Is Trump now FORCED to take Nikki Haley as his VP to unify the GOP? (Poll)

Trump should pick Donalds from Florida. One of the smartest people in Congress...from a State that Trump must win...and he's black which would totally negate Kamala's boost to Biden's ticket. Plus Trump has always said whoever he picks has to be able to do the job as President. Put Donalds on a stage beside Harris and people will immediately see that he has substance and she's just plain weird.
1. Donalds is from FL, so he can't be from the same state as the president.

2. Donalds is impressive. But FL is not a swing state.
True. Its not a slam-dunk she would accept.
Putting myself in her shoes, I would turn it down and take my chances in 2028. She would have to worry about Trump pressuring her to be "loyal" and possibly becoming yet another target of Democrat's weaponized government, whether Trump wins or loses. I don't think she wants a target painted on her back.
Trump was found guilty in Bragg's hush-money case.

That will cost Trump a few percent of voters. How does Trump gain back those few percent?

My recommended choice for VP is Nikki Haley. She still has 15%-20% of GOP voters, I'm one, and that burns Trump's ass. That would set Nikki up for the 2028 presidential contest as the first woman president, easy wins for the GOP in 2028 and 2032.

Trump's ego can't handle Nikki as his VP choice. That is unfortunate. Trump can pick her and win, or pick someone else and lose.

Bird Brain?
Trump was found guilty in Bragg's hush-money case.

That will cost Trump a few percent of voters. How does Trump gain back those few percent?

My recommended choice for VP is Nikki Haley. She still has 15%-20% of GOP voters, I'm one, and that burns Trump's ass. That would set Nikki up for the 2028 presidential contest as the first woman president, easy wins for the GOP in 2028 and 2032.

Trump's ego can't handle Nikki as his VP choice. That is unfortunate. Trump can pick her and win, or pick someone else and lose.

What Trump and Haley have in common is that they are Israel First individuals.

Since the verdict on Thursday DJT has picked up nearly $40 million in contributions to his campaign, demonstrating that the logic you live by is faulty.

Without Haley I would consider voting for Trump, with Haley, NO DAMN WAY
Trump and Pence built the factories at-risk before the vaccines were fully approved, saving time and millions of lives.
You're welcome.
They did nothing of the sort.

Private enterprise did that.

Trump DID manage to fuck up the distribution when Merck and Pfizer finally came through with a vaccine.

She gets 20% and she isn't even running.

Many Republicans want to get back to normal.

If you want the Republicans to get "back to normal" then you should vote for Biden and put an end to Trumpism.

Otherwise, they are just going to run Don Jr. in 2028.
What Trump and Haley have in common is that they are Israel First individuals.

Since the verdict on Thursday DJT has picked up nearly $40 million in contributions to his campaign, demonstrating that the logic you live by is faulty.

Without Haley I would consider voting for Trump, with Haley, NO DAMN WAY
First, don't believe any number said by Trump.

Secondly, the polls show that voters are really concerned about this and Biden is pulling ahead in the polls. It will get worse when this sinks in that the GOP is running a convicted felon.
Putting myself in her shoes, I would turn it down and take my chances in 2028. She would have to worry about Trump pressuring her to be "loyal" and possibly becoming yet another target of Democrat's weaponized government, whether Trump wins or loses. I don't think she wants a target painted on her back.
1. Trump would never be able to pressure her to do anything she opposes. I could see her telling him to fuck-off.

2. Democrats and their MSM do what they do. She needs to see the world view from the WH to prepare her for 2028. She needs thick skin to handle a hostile MSM. The democrat's weaponized government will be defanged.
What Trump and Haley have in common is that they are Israel First individuals.
Since the verdict on Thursday DJT has picked up nearly $40 million in contributions to his campaign, demonstrating that the logic you live by is faulty.
Without Haley I would consider voting for Trump, with Haley, NO DAMN WAY
So we're exact opposites.
1. Trump would never be able to pressure her to do anything she opposes. I could see her telling him to fuck-off.

