The day after Trump shooting, Trump-hater Adam Kinzinger tweets "Trump must be stopped"

Hey, it's your side now screaming that any criticism of a person is a death threat. And you criticized me.

I'm glad you seem to disagree, but understand that disagreeing with your very violent and unstable cult may put you in danger.

The shooter was radicalized by violent people like you:
Hitler was a lot less genocidal and antisemitic than Trump
Hey, it's your side now screaming that any criticism of a person is a death threat. And you criticized me.

I'm glad you seem to disagree, but understand that disagreeing with your very violent and unstable cult may put you in danger.

LOL Mammy, we never called your OVER THE HILL DUDE Hitler, but you called ours.

Again Mammy, protestith all you want, YOUR PARTY IS OVER-) I know it, you know it, and everyone on this board knows it, lol.

The only question is---------->will the GOP get control of everything, and if they do, how far they will bury your Non-American agenda under the ground-)
Interesting that you spout what your party is actively doing. Spewing lies and what you are doing at the opposition in the hopes that some of it will stick. The threats and censorship by the left is so prevalent, that it can be found all over the internet and leftist media. The only threat to our democracy is the party that is actively trying to undermine our Constitution, the so-called Democrat Party. It's doing everything underhanded they can to stop political opposition and once political opposition is ended, you no longer have a democracy. One only has to look at the nice and fuzzy official name of the following: "The Democratic People's Party of Korea." Sure sounds nice, but what happened, was it convinced its people that Socialism was the way to go and most got onboard with it. Once in power, they killed any opposition (literally) and due to incompetence, starved millions and decided that, that was a good thing as their Socialism worked better with a smaller population. That friendly titled nation....North Korea.
I'm only replying to my own post as I noticed that I typed that North Korea was officially called the, Democratic People's Party of Korea, when it's actually the Democratic Peoples "Republic" of Korea. Sure sounds nice and friendly, unless of course, you disagree with the government in any way, then it's outright murderous.
If the GOP wins it all, the first thing it should do is expand the court.
Surely, the liberals among us will agree.

NO, they should lock it in at 9, and force a 2/3rds majority to over ride.

I know it is a lot of coulda, shoulda, woulda, and maybes; but if the GOP gets control and brings the country even partially back, the far LEFT is done for YEARS! Many young people just coming out of college, have never seen what America should/could be.

In all honesty, it is up to them as the GOP. Do they want to play the short, or the long game? What they can NOT do is allow America to forget how the Far Left wanted to control them. Do at least that much, and the GOP will hold at least as much power as they do today, for the next 20 years.
Reagan was shot so John Hinkley could get Jody Foster's attention. Prior to shooting Reagan, Hinkley had been going after President Carter, but couldn't get close enough to Carter to try.

Trump was shot by a Republican, not a leftist.

The right has a gun problem. It's not leftists who shoot people. Republicans are the guys with all of the guns, as you keep telling us. All of these shooters are right wingers.

How many "Republicans" do you know personally who donate to the democrat party?

Watch this, folks............... :scared1:

Yes, yes, I know you want me in the re-education camps. You've made that clear for many years. You always let your fascist freak flag fly.


But why on earth did you think that all conservatives publicly demanding censorship was a smart tactic? I mean, hating me for always humiliating you is one thing. Demanding the whole nation be censored is something else.


Oh, wait. I get it. Like most of the Trump cultists, you're too scared to leave your fascist SafeSpaces, so you have no idea of how normal people think.

Reality is not going to be kind to you Trump cult fascists.

More projection.
That's nothing, they found a video of this fruit cake screaming hate at Republicans in the middle of an intersection. Full on fruit loop liberal nut job.


And yet he's calmer than every Republican on this thread.

Hopefully, the nice orderly will be around with their meds soon.


Hey, it's your side now screaming that any criticism of a person is a death threat. And you criticized me.

I'm glad you seem to disagree, but understand that disagreeing with your very violent and unstable cult may put you in danger.

More lies.
The leftist proponents should probably remember… those of us on the Right are generally better shots…. Or at least the attempts on US Presidebts would suggest that
The media reps who were there Saturday better remember how lucky they were that Trump wasn't killed.
Yet I'm not the one screeching for censorship here. That's you.

There's an easy way to have the mean ol' liberals stop criticizing you for doing awful things. Stop doing those awful things. Is it really that difficult for you to give up your evil ways?
When he wins in November, it's going to absolutely GUT you, huh?
I mean, what has really changed? Trump is still a threat to democracy. We saw it when he tried to overturn a legitimate election by hatching a plot to send fake electors to Pence to sign off on. We saw it on Jan 6th, when he incited a riot at the capitol building and refused to stop it when McCarthy begged him to. We saw it when he packed the courts with judges that will do his bidding to limit the freedoms of american citizens. We see it with our own eyes, but your eyes are clouded by adoration and worship. When you are this polarizing you are going to draw out all the crazies, like Crooks. It doesn't mean people can't continue spreading the truth, but maybe that's what Maga ultimately wants, because in places like Russia, North Korea and China, no one is allowed to voice their political opinion, especially if they deem it the "wrong" opinion.

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