Who is the most feared power hitter in MLB history?

bobo its probably more the manager telling them to walk the guy....

When I say something stupid and someone responds back, I try to see if I can make an argument

The number of intentional walks Barry Bonds had is absolutely INSANE.​

Since 1924, only 3 hitters have been intentionally walked more than 40 times in a season:

  • Albert Pujols
  • Willie McCovey
  • Barry Bonds.
Pujols had 43 IBBs in 2009
McCovey had 45 IBBs in 1969, then 40 in 1970.

Then we get to Bonds:

Bonds had an insane number of IBBs:

43 IBBs in 1993
68 IBBs in 2002
61 IBBs in 2003

a whopping 120 IBBs in 2004 and

43 IBBs in 2007

Bonds led the league in IBBs 12 times (1992-1998; 2002-2004; 2006-2007)

Yearly League Leaders &amp Records for Intentional Bases on Balls | Baseball-Reference.com

Bonds had 688 career IBBs. More than 2x as much as 2nd place Albert Pujols (316).

It was May 28, 1998 and the Giants were playing the Arizona Diamondbacks. The D-backs were being managed by Buck Showalter, who made the decision to intentionally walk Bonds with Arizona leading 8-6 with two outs in the ninth inning.
bobo you ever play organized Baseball?....
That was my dads sport of course. First little league. I was left handed so right field and pitcher. Both of us made JV our freshman years. When my brother was a freshman the varsity won a state championship. So it was a program.

We quit after my brother pitched one blooper shy of a perfect game and I hit 3 for 4 and the coach benched us the next couple games anyways. We said fuck team sports and favoritism. My brother went into bodybuilding which is also subjective. The guy from the big gym is going to win no matter how good you look. I went into wresting tenth grade. Never did it before. But I could challenge the guy at 155 and if I win, I’m varsity. I loved wrestling. I was varsity first year, all league 2nd year and all state senior year.

It was great having the football/baseball coach ask me to please come back and play football. He never asked me to play baseball. I bet he didn’t think I was built for baseball. I was like Sammy Sosa he was looking for a mark mgguire
bobo you ever play organized Baseball?....
I heard the other day baseball players are measured 5 ways.

Hitting. I was more like Pete Rose. No power in my swing.
Hit for power. Not me. I hit a few dingers but not enough. Hit the warning track too much
I forget the other three. The one I didn’t have was hitting for power.
Speed was one. I could steal bases.

what are the other two things you look for in a baseball player offensively?

I threw a lot of guys out and caught a lot of hits to right field. No ne wanted right field. As a lefty I’m built for it. But fewer balls get hit to right because of course most hitters are right handed.
Bonds was in another world and teams refused to face him

Shows why Steroids needed to be banned
While I know it will never happen, my proposal to MLB is...

Every team gets ONE guy in the lineup... that's juiced out of his mind. Every team gets one, everyone knows it. We all know the sports world stopped when Bonds was at his prime.

If you're at a baseball game, and you know the clean-up guy is 305 lbs, jacked like a greek god, and if he gets a hold of one the ball is going out of park... you want to see that. We all do.

I say, make roids legal for one player per team.
rightwinger sealybobo John Edgar Slow Horses

If you ever wonder why Conservatives advocate for politics to be left out of sports, this thread is a perfect example. We all passionately disagree politically, but when it comes to sports we can come together and discuss it without animosity. I have had so many great sports discussions with democrats, even leftists. It breaks down the barriers. Sports is one of the last true unifiers. Yet, leftism wants to invade and make things into identity politics like with Colin Kapernick, Angel Reese vs. Caitlin Clark, etc.

We are more than our identities and our politics. You don't have to hate the "other side" when discussing non-political issues. The left demands that until their injustices are corrected, there's no peace or haven from it in any forum.