2. Democrats and their MSM do what they do. She needs to see the world view from the WH to prepare her for 2028. She needs thick skin to handle a hostile MSM. The democrat's weaponized government will be defanged.
I don't think she has thick skin. Trump is OK with becoming a martyr but I don't think she is.
They did nothing of the sort. Private enterprise did that.
Trump DID manage to fuck up the distribution when Merck and Pfizer finally came through with a vaccine.

If you want the Republicans to get "back to normal" then you should vote for Biden and put an end to Trumpism.
Otherwise, they are just going to run Don Jr. in 2028.
1. You can type all the lies you want.

Operation Warp Speed:​

Accelerated COVID-19 Vaccine Development Status and Efforts to Address Manufacturing Challenges​

2. We need another Trump term clean up Biden's mess before getting back to normal in 2028.
So we're exact opposites.
Yes we are. By many actions over many years Israel has made it clear that it is the enemy of the American people even as it utterly controls the federal government. Trump, DeSantis, Haley and 96 out of 100 Senators serve Israel's agenda. I'll pass. You have fun working for the Israeli state.
The pool of “R” candidates has dwindled down to the bottom of the barrel.

Without a strong Trump win followed by massive cleanup of Deep State Criminals, 2028 will be scrapings off the barrel bottom and lid.

No one but Deep State is allowed to work with them. Any outsider will be destroyed. No, I don’t see any solutions. It’s a problem built up over 20 yrs or more..
Trump was found guilty in Bragg's hush-money case.

That will cost Trump a few percent of voters. How does Trump gain back those few percent?

My recommended choice for VP is Nikki Haley. She still has 15%-20% of GOP voters, I'm one, and that burns Trump's ass. That would set Nikki up for the 2028 presidential contest as the first woman president, easy wins for the GOP in 2028 and 2032.

Trump's ego can't handle Nikki as his VP choice. That is unfortunate. Trump can pick her and win, or pick someone else and lose.

Trump won't pick Hailey.
1. She's a woman. He hates women.
2. She's Asian. MAGATS hate Asians
3. 1/3 of MAGADUMIA would revolt UNLESS

She shows up wearing a MAGA hat, denounces herself and declares she is a traitor then gives a running clothesline to Nancy Pelosi.

For MAGADUMIA the swerve is part of the game.
Trump won't pick Hailey.
1. She's a woman. He hates women.
2. She's Asian. MAGATS hate Asians
3. 1/3 of MAGADUMIA would revolt UNLESS

She shows up wearing a MAGA hat, denounces herself and declares she is a traitor then gives a running clothesline to Nancy Pelosi.

For MAGADUMIA the swerve is part of the game.

Shes a global warming fruitcake, almost as dumb as you and your KKKlan.
Shes a global warming fruitcake, almost as dumb as you and your KKKlan.
She could be everything MAGAT asswipes like you love.

She could be a racist bitch spewing hate with every word and lying literally about everything under the sun...

She's still a woman and MAGATA, like Trump, hate women.
She's still Asian and you hate Asians as much as you hate women.
Her worst sin of all...She said no to His Cheetoness, the Lord and Master of all MAGADUMIANS.

Pretending your hatred and ignorance has anything to do with policy is among your stupidest looks to date.
Yes we are. By many actions over many years Israel has made it clear that it is the enemy of the American people even as it utterly controls the federal government. Trump, DeSantis, Haley and 96 out of 100 Senators serve Israel's agenda. I'll pass. You have fun working for the Israeli state.
Israel isn't a pimple on the world's ass.
They were doing okay until stupid Hamas killed 1,200
That pissed the Js off so they destroyed Gaza and killed 40,000 or so women & kids
If you want shekels you need to be okay with that, that's US politics.

Money talks, bullshit walks. If you're in politics you need money. You can pass, you're not in politics.

So how is Israel the enemy of the American people besides selling military secrets to the highest bidder?

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