Is Trump now FORCED to take Nikki Haley as his VP to unify the GOP? (Poll)

Not sure how Haley debasing herself further than she already has helps Convicted Felon Trump.

But at least you are honest enough to admit nominating a convicted felon is a bad idea.
1. The bullshit "felony" counts will be overturned, hopefully sooner by the USSC, than later by the slow route.
2. Nikki Haley gains GOP votes, gains women votes, and probably gains indy votes. She would NOT be controlled by Trump.
1. The bullshit "felony" counts will be overturned, hopefully sooner by the USSC, than later by the slow route.
2. Nikki Haley gains GOP votes, gains women votes, and probably gains indy votes. She would NOT be controlled by Trump.
Kristi Noem gets women votes. And was the only Gov. Didnt shut down Covid
The difference between you and me is that you actually care and love these damn politicians. I don't.
I just care about what they do for me
We agree. Not sure how Biden's policies does anything for you???????

1. Biden has open borders, Trump closed the borders with remain in Mexico
2. Biden declared war on energy, Trump promises to "drill baby drill" and make the US energy independent.
3. Biden emptied the SPR, Trump keeps the SPR full
4. Biden promotes a "woke" military, Trump wants a "non-woke" military
5. Biden has a $7.3T Budgets, Trump ran the US with $4T budgets.
6. Biden coddles criminals, Trump is Law & Order
7. Biden will end fossil fueled cars, Trump lets the market decide
8. Biden has high inflation, Trump had low inflation
9. Biden defies the USSC on student loans, Trump obeys the USSC
10. Biden let 12,000,000 illegals into the US, including 100,000 Chinese and 50,000 Russians, Trump will deport them.
11. Biden wants a new Roe v Wade, Trump wants the states to decide as per the US Constitution.
Anyone claiming or believing that this "conviction" has harmed Trump politically should just remain silent. That take is so ridiculous that it disqualifies you from the public square. The most important poll statistic is $$$, and the verdict has brought in a tsunami of new money, including my own.

Are there any Republicans who would sit out or vote for Biden NOW, but would vote for the ticket if Haley were on it? I can't imagine why. She brings nothing but female genitalia to the table. Are there any Democrats who would be swayed by her addition to the ticket? Again, I can't imagine why.

The demographic that is most harmful to Trump now is single women. He trails Biden by 20%+ in that demographic and it is quite large. I don't think Haley would help in that regard because its issue is ABORTION.

I can't think of any running mate who would add votes but there are some who could lose them. It's a puzzle.
There are 27 red AGs in the US. I'm sure one of them can find something on all your Democrats and start the process you all love so much.
Sounds good to me. Hell 27 states charge Biden. Id love that. Then all their Senator candidates .

Anyone claiming or believing that this "conviction" has harmed Trump politically should just remain silent. That take is so ridiculous that it disqualifies you from the public square. The most important poll statistic is $$$, and the verdict has brought in a tsunami of new money, including my own.

Are there any Republicans who would sit out or vote for Biden NOW, but would vote for the ticket if Haley were on it? I can't imagine why. She brings nothing but female genitalia to the table. Are there any Democrats who would be swayed by her addition to the ticket? Again, I can't imagine why.

The demographic that is most harmful to Trump now is single women. He trails Biden by 20%+ in that demographic and it is quite large. I don't think Haley would help in that regard because its issue is ABORTION.

I can't think of any running mate who would add votes but there are some who could lose them. It's a puzzle.
It has swelled his ranks
As a convicted felon, IMO, no way in hell Nikki Haley is going to hitch herself to a sinking ship.

Even rats know to abandon ship once it is sinking.
The polling is not as dire as you suggest. If Nikki can add a few points the election is back on track.
What makes you think the GOP will have "easy wins" in 28 and 32 if they just nominate a Republican establishment figure like Haley?
Haley is more interested in "respectability" for the party instead of just schlonging the libs. That's strategery failed in 2012 with Mitt Romney. Why not just put Mitt in as a VP choice? Haley would lose votes in 2024, I can't see Christie and the Lincoln Project coming home to vote for her.
1. If Trump and Nikki get the US economy back on track 2028 and 2032 seem attainable, especially for the 1st woman president. But, as you say, a lot can happen between now and then.

2. Christie and the Lincoln Project don't matter when the opponents are Biden and Harris. Right now 70% of Republicans support Trump, if he picks Nikki as VP that number jumps up.
Maybe you haven't been paying attention to the differences between them?

1. Biden has open borders, Trump closed the borders with remain in Mexico

Blah, blah, blah. The only reason why illegals stayed in Mexico is they didn't want to catch Covid. That's like burning down your house to get rid of a mouse.

The guilty verdict has enraged and energized the vast majority of Republicans like nothing else in recent memory. Far from costing Trump a small percentage of voters, the absurd guilty verdict has galvanized many people who were either against, neutral, or only lukewarm for Trump. His donations have sky-rocketed since the verdict.
The only people who are upset are the Bleach-drinkers.

The rest of America knows Trump is a sleazebag, this just confirms it.
HUH????????????????????????????? Just HUH???????????????????????????

The guilty verdict has enraged and energized the vast majority of Republicans like nothing else in recent memory. Far from costing Trump a small percentage of voters, the absurd guilty verdict has galvanized many people who were either against, neutral, or only lukewarm for Trump. His donations have sky-rocketed since the verdict.

Many of my Republican friends who were going to do nothing to help Trump but were just going to just hold their noses and vote are now fully engaged to help him. Some of them were considering RFK Jr. but have told me "I gotta back Trump now."
1. The Biden commercials will pound that Trump is a convicted felon. The latest polls show Biden leading, when Trump was up previously. The race is about winning independents. Only 70% of Republicans supported Trump before the verdict, while 15% -20% supported Nikki Haley.

2. You may be right that the conviction on 34 counts will help Trump with some Republicans. That still doesn't determine whether picking Nikki helps Trump pick up women votes and unified GOP votes.
1. The Biden commercials will pound that Trump is a convicted felon. The latest polls show Biden leading, when Trump was up previously. The race is about winning independents. Only 70% of Republicans supported Trump before the verdict, while 15% -20% supported Nikki Haley.
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2. You may be right that the conviction on 34 counts will help Trump with some Republicans. That still doesn't determine whether picking Nikki helps Trump pick up women votes and unified GOP votes.
Hope so. Because Americans are PISSED at this BS.

Go ahead.
No. Her backers are becoming extinct. I;m not convinced that the people who support her even matter. I don't buy her support in the Primaries, she received PLENTY of Dem voter support.
1. Only Republicans vote in primaries, like PA.
2. Nikki gets 15% to 20% consistently
3. We need the GOP unified or we will lose.
The chance of me voting for Trump is .05%.

With Haley it goes to 0%.

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