Is Trump now FORCED to take Nikki Haley as his VP to unify the GOP? (Poll)

1. Thanks for agreeing with the OP!
2. Trump had a good argument in 2020, he got 11,000,000 more votes in 2020 than in 2016, and lost!? There was major ballot stuffing in 2020 using mail-in ballots. That's why France doesn't allow them.
3. The balloting in 2024 remains to be seen. If dems keep finding boxes of ballots, then there will be chaos.
4. I hope you are wrong that Trump's ego will not consider Nikki, winning is always better than losing.
25 million more people voted in 2024 for Democrats and Republicans....Trump got 11 million more than in 2016 as the Republican candidate, Biden got 14 million more than 2016 as the Democratic candidate.

There was ZERO mass BALLOT STUFFING in 2020. And ZERO EVIDENCE of such presented to support any of the FAKE claims on ballot stuffing that would have given the win to Trump in any of the 6 swing states.

That's purely MAKE BELIEVE.....and YOU know it....sad to see you say so, with zero Proof.

#3 is simply the usual lying hogwash by Trumpers because they are so mentally fragile, they are too feeble minded and weak to accept losing, like an honest, real man would.

#4 I'm likely not wrong!
Trump was found guilty in Bragg's hush-money case.

That will cost Trump a few percent of voters. How does Trump gain back those few percent?

My recommended choice for VP is Nikki Haley. She still has 15%-20% of GOP voters, I'm one, and that burns Trump's ass. That would set Nikki up for the 2028 presidential contest as the first woman president, easy wins for the GOP in 2028 and 2032.

Trump's ego can't handle Nikki as his VP choice. That is unfortunate. Trump can pick her and win, or pick someone else and lose.

Would she take it though? Does she want to get chewed out by Trump again?
Trump was found guilty in Bragg's hush-money case.

That will cost Trump a few percent of voters. How does Trump gain back those few percent?

My recommended choice for VP is Nikki Haley. She still has 15%-20% of GOP voters, I'm one, and that burns Trump's ass. That would set Nikki up for the 2028 presidential contest as the first woman president, easy wins for the GOP in 2028 and 2032.

Trump's ego can't handle Nikki as his VP choice. That is unfortunate. Trump can pick her and win, or pick someone else and lose.

Didn't vote...don't know.

what difference milley.jpg
1. Only Republicans vote in primaries, like PA.
2. Nikki gets 15% to 20% consistently
3. We need the GOP unified or we will lose.
Trump said she may have a role in his administration, she doesnt need to be VP, this isn't further extortion a la Stormy Daniels.

She isn't the best vote getter or alternative as VP. I'd choose Rubio, Scott and even Tulsi would be far better for Trump if he is looking to win votes.
Anyone claiming or believing that this "conviction" has harmed Trump politically should just remain silent. That take is so ridiculous that it disqualifies you from the public square. The most important poll statistic is $$$, and the verdict has brought in a tsunami of new money, including my own.

Are there any Republicans who would sit out or vote for Biden NOW, but would vote for the ticket if Haley were on it? I can't imagine why. She brings nothing but female genitalia to the table. Are there any Democrats who would be swayed by her addition to the ticket? Again, I can't imagine why.

The demographic that is most harmful to Trump now is single women. He trails Biden by 20%+ in that demographic and it is quite large. I don't think Haley would help in that regard because its issue is ABORTION.
I can't think of any running mate who would add votes but there are some who could lose them. It's a puzzle.
1. You either believe the polls or you don't. Recent polls disagree, some say Trump gained 6-points, others say he lost a few.

2. Only about 70% of Republicans supported Trump, before the convictions. Nikki Haley typically got 15% to 20% in the GOP primaries. Not saying any would vote for Biden, but some would NOT vote for Trump. Female genitalia aside, Nikki would gain women voters, especially after she debated Kamala Harris. She would gain independent voters too, those who need to be assured that there are checks on Trump in case he tried to pull any unconstitutional crap again. Would Nikki gain any democrat votes? Probably not, she doesn't need to.

3. Single women sunk the GOP in 2022, and the issue was abortion. Nikki is very well spoken on the abortion issue.

4. If you have a VP that would add more GOP votes than Nikki let me know, I would support that choice.
1. The Biden commercials will pound that Trump is a convicted felon. The latest polls show Biden leading, when Trump was up previously. The race is about winning independents. Only 70% of Republicans supported Trump before the verdict, while 15% -20% supported Nikki Haley.

