Is Trump now FORCED to take Nikki Haley as his VP to unify the GOP? (Poll)

It likely would help him win, but I think if he loses without her, he'll just claim as he did in 2020, that he Won! And the election was stolen. And CHAOS, once again.

Trump will not pick any VP candidate to share his lime light with....or consider setting up, the next Republican president for 2028....imo.

The chaos is already here because you hate him so much.

I cannot wait til red AGs, red county and state officials start bringing up bogus charges on all your people.

Your game.

Your rules.

You will hate it.
Trump was found guilty in Bragg's hush-money case.

That will cost Trump a few percent of voters. How does Trump gain back those few percent?

My recommended choice for VP is Nikki Haley. She still has 15%-20% of GOP voters, I'm one, and that burns Trump's ass. That would set Nikki up for the 2028 presidential contest as the first woman president, easy wins for the GOP in 2028 and 2032.

Trump's ego can't handle Nikki as his VP choice. That is unfortunate. Trump can pick her and win, or pick someone else and lose.

No. She probably isn't even the best option.
Trump was found guilty in Bragg's hush-money case.

That will cost Trump a few percent of voters. How does Trump gain back those few percent?

My recommended choice for VP is Nikki Haley. She still has 15%-20% of GOP voters, I'm one, and that burns Trump's ass. That would set Nikki up for the 2028 presidential contest as the first woman president, easy wins for the GOP in 2028 and 2032.

Trump's ego can't handle Nikki as his VP choice. That is unfortunate. Trump can pick her and win, or pick someone else and lose.

NOt sure how Haley debasing herself further than she already has helps Convicted Felon Trump.

But at least you are honest enough to admit nominating a convicted felon is a bad idea.
That is an LOL!!

That's an AL Davis "just win baby".

Most of us want to change from the Biden era failed policies. If you liked the last 4-years, you're in the minority.
The difference between you and me is that you actually care and love these damn politicians. I don't.

I just care about what they do for me
Seems like a fair question.

Within the GQP, she'd theoretically bring in voters who might not vote at all because she lost. And for the rest, she'd soften the ticket, to say the least. There might be a decent amount of people who don't need a big reason to switch from Biden. And in practice, he'd shove her to the rear of the adminstration in favor of Stephen Miller and those guys.

What they think of each other, and what they've said about each other, is irrelevant. Politics is mostly bullshit to begin with.
Trump was found guilty in Bragg's hush-money case.

That will cost Trump a few percent of voters. How does Trump gain back those few percent?

My recommended choice for VP is Nikki Haley. She still has 15%-20% of GOP voters, I'm one, and that burns Trump's ass. That would set Nikki up for the 2028 presidential contest as the first woman president, easy wins for the GOP in 2028 and 2032.

Trump's ego can't handle Nikki as his VP choice. That is unfortunate. Trump can pick her and win, or pick someone else and lose.

As a convicted felon, IMO, no way in hell Nikki Haley is going to hitch herself to a sinking ship.

Even rats know to abandon ship once it is sinking.
Trump was found guilty in Bragg's hush-money case.

That will cost Trump a few percent of voters. How does Trump gain back those few percent?

My recommended choice for VP is Nikki Haley. She still has 15%-20% of GOP voters, I'm one, and that burns Trump's ass. That would set Nikki up for the 2028 presidential contest as the first woman president, easy wins for the GOP in 2028 and 2032.

Trump's ego can't handle Nikki as his VP choice. That is unfortunate. Trump can pick her and win, or pick someone else and lose.

What makes you think the GOP will have "easy wins" in 28 and 32 if they just nominate a Republican establishment figure like Haley?

Haley is more interested in "respectability" for the party instead of just schlonging the libs. That's strategery failed in 2012 with Mitt Romney. Why not just put Mitt in as a VP choice? Haley would lose votes in 2024, I can't see Christie and the Lincoln Project coming home to vote for her.
Except Dumb Don won’t change shit.
Maybe you haven't been paying attention to the differences between them?

1. Biden has open borders, Trump closed the borders with remain in Mexico
2. Biden declared war on energy, Trump promises to "drill baby drill" and make the US energy independent.
3. Biden emptied the SPR, Trump keeps the SPR full
4. Biden promotes a "woke" military, Trump wants a "non-woke" military
5. Biden has a $7.3T Budgets, Trump ran the US with $4T budgets.
6. Biden coddles criminals, Trump is Law & Order
7. Biden will end fossil fueled cars, Trump lets the market decide
8. Biden has high inflation, Trump had low inflation
9. Biden defies the USSC on student loans, Trump obeys the USSC
10. Biden let 12,000,000 illegals into the US, including 100,000 Chinese and 50,000 Russians, Trump will deport them.
11. Biden wants a new Roe v Wade, Trump wants the states to decide as per the US Constitution.

To your point, Republicans have a bad record of agreeing on changing policies, we'll see if that improves in 2025.
Trump was found guilty in Bragg's hush-money case.

That will cost Trump a few percent of voters.
HUH????????????????????????????? Just HUH???????????????????????????

The guilty verdict has enraged and energized the vast majority of Republicans like nothing else in recent memory. Far from costing Trump a small percentage of voters, the absurd guilty verdict has galvanized many people who were either against, neutral, or only lukewarm for Trump. His donations have sky-rocketed since the verdict.

Many of my Republican friends who were going to do nothing to help Trump but were just going to just hold their noses and vote are now fully engaged to help him. Some of them were considering RFK Jr. but have told me "I gotta back Trump now."
It likely would help him win, but I think if he loses without her, he'll just claim as he did in 2020, that he Won! And the election was stolen. And CHAOS, once again.
Trump will not pick any VP candidate to share his lime light with....or consider setting up, the next Republican president for 2028....imo.
1. Thanks for agreeing with the OP!
2. Trump had a good argument in 2020, he got 11,000,000 more votes in 2020 than in 2016, and lost!? There was major ballot stuffing in 2020 using mail-in ballots. That's why France doesn't allow them.
3. The balloting in 2024 remains to be seen. If dems keep finding boxes of ballots, then there will be chaos.
4. I hope you are wrong that Trump's ego will not consider Nikki, winning is always better than losing.
Trump was found guilty in Bragg's hush-money case.

That will cost Trump a few percent of voters. How does Trump gain back those few percent?

My recommended choice for VP is Nikki Haley. She still has 15%-20% of GOP voters, I'm one, and that burns Trump's ass. That would set Nikki up for the 2028 presidential contest as the first woman president, easy wins for the GOP in 2028 and 2032.

Trump's ego can't handle Nikki as his VP choice. That is unfortunate. Trump can pick her and win, or pick someone else and lose.

Trumps up 6 points already.

He should chose Kristi Noem.
It likely would help him win, but I think if he loses without her, he'll just claim as he did in 2020, that he Won! And the election was stolen. And CHAOS, once again.

Trump will not pick any VP candidate to share his lime light with....or consider setting up, the next Republican president for 2028....imo.

You're in Maine, right? Well, I'm sure we can get you on some of these charges. Because after all, "no one is above the law".



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