trump sycophant as VP that the MSM can ridicule.
Except, again, you are mistaking an anti- Convicted Felon Trump vote as a vote for Haley.
Just like the Bernie Bros all thought that Bernie doing well in 2016 meant we were all ready to sing The International! when in fact, it was just a disdain for Hillary.
My thesis isn't as convoluted as that.
Fact-1: Nikki gets 15% to 20% of Republican votes in the primaries
Fact-2: Nikki beats Biden by 10-17 points in a head-to-head matchup
Fact-3: see Fact-2 again
Fact-4: As VP Nikki would gain more GOP votes for Trump than some Trump lackey VP.

The object is to win the WH, not to have a Trump sycophant as VP that the MSM can ridicule.
You aren't taking into account how the Democrats and their surrogate media have skewed those polls time and again. If Nikki was a viable candidate she would have done much better than 1 or less out of 5 Republican votes.

And now that the weaponized Democrat regime has been exposed for the vile, militarized Marxist organization that it is, Trump is the ONLY reasonable choice for anybody who loves America and Americans. And I'm not sure Nikki is on much of anybody's radar any more. I would rather see someone stronger as VP. If she is the choice Trump gets my vote. If anybody else is his VP he gets my vote.

I trust him to pick somebody as VP who is ready to take over as President if necessary. He knows full well that at his age anything can happen healthwise as well as he is a big target for a deranged assassin. I'm not at all sure that most Americans trust Nikki as a person ready to take over as President.

I could be wrong.
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