Is Trump now FORCED to take Nikki Haley as his VP to unify the GOP? (Poll)

And that argument only holds up if you pretend 2020 didn't happen.

2020 Happened.

it was in all the papers.

People lost their jobs, their property, their loved ones, due to Trump's complete failure in leadership on Covid
Like you we will watch people use WMD's and detonate them on our soil. Nothing to lose. The city living intellectuals of your party will be dumfounded. Those who survive anyway.
By what standards?

Ken Starr spent 70 Million investigating Clinton's sex life, and the only thing he could definitively prove is that Monica Lewinsky gave him a BJ.
We do not believe that. When he went on TV before the election talking about his dalliances and of course not admitting it admitting it and asking us what he did, we understood.
Like you we will watch people use WMD's and detonate them on our soil. Nothing to lose. The city living intellectuals of your party will be dumfounded. Those who survive anyway.
Does your doctor know you are off your medications?

We do not believe that. When he went on TV before the election talking about his dalliances and of course not admitting it admitting it and asking us what he did, we understood.

Are you talking about Clinton or Trump?
Does your doctor know you are off your medications?

Are you talking about Clinton or Trump?
If you do not remember Clinton on TV with all of the accusations asking us what we think what went on and now answering it like the defining sex act, then you are lying or stupid. Screw Ross Perot and what he caused. this with George Senior the ultimate globalist shill being the alternative.
If you do not remember Clinton on TV with all of the accusations asking us what we think what went on and now answering it like the defining sex act, then you are lying or stupid. Screw Ross Perot and what he caused. this with George Senior the ultimate globalist shill being the alternative.

Can you please put forth a coherent thought.

People knew Clinton was a player in 1992. They didn't care, because George Senior had screwed up the economy that bad.
I seriously doubt that Nikki Haley will be tapped for the VP slot...

I seriously doubt that Nikki Haley would actually ACCEPT the tap if it ever materialized...

Running alongside Trump will be the Kiss-of-Death for any aspiring future presidential candidate...

It seems very likely that Haley knows this and has been operating on that assumption all along...

But... politics makes strange bedfellows and all of these people value their careers more than they do the Republic, so...

If the Orange Real Estate Mogul wants to close the sale it IS possible that he can exploit that character flaw in all of them...

She, too, suffers from that character flaw, as evidenced by her recent softening of position on whom she's voting for...

So... I'd guess "No, she won't accept if it's offered", but it wouldn't be the first time that I've been wrong...

On Trump's side of the equation... given his new status as a Convicted Felon... he'd be a fool not to TRY to get Haley on-board...

If Haley has an ounce of brains and integrity left after her recent turn-around, she'll be looking to 2028 and will decline...


For 2028... I wonder if a ( Ted Cruz + Nikki Haley ) or ( Nikki Haley + Ted Cruz ) ticket might not be on the horizon...
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You are wrong on so many fronts.

First, there were 135MM votes cast in 2016
There were 158MM cast in 2020

That's only 23MM more votes, an increase of 17%

So how did Biden and Trump do so much better?

1) Increased voter turnout—Voter participation jumped from 59% to 66%, accounting for about 16 million of those votes.
2) The voter base increased. More people came of age, and the voting-age population increased by about 10 million. Assuming 66% of them voted, that's another 6.6 MM. That gets you to your 23 million, or close to it.
3) Fewer people wasted their votes on third parties. In 2016, the Greens and Libertards got 5.9MM votes. In 2020, running B-list candidates because they didn't want to be blamed for a second Trump term, they only got 2.2 million.

What is unbelievable... that Biden only got more votes due to ballot stuffing, but Trump truly got more votes after Covid, Recession and Riots broke out on his watch.
And that argument only holds up if you pretend 2020 didn't happen. 2020 Happened.
it was in all the papers.
People lost their jobs, their property, their loved ones, due to Trump's complete failure in leadership on Covid
1. Fau-Chi caused the Covid pandemic by paying the Wuhan lab to do gain-of-function research AFTER Obama told him NOT to do it.

2. Trump's Operation Warp-Speed getting shots in arms in 10-months after the so called medical experts said 4-years, if then, saved millions of lives. You're welcome.

You are leaving out the VOTER PARTICIPATION NUMBERS. Participation numbers spiked in 2004 and 2008, but they dropped in 2012 (where no one was enthusiastic about Romney or Obama) and 2016 (where everyone just assumed Hillary would win.)

2020 was the highest voter participation rate since 1900 (when not everyone could vote.)

1. Fau-Chi caused the Covid pandemic by paying the Wuhan lab to do gain-of-function research AFTER Obama told him NOT to do it.

2. Trump's Operation Warp-Speed getting shots in arms in 10-months after the so called medical experts said 4-years, if then, saved millions of lives. You're welcome.
And we are back to the crazy, aren't we?

Trump had nothing to do with the vaccines, which were an international effort.
Trump was found guilty in Bragg's hush-money case.

That will cost Trump a few percent of voters. How does Trump gain back those few percent?

My recommended choice for VP is Nikki Haley. She still has 15%-20% of GOP voters, I'm one, and that burns Trump's ass. That would set Nikki up for the 2028 presidential contest as the first woman president, easy wins for the GOP in 2028 and 2032.

Trump's ego can't handle Nikki as his VP choice. That is unfortunate. Trump can pick her and win, or pick someone else and lose.

I'm not really sure she would hitch her wagon to the Trump train if asked. If they lost, then there probably wouldn't be a 2028 for her.
And we are back to the crazy, aren't we?
Trump had nothing to do with the vaccines, which were an international effort.
Trump and Pence built the factories at-risk before the vaccines were fully approved, saving time and millions of lives.
You're welcome.
Trump was found guilty in Bragg's hush-money case.

That will cost Trump a few percent of voters. How does Trump gain back those few percent?

My recommended choice for VP is Nikki Haley. She still has 15%-20% of GOP voters, I'm one, and that burns Trump's ass. That would set Nikki up for the 2028 presidential contest as the first woman president, easy wins for the GOP in 2028 and 2032.

Trump's ego can't handle Nikki as his VP choice. That is unfortunate. Trump can pick her and win, or pick someone else and lose.

Trump should pick Donalds from Florida. One of the smartest people in Congress...from a State that Trump must win...and he's black which would totally negate Kamala's boost to Biden's ticket. Plus Trump has always said whoever he picks has to be able to do the job as President. Put Donalds on a stage beside Harris and people will immediately see that he has substance and she's just plain weird.

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