What if it’s Biden who refuses to leave the White House?

What if it’s Biden who refuses to leave the White House?


One of the latest they have been running up the flagpole is that Trump will become a dictator who would refuse to leave the White House once his next term is up. It is all the rage among multiple liberal media outlets, while the main talking point of the Biden campaign seems to have morphed into “democracy is at stake” if Trump wins in November.
It was reported that one Democratic consultant went so far as to say: “The Republican Party is basically a domestic terrorist cell at this point, and they should be treated as such.” Honestly, is that the type of threatening rhetoric some in the Democratic Party want to sanction?
Such language and speculation are, of course, irresponsible and potentially dangerous. But it is language and speculation with a purpose: to frighten enough gullible or ill-informed Americans into voting for Biden in November to “save America.”
However, while speaking with some Democratic friends, a reverse scenario was brought up, albeit mostly tongue-in-cheek. That scenario being that what if, quite ironically, it was Biden who either postponed the election out of fear of “MAGA unrest and rebellion” or simply refused to leave the White House upon losing in November?
The scenarios regarding Biden either postponing the election or refusing to leave the White House centered on two main areas. The first is that some in the media — with a wink from the Biden White House — seem to be purposely fanning the winds of civil war in the nation. That theory being that as the millions of Trump supporters become more and more enraged by his conviction in the Manhattan trial or the prospect of him being imprisoned, they will take to the streets in mass anarchy, forcing Biden to postpone the election.
In speaking with my Democratic friends regarding Biden’s cognitive abilities, a question was raised: What if he loses to Trump in November but can’t process that he lost and refuses to concede? Again, based upon the poisonous “what ifs” being directed at Trump by many on the left, Biden is also fair game for such speculation.
But … he should not be.
How much better if the fearmongering stops and we all agree that neither Trump nor Biden will ever become a dictator and that neither Trump nor Biden will ever refuse to leave the White House when their term is up.
As fictional President Andrew Shepherd stressed in the movie “The American President”: “America isn’t easy. America is advanced citizenship … We have serious problems to solve, and we need serious people to solve them.”
Agreed. Let’s get serious.

You mean like questioning the results of the election? While I highly doubt the deep state is going to allow Trump to win, in the off-chance the country OVERWHELMINGLY votes for Trump, does Biden pull out the “Trump cheated” card?
Neo-Marxist DEmocrats have told us for the last 3+ years that the unforgivable sin is questioning election results?
The rules will change if someone questions the result when the Republican candidate wins.
Removing Biden from the premises would be easy.
Will Marxist funded storm the halls of Congress this time with guns. Molotov cocktails, to protest as they did in Portland and call it a Fiery but Peaceful Demostration?
The media is going to cause people to get killed

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