Is Trump now FORCED to take Nikki Haley as his VP to unify the GOP? (Poll)

Israel isn't a pimple on the world's ass.
They were doing okay until stupid Hamas killed 1,200
That pissed the Js off so they destroyed Gaza and killed 40,000 or so women & kids
If you want shekels you need to be okay with that, that's US politics.

Money talks, bullshit walks. If you're in politics you need money. You can pass, you're not in politics.

So how is Israel the enemy of the American people besides selling military secrets to the highest bidder?
Israel attacked the USS Liberty in 1967, not by accident. Allies do not do that.

Israel attacked WTC on 911. Allies do not do that.

But go ahead on Kyzr, keep those eyes wide shut and mindlessly repeat the Israeli propaganda.
Blah, blah, blah. The only reason why illegals stayed in Mexico is they didn't want to catch Covid. That's like burning down your house to get rid of a mouse.

The only people who are upset are the Bleach-drinkers.

The rest of America knows Trump is a sleazebag, this just confirms it.
And yet they would rather elect the sleazeball than a 50 year career politician
We agree. Not sure how Biden's policies does anything for you???????

1. Biden has open borders, Trump closed the borders with remain in Mexico
2. Biden declared war on energy, Trump promises to "drill baby drill" and make the US energy independent.
3. Biden emptied the SPR, Trump keeps the SPR full
4. Biden promotes a "woke" military, Trump wants a "non-woke" military
5. Biden has a $7.3T Budgets, Trump ran the US with $4T budgets.
6. Biden coddles criminals, Trump is Law & Order
7. Biden will end fossil fueled cars, Trump lets the market decide
8. Biden has high inflation, Trump had low inflation
9. Biden defies the USSC on student loans, Trump obeys the USSC
10. Biden let 12,000,000 illegals into the US, including 100,000 Chinese and 50,000 Russians, Trump will deport them.
11. Biden wants a new Roe v Wade, Trump wants the states to decide as per the US Constitution.
Too much of what you posted are blatant lies.

Tell me, what's Trump's POLICY for lowering inflation?
I'm not bitching and moaning about inflation, moreover, I'm not running for president.

Again, what's Trump's POLICY for lowering inflation? Do you know know it?!??
I dont do blame shifting games with your side.

You own it and people are pissed about it.

We all had heat and eat in the winter of 22-23.
Cost thru roof.

I blame Biden for not remaking the toaster shorter. See our old toaster works. But suddenly the Pop Tarts are shorter. Cost more too.


Now when they pop up you can hardly get them out because they are so short.

Have to use a fork sometimes.

So I blame Bin Biden for not getting us shorter toasters for deflated sized Pop Tarts

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