There are so many things to pound Trump on. Just using the crazy shit he says at his rallies will be enough. Pounding him on aboriton will be enough.

2. You may be right that the conviction on 34 counts will help Trump with some Republicans. That still doesn't determine whether picking Nikki helps Trump pick up women votes and unified GOP votes.

Do you really think that there's a woman out there who says to herself, "Well, Trump raped E. Jean Carroll, had sex with Stormy Daniels and was convicted of covering it up, and he's restricted my access to birth control, but gosh darn, he's picked a woman VP, even though we already have a woman VP."
25 million more people voted in 2024 for Democrats and Republicans....Trump got 11 million more than in 2016 as the Republican candidate, Biden got 14 million more than 2016 as the Democratic candidate. There was ZERO mass BALLOT STUFFING in 2020. And ZERO EVIDENCE of such presented to support any of the FAKE claims on ballot stuffing that would have given the win to Trump in any of the 6 swing states. That's purely MAKE BELIEVE.....and YOU know it....sad to see you say so, with zero Proof.

#3 is simply the usual lying hogwash by Trumpers because they are so mentally fragile, they are too feeble minded and weak to accept losing, like an honest, real man would.

#4 I'm likely not wrong!
That there were 27m more votes in 2020 than in 2016. That is a 21% increase in votes when the population grew 1%. There is NFW that old Joe Biden got that many votes legitimately. It makes no mathematical sense. Two standard deviations is an outlier.

2020 is history, 2024 will determine the path forward.
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There are so many things to pound Trump on. Just using the crazy shit he says at his rallies will be enough. Pounding him on abortion will be enough.

Do you really think that there's a woman out there who says to herself, "Well, Trump raped E. Jean Carroll, had sex with Stormy Daniels and was convicted of covering it up, and he's restricted my access to birth control, but gosh darn, he's picked a woman VP, even though we already have a woman VP."
1. Yep, the anti-Trump commercials are not lacking for material.

2. You keep forgetting that the alternative to Trump is too Old Joe Biden. The real question is "did Trump make my life better or worse than Old Joe Biden?"
1. Yep, the anti-Trump commercials are not lacking for material.

2. You keep forgetting that the alternative to Trump is too Old Joe Biden. The real question is "did Trump make my life better or worse than Old Joe Biden?"
Trumps just as old and is bad health. His biggest fear is possibly happening. Him going to jail. That and going broke.
The polling is not as dire as you suggest. If Nikki can add a few points the election is back on track.

The first polls were absolutely push polls. They bet the farm on this. They can't have Americans knowing what a disaster it is right away.
That there were 27m more votes in 2020 than in 2016. That is a 21% increase in votes when the population grew 1%. There is NFW that old Joe Biden got that many votes legitimately. It makes no mathematical sense. Two standard deviations is an outlier.

2020 is history now. 2024 will determine the path forward.

You are wrong on so many fronts.

First, there were 135MM votes cast in 2016
There were 158MM cast in 2020

That's only 23MM more votes, an increase of 17%

So how did Biden and Trump do so much better?

1) Increased voter turnout—Voter participation jumped from 59% to 66%, accounting for about 16 million of those votes.
2) The voter base increased. More people came of age, and the voting-age population increased by about 10 million. Assuming 66% of them voted, that's another 6.6 MM. That gets you to your 23 million, or close to it.
3) Fewer people wasted their votes on third parties. In 2016, the Greens and Libertards got 5.9MM votes. In 2020, running B-list candidates because they didn't want to be blamed for a second Trump term, they only got 2.2 million.

What is unbelievable... that Biden only got more votes due to ballot stuffing, but Trump truly got more votes after Covid, Recession and Riots broke out on his watch.
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1. Yep, the anti-Trump commercials are not lacking for material.

2. You keep forgetting that the alternative to Trump is too Old Joe Biden. The real question is "did Trump make my life better or worse than Old Joe Biden?"

And that argument only holds up if you pretend 2020 didn't happen.

2020 Happened.

it was in all the papers.

People lost their jobs, their property, their loved ones, due to Trump's complete failure in leadership on Covid
There are so many things to pound Trump on. Just using the crazy shit he says at his rallies will be enough. Pounding him on aboriton will be enough.

Do you really think that there's a woman out there who says to herself, "Well, Trump raped E. Jean Carroll, had sex with Stormy Daniels and was convicted of covering it up, and he's restricted my access to birth control, but gosh darn, he's picked a woman VP, even though we already have a woman VP."
William Jefferson Clinton makes Trump look like a piker.

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