F that. Me and a blazing leftist can bond and totally agree on sports.
rightwinger sealybobo John Edgar Slow Horses

If you ever wonder why Conservatives advocate for politics to be left out of sports, this thread is a perfect example. We all passionately disagree politically, but when it comes to sports we can come together and discuss it without animosity. I have had so many great sports discussions with democrats, even leftists. It breaks down the barriers. Sports is one of the last true unifiers. Yet, leftism wants to invade and make things into identity politics like with Colin Kapernick, Angel Reese vs. Caitlin Clark, etc.

We are more than our identities and our politics. You don't have to hate the "other side" when discussing non-political issues. The left demands that until their injustices are corrected, there's no peace or haven from it in any forum.

F that. Me and a blazing leftist can bond and totally agree on sports.
Ain’t that the truth. I have neighbors who are loud proud in your face republicans. Everyone else keeps quiet. Probably half of us disagree with republicans but like here, there’s no arguing with them.

So at the dog park, I let it be known I’m a liberal. Now I’m a libtard. They are all less successful than me idiots. So I love bringing up things like his conviction or the fact they’re voting for a felon.

My brother and I debate carefully because we could go too far and start screaming. He’s a not see.

I don’t mind someone voting for a Republican, until Jan 6. Now, anyone I see voting trump, to me? They’re either Nazis or not sees. Sorry.

We are all Americans. You are free to be a Nazi and I should be free to vote for more socialism not less.

No Republican is afraid of us. Not where I live. They fly their fuck Biden or flags upside down. They fly their confederate flags. Vergogna!
when it comes to sports we can come together and discuss it without animosity.

I still have a hard time with that. These people are supporting the destruction of America. My retirement savings, Childrens' futures, everything gone. They are OK with open borders bringing in millions more un-vetted criminals from down south. Murders and rapes by these illegals of Children as young as 12. Bankrupting the nation, cheating the votes, jailing opposition. The list is endless of the dishonest BS they support willy-nilly if told to support it by Deep State DEM masters. I only have time to fire off quickly posts while working. If worded wrong so be it. sometimes I come back and fix them up time permitting.

I have disowned several long time CA friends. I just don't contact or answer anymore. I can hear enough BS right here. Making nice with these evil busturds is equivelant to attending a Satanist Devil worship church as a guest and giving donations saying "these people are not so bad". Uh, yes indeed it is bad very very bad what is going on.
There's a short list that probably includes Babe Ruth, Micky Mantle, Mark McGwire, Barry Bonds, Ken Griffey Jr., Willy Mays.... maybe a few others.

Of course I didn't see Ruth, Mantle, or Mays play during my lifetime. I'll corner it down to 2.

Ruth or Bonds, I could make a case for both... all I know is that Barry Bonds was SCARY, regardless of his supposed roid use. 7 time MVP.

A low key addition I'll add into consideration based on what I watched is Albert Belle. He had a Mike Tyson vibe to him, he was an angry player, and for 10 years he bashed home runs out of parks with 30-50 HR's every year. The only reason he's not in the HOF is because sports writers are fragile snowflakes and Belle didn't give them the time of day and was big ol' meanie.
Bonds, then Aaron. Either one of those guys could batflip a HR on an excuse me swing.
To spread it out over a player's entire career, I'll go with the players who had the most seasons with at least 40 home runs.

Tops is Babe Ruth with 11 seasons.

There are 4 that are tied at 8 seasons: Hank Aaron, Barry Bonds, Harmon Killebrew, and Alex Rodriquez.
what about the most 100 rbi seasons?....you can hit a lot of homers,but if you aint driving in runs with those homers they dont look so great....
what about the most 100 rbi seasons?....you can hit a lot of homers,but if you aint driving in runs with those homers they dont look so great....
So much of that is dependent on other people though. You could hit a HR every time at bat and only end up with that number if RBIs if your teammates aren’t getting on base
The only person I've ever seen whom the pitchers and managers were afraid of was Barry Bonds. And steroids or not, you have to hit the fucking ball. Give credit where credit is due.

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